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Everything has to be about him! Why not let Fred go over to Flash get a photo and chat with him? Oi Flash you alright boy? Yeah? Good! Bye! Fuck right off you embarrassment! Also your boy does not need a huge bowl of cereal followed by whatever that pastry shit was on the plate that's more cereal than i have and stop fucking carrying him he needs to run off some of those calories
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He I'll try his best to do it just to prove us wrong. Like he did with panto but he will hate every minute of it. Once it's done he will be back to beging. No work lined up so plays the dead brother card again. They will be looking down thinking thank god we are up here away from that cunt. He's nlan embarresment and his dad would be ashamed of him if he were alive
if he gets the attention he craves off this
then he will quickly sign up for another “marathon “ and thenrinse and repeat! if not he will move onto something else.
within 48hrs he’s changed his resolution twice lol first it was boxing and no one was interested so he’s gone back to his bread n butter DEATH!
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Because if they have any money spare (highly unlikely), they’ll use it on themselves on their adult only holidays. I can’t get my head round that they’ve been to Dubai on two separate holidays in 3 months and all they’ve done is sit on a beach and go to the mall. No water parks, no visiting the Khalifa (only in the distance), no boat trips, no fine dining restaurants. Basically done fuck all. Considering how obsessed they are with insta content, it shows how skint they are the fact they’ve not gone to any of the ‘influencer’ spots for pictures
Definitely shows how skint they are . Only two people that could ever make dubai look shit . Back to reality soon what next they both need jobs .
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Just a thought. I wonder how a cancer charity would feel to have a patron that smokes but continually lies about it 🤔 also will he have to be drug tested to do the marathon 🤭
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It’s already been mentioned but if she’s been gifted the stay to promote the hotels she is doing a crap job of it. They seemed to make a big thing of the restaurant that cooked the food on the hot plate in front of them but they’re nothing new. We have had a Japanese one in Newcastle city centre for years. Nothing they show would make me want to go there yet there is loads they could show off!
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They aren't selling this place as a family holiday all that well. Looks boring as f for children. Desert yesterday!! Beach today!!! Both one in the same.
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I didn’t even know there was a lego land in Dubai, sure they probably haven’t even taken them to LegoLand Winsor 😂 (please don’t tell me they have 🙈 ive only seen them go to chessington world of adventure which was based around things for Leo) oh a Ferrari world in Abu Dhabi, sounds great as the GP is huge there and I didn’t know there was a warner bros world there either, fantastic because there is only so many times you can do Orlando and mine are getting too big for Disney now so the boys would love this Ferrari World 👍 thank you newbie and welcome.
Thank you for the welcome ☺.

Because Jake is such a massive F1 fan 🙄 he could have done a tour of the Yas Marina Circuit with Freddie and even do a couple of laps in a racing car!
And in my opinion the best part they have missed while in Abu Dhabi is a visit to the Grand Mosque, it’s absolutely breathtaking at dusk! (Plus it’s free)
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Philimena cunk

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So he's finally realised he's a washed up nobody, and will focus on his family and charidee.....
How long will it last, I wonder...
If he was offered strictly or a job at Peterhead theatre doing The Bodyguard, he'd be on it like a tramp on a fucking ham sandwich...
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Do you know what @CrazyBaldhead you're 100% right.

I came back to work on Tuesday, and I'd not really had time for social media since I broke up just before Christmas. The first thing I saw - first day back at work, in the pissing rain, was this lot on a gifted holiday in the sunshine. But the more the weeks gone on, I've thought I'd rather be where I am, than living my life glued to my phone & pretending my life and relationship are perfect.

My life isn't perfect, and Mr Pigs and I bicker about the small stuff... but we have a lovely home (which we've both worked bloody hard for), no debts, & our blended families are happy and healthy.

Seeing that last photo of the Prickendens on their phones with Leo plonked in front of the telly... I don't even hate them at this point. I pity them.
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Just been having a look through some of the old Fakey threads and this cunt was plonking 4 month old Warwick in front of the tv😳 he had no toys and no stimulation just constant screens and Fakeys ugly boat race shoved in his 24/7
There is absolutely no wonder Warwick is behind with everything thanks to these 2 shit parents. Flappy should know better she has Freddie.
This is a post from September 2021

Everything posted here is exactly what I was thinking this morning, literally spending hours and hours in bed doing nothing except eye fucking himself and damaging that child in the process, and yes Jake you ARE damaging him by doing nothing with him, its clear to see that child is not anywhere near where he should be at his age because he is carried around as an accessory by his idiot parents to make money and then dumped in front of the TV or encouraged to go back to sleep constantly when they can't be fuckimg bothered to actually parent him.Children NEED stimulation and exposure to the outside world,they need to feel the sun and wind on their faces, sand or grass on their feet, they need to see other people, they need to see animals,walk in the woods or a park hear the sound of other children playing and talking, even taking a kid on the bus is a learning experience. Jake this is hiw they learn, you are causing him such harm by just letting him do nothing in the house all day every day.and yes, if they were doing any of that they'd be filming every bloody second of it and loudly talking so they were the centre of attention so we know its not happening.and half the time the kid looks so bewildered or scared with that phone in his face and the constant fucking distorted face filters.turn the phone off, put on some clothes, change the bed and take that child outside ffs you absolute tool

What a shit dad he is🤬🤬🤬🤬

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He has no class and acts like a idiot around everyone 24-7.How can she fancy him🤢His latest post with leo showing no
interest and saying he’s so observant and special😳Keep kidding yourself bro sorry but that child shows no emotion laughs or engages with no one unless he’s eating.His fat belly with no muscle shows the prick is a massive fake how embarrassing.
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Could this be because he has always been put in hard bottomed shoes even before he could walk? My bubba has pram shoes atm as he is only 10 months. Or maybe the shoes do not fit him? If he has been shoved in nothing but "fashionable" trainers rather than properly fitted Clarks shoes would this cause this? I am a first time Mum so I have no experience in this I am only going by friends advice or things I have read.
It probably doesn’t help not wearing proper supportive shoes but I think it’s due to his foot shape. I’ve seen even without shoes on his foot turns in, but I think it’s got worse as they squeeze his feet into shoes that probably don’t fit correctly or help his foot turning. They could’ve got him to get boots to wear from the hospital which will correct the foot turning issue but because they believe there’s nothing wrong with him they won’t get him checked. I genuinely think he’s got mild cerebral palsy and if they took him to correct these issues when he was younger they probably wouldn’t be as bad now
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Chatty Member
The owner of that Lambo needs to be running Jake over in it ar 100mph!!

allowing Fred's to leave his mitts on it.. who does that?? Have some fucking respect for other peoples things.

He'd go apeshit if that was actually his car!
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🐔 :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:I'm still laughing a Marathon......he couldn't even do Celebrity SAS Who Dares Wins :ROFLMAO: had a little injury and went home 🤣 Oh this has made my night....
I found this clip. The task was to 'shoot' the people who were holding the hostage but Fakey wades in like Rambo and shoots them all. 😂

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