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We went to the palm today and I asked my family what the Rixos was like, they said it’s got a pretty poor reputation and is where reprobates go to get pissed up 😂. Looks like the other one they’re going to is the new one in Abu Dhabi, apparently that’s amazing and top of the range so surely the can’t make that looks shit too?
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That post is basically him covering the fact that his wannabe career is over and he knows it. Now he's Mr all about the charity. Imagine being that desperate that you are willing to run a marathon just to possibly get noticed and get five mins on Tele. He knows he is done so gonna try desperately to be a massive insta star. Hence trying to fool people into thinking he is Mr charity. This will be his thing now , charity. Thing is tho he fucking hated it, same as panto and we all know it, he's only spiting himself doing something he doesn't like to cover the fact that he is living off his wife. Even if he gets another panto, thats the highest he is ever gonna get. Showing this pretend lifestyle doesn't change the fact that when the day is over he is an unemployed nearly middle aged man out of work and in a fake marriage
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For anyone who’s remotely interested. The blue door is to the very basic Italian restaurant next to the pool 🙄 zzzzzz!
Jake- Fasten your shirt at breakfast, show some respect🤬
Also, interesting that he never got any chafing when he was running in Greece when it was a lot hotter than Dubai is now. It’s kinda sad when you make chafing your content 😳

Please don’t say that dragging the kids around a mall is all they can think of today, there is literally the most incredible things for kids in that city, selfish pricks! Erm….Atlantis waterpark for one 🤷🏼‍♀️
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Was listening to 'Staying Relevant' podcast this morning when I was walking the dog. Pete Wicks and Sam Thompsons pod, its fucking brilliant by the way. They were talking about how they were both offered panto last year and how it deffo means they're clinging on to the z list by yhe skin of their teeth. Made me think of QJQ. 😂 Bet he's desperate to get on it with them. Don't think Pete can stand him, remember he took the piss out of how he was dressed at the Pride of Britain awards and basically looked at him in disgust.

Anyone notice him say as he heads to the mall yeah can you believe Sophie is nearly 30 and quickly and quietly he says yeah she looks nearly 40 god he is a wanker have you seen yourself boy?
Said it loads of times he's a fucking neg. Its abuse and its designed to knock her confidence over time. Vile twat.
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Have they actually done anything exciting for the kids! Their days are so dull. Also Flaps is probably asleep because she's running around after 3 kids. It must be draining and exhausting but she let's it happen. He's off doing what he wants to do as usual. The more he's away from them the better in his eyes. The holiday was never about the kids it's about them idiots trying and failing miserably to get content. Who the fuck would book a holiday there based on what she's shown. Bet they're kicking themselves for giving her a Freeby. Should start calling her Greedy Freeby the 2nd. Ashley Vains ex Saf takes 1st for that title. Scummy bitches the lot of them!
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Well, at least they're doing something Fred will enjoy today but I wish he'd stop calling him BOY ffs. NikNak's throwing strops eh? Not surprising, the spoilt little shit. Still going with this 'stop and go' thing. He can't even say stop. Wow, old Fakey is getting a gut isn't he? Definitely making the most of the freebies eh? Freeloading cunts.








Two RatBoys together!

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So off they go back to the mall. Fred must be bored out of his head! Her face is like a slapped arse! 😂

Think like a monk eh? You won't find any monks wandering around shopping malls! 🤡🤡



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Who goes away on holiday and goes on a witch hunt and blocking spree? I would be too busy enjoying myself and would barely pick up my phone. He’s so pathetic I almost feel sorry for him, then I give my head a wobble and remember he’s a wanker.
I think deep down he’s hating being there. He resents the fact everyone knows he’s only there cos of Flappy, he’s obviously not got work lined up hence his latest narrative is the manic ‘marathon’ training, they can’t go anywhere apart from the hotel because they can’t afford it and let’s be honest he’s happiest when he’s on his phone anyway scouring Insta for negativity. I never feel sorry for either of them. I actually pity just how tragic and desperate they are to do what they do just because they want to be in the ‘public’ eye
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Great vocals but it's a no from me yeah a bit like the no you got at judges houses whilst in Dubai good job though eh or you would have missed the passing of your little brother you know your best mate the one that you left when he had just had spine surgery that left him paralysed you utter bastard fuck off
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Heeeeeey fakeys! I’ve just caught up from page 3 on the last thread to this page (that was epic) I noticed something round and stupid had reappeared very weird!!

I have a few thing to add… what are his donkey teeth actually made of? The amount of red wine he drinks they should be glowing purple..
FFS get Leo a sun suit I brought a spare one last week for my 4 year old it cost £8 from h&m are they that poor they can’t afford basic sun protection?
Dubai looks shit but I blame them for making it look that way!
last thing #justiceforfred
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Just what other holiday makers need in their hotel. A loud toddler being encouraged to shout every step along the corridors. So selfish and self centered
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I have 4 pages to catch up

I'm om holiday unlike jake I enjoy my holidays no phone in sight .

Today we went a water park was amazing and then we went on jet ski fortunate enough to afford to hire 4 for the day . I see jakes still done fuck all 🤣
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Filming his wifes holiday on his Motorola
Hes been on the coke and I don't mean cola. 🥀
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