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I actually can’t believe he’s planned absolutely nothing for her ! she has to ask herself would HE of accepted this pile of dog crap for his 30th ?! clue would he fuck!
Exactly I get the impression he’s very controlling .
since getting with Jake she doesn’t do the things she did before .
No girls only holidays . No friends around the house .
nobody actually visits them do they ?
She distant from her family .
Why no family meal I don’t know about others but birthdays I always have a meal with my parents and siblings .

I think he hates her having any attention that’s why he takes the shine from her all the time . It’s her birthday but he’s done a reel to get likes for himself . Done absolutely nothing for her i mean he has a mum . My husbands useless but his family always help him decide what to get me and cake and bloons etc .
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ShowMeThe Money

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Tattle bingo on how soon they get home - check out is 11am. Will they stay for a nice lunch or will Ratboy dash back for more gym, running & boxing?
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Is she on the beg again for clothes stupid stuck up cow.Leo dresses like a tramp while she has more shit clothes than anyone could possibly need.Did not get gifted any bikinis so trying again to be gifted 😡🙄View attachment 1873494
How does she need any new holiday clothes with the amount of times they went away last year?! Also you can get almost anything from Next all year round, and with next day delivery- there you go Flaps, now fuck off.
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Philimena cunk

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Of course he's been paid. He does nothing for free! 💯
That bitch don't fuck for free ...

WTAF 😱 he really is a utter prick.Look at the state of him👀All happy full of himself enjoy your 5 minutes prick the dead you make a living would be ashamed of the arsehole you have turned into.He tells flaps at least 15 times a day he’s ill doubt those two fake twats talk that often in day.View attachment 1879104
Both gay, both fancy each other...ball juggler...

Jake and his "health anxiety".....
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he genuinely thinks if he goes selling his sob story to the papers he will get a job 😂
when will he realise he’s a nobody he’s no talent and nobody wants to employ him not even panto and that’s saying something because they employ any has been for a few quid 😂😂
Why would anyone in the industry want to employ somebody who comes across so desperate, sells out to tabloid newspapers, totally unreliable, moans when he’s ‘working’ and constantly plays the grief/pity/sickness/woe is me card. If he can’t see why he’s not getting the job offers, he really is one deluded thick twat.

Loads of messages? Are you sure flappy? Or were they all telling you how shit your free stay looked 😂
As usual photo of her in her bikini with the chosen child 🤢😡
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Also his constant commenting on SS insta..hoping to scrape some of her following in. We see you Fakey you sad, desperate haggard old man.
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🐔Manic bald headed cock, he gives me the hump, what with the weather, am totally fucked off by him. Going to message Dr. Amir Khan and tell him about the fags and booze, doubt I will get a reply but I will feel better....
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Guys I honestly couldn’t stop laughing
my husband just walked in the door with three crates of prime for our son 😂😂

so why people are fighting over it and grabbing them in shops no doubt Jake got his from sophies sister who lives in America 😂

anyway my husbands Work is next door to Asda and because they know him they just told my husband take as many as he wants 😂😂
You’ve made fakey go cry into his gummies 😂😂
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Chatty Member
Love island is starting a week today, wonder how long it'll be before he's slating the female contestants that are pretty much half his age 🫠
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My bro in law flys to the Maldives a lot (he is a commercial pilot) and said that it’s literally a series of sandbars with a hotel on so very little to do unless you fly to a bigger island and also you’ll need to go on the game to pay the drinks bill if not all inclusive.
Is it worth doing a 12hr flight plus and other connections for just a week? You’ll lose 2 days and feel so jet lagged.
I hope the internet goes down while they’re there and they have to actually talk to one another 🤣😂
I hope the internet goes down because he’ll self combust if he can’t document everything on Insta or go on tattle 😂
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Chatty Member
i really do detest him he’s absolutely vile.
Just the way in which he answers these types of questions it’s very telling. NO ONE truly suffering with MH issues would answer like this and be able to
do all the shit that he does ie kick-boxing etc….

I don’t care if im generalising a tricky subject He does NOT suffer at all. Bitching about others not crawling up his backside and being a lazy idle fuck do not = mental health issues! They = a self obsessed delusional Prick that’s so desperate for content that he’s married a WOMAN !! I say woman but she’s more like that cloverfield monster with
gangly horrible limbs lol just slap a nasty bob on it and ya got TWINS!


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The 'mum juice' is flowing! 🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷

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I don’t care what anybody says they drink every day and it’s not acceptable
my health visitor said you don’t both drink only one parent and one sober parent in case of emergencies like kids take poorly and need to go hospital .

it’s Monday he has no job and the kids have school it’s a normal week day so tell me why he’s drinking wine ???

both pissheads me and my husband don’t drink on weekdays as I’m sure most couples don’t with kids . The wine glass from last night is on the drainer I just posted it so it’s yet another night drinking . Not to mention the ammount off bottles all over the house
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As I said before RatBoy, you've got more chance of eating this than running one you grief thieving, unemployed, fucking pisshead. Somebody needs to monitor the funds on that GoFundMe of yours as well. 💯

You're charitable? Not a fucking chance 'mate'. What a fucking joke you are! Get a fucking job you utter wasteman. 🤬

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