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VIP Member
So as others have said, he’s now going to milk the engagement on the reel with Zelda as much as he can. He’ll be up there again first chance he gets 😂 The thing is though apart from inflating his own ego what else does he get from it? They’re never going to get the mother/son TV gig they’re both so desperate for and if and that’s a very big if, they do a podcast, one listen and people would switch off.
I saw this the other day and he immediately sprung to mind ⬇


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Livia Fantasy

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lmao. I’ve never interacted with him on insta. No likes, no comments, no DMs. Just viewed his story/reels (whatever they’re called now) a couple of times if they’ve been mentioned here but not posted.

blocked 😂
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Estelle needs a stern talking too. In fact she’s probably the one that always tags Strictly or This Morning on such nonsense. Either that or Estelle is Fakey
It’s the fact he can reply to that but when someone says they’re struggling on his posts, he completely ignores them 😡 Does he think one sad deluded person commenting he should be on SCD, will make them think ‘oh Jake Quickenden superstar extraordinare must be popular he’ll be first on our wish list next year’ 🙄 When you look at some of the unknowns now getting on there and they still don’t call him, that speaks volumes 🤷🏻‍♀️
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"then they are going to pick up Jake's car that Matthew has sorted out for him"
This says EVERYTHING 🤣🤣🤣
We shouldn't be so harsh on the old Terrahawk, in amongst her hours and hours of fucking droning on about Emmerdale she sometimes comes out with some little golden nuggets, and this id say is some of her best work to date

And ‘Done enough now not doing anymore’ says Soapy Sue
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I dont condone violence but I honestly wish that cat would have gave him a bat. Poor things thinking, fucking kill me now leaving me with this cock womble!!!!!
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I love this video as in just a couple of secs his mum destroyed whatever little credibility Jacob had. To go from Colchester all the way to Doncaster to pick up a car his ‘Step dad’ sorted for him. He needs to hang his sweaty syrupped head in shame. Just proves Fakey and Flapz have such a false life. You would think Sophie could have helped him out. They are both as skint as each other. No wonder he was on the phone yesterday begging for ‘finance’ help. Pathetic! He must be paying some
massive loan off and no finance company will touch him.
Didn't they take a loan out again the house for the hobbit loft they had done, probably can't get credit for that reason. Notice they don't sleep up there and still haven't got any bedside tables😆😆😆😴
I see Angela Ripon has been signed up by Strictly, well fucking hell that blows Fakey's bullshit excuse why he hasn't been on right out of the water🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 saying he was banned by an unknown rule, no you weren't syrup boy, they just don't want you🤪🤪🤪🤪 does anyone😆😆😆
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Vanilla Ice

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I bet the “Invisible” frwend that supposedly visited Fakey 🤥🤥🤥 was probably the person to collect his car that’s being repossessed hence why did a no show on his s/m
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Why is he getting the car washed again?! He’s such a knob. Honestly. Why oh why does he always have his top off. Greasy git.
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Jake must be fuming
Zara and Adam on strictly and somebody who did dancing on ice 🤣

finally realised your a nobody Jake ???
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Hi Fakey. Just an idea if you are bored and alone. Why don’t you assess your current financial position along with lack of work, and consider how you can ensure independent financial stability through adulthood and into retirement. You have a young family to provide for and maybe now is the time to retrain, set up your own business…what ever it may be to utilise your skills 🥴

or….just carry on filming yourself talking to the cat 😬
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He is such a grotty person. His videos are just awful. He just has an undercurrent of nastiness to him. Even his mother sounds sick of him.
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Philimena cunk

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Rehearsals for a touring play are usually about 6-7hours a day, with breaks .
It's not just the script, but movement, where they have to stand, etc
He'll ad-lib or try to, because he won't be able to memorize, and that will throw out next lines, reactions,etc.
The sickness will start when he realises it's too hard, he can't prepare, and he'll disrupt the entire performance fucking about.
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Chatty Member
I had ENT appointment yesterday, waited since pre covid for. I’ve now been referred to the tinnitus clinic for physio (although not sure how physio helps tinnitus?) I’ve also been told I need a small hearing aid in one ear. So if he tries with that shit again I’ll be fuming. He has no idea what it’s like and he certainly don’t suffer. I can’t wear earphones anymore as it makes my tinnitus worse and hurts my ears. He seems to be able to have headphones on 24/7
I’ve lived with pulsatile tinnitus for almost 20 years & I’m also partially deaf in that ear. He has no idea how frustrating it is & draining. I need a hearing aid with a white noise generator but Covid derailed it all & I have to start the process all over again. I hate when people pretend to have an illness or disability & plaster it over social media. This jobless, workshy hypochondriac is really grinding my gears. Silence? With tinnitus I have no idea what silence is
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Well Angela Rippon has just been announced for SCD so that puts paid to Fakey saying he doesn’t get asked because of DOI 😂. What will his next excuse be? Also makes him look so stupid all those recent press interviews he gave about it 😂
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