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Imagine putting that prick of a husband and social media above your son! I officially can’t stand her more than fake now, how as a mum can you not put your kids before absolutely everything else? Selfish vapid creature, get in the bin.
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On a different note. So he’s at the gym this morning, will spend the afternoon getting ready and travelling and he’ll be making his way to Chester tomorrow, so yet again where is the time with Leo? So more important to be seen making a show of yourself on a red carpet than spending time with your son. It’s not like going to the Pride of Britain will get him any ‘work’. He needs to sort his priorities out.
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just watched the new stage to cage thing and he comes across as such a smug cocky arrogant twat. Id find him super annoying on it if I’d never seen him before whereas Paul just comes across as really nice and normal. Obviously has tonnes of money but doesn’t need to brag or show off.

Paul rocks up to training in a McLaren sports car but laughs saying it’s a midlife crisis. Funnily enough Jake doesn’t mention his financed golf that step daddy is paying for.

The main focus on Jake in this episode is the Tom Parker charity football match. He mentions he’s been personally asked by Kelsey. He’s absolutely loving showing off, he literally charges at someone on the pitch and shoulder barges them, such a nasty prick. Bangs on about how easy football is (played professional in… AUSTRALIA don’t ya know)

He’s actually hanging around the edge of the pitch trying to get people to take pictures with him to look like a famous celebrity, embarrassing. Next weeks preview showed him doing an interview about, yep you guessed it, dead dad.

he really is a prick.
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Chatty Member
His teeth are whiter then his shirt :LOL:
She is fuming isn't she and quite rightly to,don't get me wrong she's only reeping what she's sown, but she's a accessorie to hom the same as that cheap ring

"Look everyone I have a wife with boulders,I'm straight honest"
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Philimena cunk

VIP Member
So the desperate duo have blagged tickets for the pride of Britain.
Come on goysssss, give us a good laugh. Hope he wears his red Lego land suit, and orthopedic boots, and she's blagged something cheap and nasty from PLT or pep and co..
He'll be giving it large on how humble he is, all the while his heads on a 360o swivel looking for cameras and Chris Hughes/any other zilch lister.
Fake fans and soft shoe shuffle will be appreciated by us fakeys for a fucking good laugh...
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Please someone put non of the above in her suggestion box🤣🤣A weeks food dear god🤣Leave the boys alone flaps and go sort your dead arse marriage out👍View attachment 2490457
Shouldn't it be Fred's and Leo. I don't know if it's just me but eldest always comes first when I'm saying my kids names together or writing in a card etc. But yeh none of the above! I can't imagine anyone is interested of 7 days of anything in her life. She really doesn't know when to give up does she 😳
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Missing Soph and the boys but by the time he actually bothers to drive home Sunday goes to the gym and has a nap it will only be a couple of hours before he leaves again and most of that will be spent filming spud for content. Also I don’t believe for one second that pizza face took Fred for that haircut I reckon it was his dad and Fred took the selfies to send to her which of course she has to plaster all over insta I said quite some time ago I didn’t think he lived there anymore just lately I’m really convinced he doesn’t
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Fucking hell these two are so annoying and smug🤮🤢😳 Pride of Britain, pride of nothing these cunts🤬🤬🤬 both be dressed like twats seeking attention. I really fucking hate them both. He'll nail his coffin even further as he's gonna be acting like an arsehole. No chance of a big break for him now🤣🤣🤣
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I mean he’s never been my type and can safely say, he’d never ever be my type but imagine you’d booked to see him because you actually thought he was fit and you turned up to see him looking like he does now. The difference just in the cardboard cutouts of him and what he’s looks like today is astounding.
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So Leo said he wanted to drive in daddy’s car but yet they are still out in Sophs.

fred looks miserable as fuck, clearly been picked up from his dads. I thought he played football today?
Would they all fit in his hobbit car?? 😂
What's with his sudden obsession with wearing sweater vests? I don't know any guy in their 30s wearing them
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Ah will you look at that! He’s only father of the year! Freddie’s face says it all 😐
Freddie putting a brave face on it.

Maris " nobody's at home" , taking nothing in as usual, and oblivious to what they are doing........
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Aww look at him with his little staff lanyard on 😂😂 because he’s got work this week.

Fasting because he’s skint and no one wants to eat with him 😂
I love how his co worker Dan keeps posting in nice restraunts and enjoying decent breakfasts 😂😂
jake can’t spend a penny he owes to much in debts and mortgage arrears 😂
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Chatty Member
Wondering if she's had to take him another outfit because his are that crusty they'll snap with another wear ,
She doesn't look happy does she.
The way he shouts at that kid is it because it's through his phone not a proper conversation or is that the only way to get the boys attention
Also it's not just Leo's clothes that are to big those trainers look huge on him,take him to clarks get him a pair that fit properly and see if that improves his gait.
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Why would you film your wife getting changed in a car park and put it all over Instagram 🤦🏻‍♀️. If he’d driven this wouldn’t have happened 🤷🏻‍♀️ reminds me of that time they went to London for an important meeting before the OK event and went into a hotel toilets to change for it 😂. Mortifying 🙄 All because they’re so desperate to be seen.
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