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I think the rest of the cast think he’s getting to much publicity as why is dick head in most of the promotion shots.Gives it the big I am when in reality he’s just a scrawny twat.Wants to win this fight so badly and he’s been training like a crazed idiot.Was caught on when asked which charity he’s donating to as we all know he’s keeping the prize money.Ticket sales are not great and we all hope Paul with knock him out but the fake is obsessed with winning.
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I said last thread he'd be in the warm barrell, I apologie lol

How are we supposed to know what flappy's skin actually looks like when she uses a filter
She's glad when it's warm and sunny as she cant afford the leccy or gas lol
Load of parcels to drop off? that the clothes returns
Fred still awol, definitely at his dads after the physical fight they had, cant persaude me otherwise
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So they currently have a table for 6, and they are getting rid of it and having breakfast bar stools? Accident waiting to happen with Leo at an island having his dinner. They have no other dining room. They really don’t think about what they are planning on doing it, full steam ahead without much thought process.
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Chatty Member
Fucks sake, put a warning on that, will ya!!!!!
He looks like a haunted stick of rock.

I know. The pathetic/desperate behaviour is absolutely fucking embarrassing. What a way to live.
I'm sat in Costa in Norwich, after pootling about the shops, lunch, and having a coffee.
All paid for by myself.
I wouldn't swap my life for theirs anytime.
And both my kids like me.
I bet the pair of them are stuck in the hotel room, furiously clacking away at their phones for ANY attention, while Dudley is parked in front of the telly eating leftovers from breakfast 🥞🥞🥞
Not to blow smoke up your arse but you are my favourite tattler, every time I read a post from you I chuckle to myself at your descriptions.
Dudley 😂😂
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They’re both so thick, I bet they are off filming ‘family’ content somewhere, even though he pulled out of the show last night. She went there for a reason and I don’t believe it was just to sit in a hotel room.
He’ll be back thanking his minions for all the well wishes soon 🙄 and praying his attention seeking emoji story has done the trick and helped his engagement go higher than 0.86% 🤭
Well we know he has form for posting when off sick. Remember the bad back in Footloose yet he had a day at the beach? 🤬🤬
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Lets remind ourselves what his description says on his Instagram bio ⬇
So it’s World Mental Health Day and the day is less than 5 hours from being over and as a self named ‘mental health campaigner’, he’s too busy moaning about being tired, eyefucking his phone with his son, showing off his hotel, plugging his online show, etc…. to even mention it and he wonders why people think he’s a fake, disingenuous, attention seeking cunt 🤬

Just seen his grid post. Sorry that doesn’t cut it. As a so called MH campaigner, he should be acknowledging what day it is not feeling sorry for himself doing a ‘be kind’ post
Grief Ambassador and Mental Health Campaigner - meaningless titles that he gave to himself. Idiot.
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Philimena cunk

VIP Member
I've just looked up this Fuel Porridge. I wouldn't touch it with a bargepole. Absolutely packed with sugar (second ingredient) and has a whopping 60.8g carbs!

Having been on a keto/low carb diet for months and completely cutting out processed and high sugar crap, I can safely say that when he bangs on about fasting and getting into ketosis, he is just proving what an uneducated clown he really is!

This shithouse would sell Zelda if he could.

View attachment 2503642
That shit is in Poundland. Fucking desperate...
Do we have a sickie confirmed yet, or has the magic porridge given him the greatest comeback since Lazarus??????
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The face of two people not interested in hero’s but themselves!!! Pair of cunts
Notice how all the men have buttoned up shirts but that scruffy twat has his undone
does he seriously think he’s fit ?? He’s obsessed with showing himself and half undressed . He’s ugly and ain’t even got a nice body just because 75 year old women get giddy over him doesn’t mean he’s fit 😂😂🤡🤡
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VIP Member
Proved us all right yet gain Jake. Couldn't even last 4 weeks. Bet he was.really determined to prove us tattlers wrong but his feeble mind couldn't hack it and he needed to pull a sickie
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No Fakey you did not have the fucking flu you stupid cunt 😡
As for an island in the kitchen 🙄 Maybe get a proper TV unit in your lounge first. She does realise getting an island isn’t going to make their house look any nicer or more expensive. The z listers I follow (not many I hasten to add) their kitchens are the size of the whole downstairs of their house. Trying yet again to show they’ve got money and failing miserably. Forever home or not, you’d just get the whole kitchen done if you could afford it. They wouldn’t be getting the island if they were moving anytime soon.
They should have just re done the kitchen, its hideous. It looks like some back street dentist. They keep leaving things half done. Instead of getting the loft done which they don't even use they should have extended out.
They aren't proper z list influencers without bi fold doors 🙈
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See the sad bastard has commented on Tommy Fury’s fitness transformation post, he’s such a clout chaser! He’s also replied to someone who claimed Tommy is on steroids 🙄😂 ‘it’s doable YANO’, I’m living proof, don’t you know?!
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Back to his attention seeking best 🤮 The background music on this story though 🤦🏻‍♀️
I sense some sort of anxiety/pity/woe is me post before the end of the weekend. He may for a change also throw a bit of grief thieving into the mix as well.
FFS imagine him setting up his tripod to take that photo! Christ he’s so pathetic! I wonder does he practice writing his autograph? sad bastard! He can sign autographs in “ grown up joined writing” though, that time Polly got fake fans and they had the same clip boards and pens and all had the same picture of Fakey for him to sign 🫣
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VIP Member
just going to leave this here….
We all knew it would happen what a prick he does it every time
So, Jake ‘Quickendale’ pulled a sickie last night, then? I’m going to put the EuroMillions on for tomorrow night since I predicted a sick day on week 4 💷😂
What’s worst is I bet he was out to eat with Sophie and Leo and if he can fuck about in the gym he can do the show !!
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Another reason Flappy may have gone to Chester (still think it’s the TV cameras though) could be because he’s got lonely because he’s got no friends 😂 It is obvious people of a certain age, I’d say 21 and above, struggle to tolerate him. Whatever he does be it panto or theatre tours, you only ever see him with the younger cast members and that’s cos they’re on the same level of mentality as him.
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He’s obviously got no more TV appearances lined up this week if he’s already sowing the seed for a sickie 😂 LW come calling and he’ll miraclously recover.
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