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Toffee finger

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Yes we’re Tier 1 in Southend.

I’ve just seen an artist has painted a big portrait of Marcus Rashford in Southend High street. I bet Jack is fuming!
There’s a short video of the artist doing it on Facebook - Your Southend page if anyone wants to be nosy just don’t read the comments 😞
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Early arthritis indeed. Everyone has some degree of arthritic wear on their joints at your age love, osteoarthritis is a perfectly normal part of ageing, but wasn't it rheumatoid arthritis you had? That's not "early onset" because it's autoimmune.

Pick a lie.
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Let's not forget the timeline:

Jack leaves fire service: 2011 (not sure of the month; year confirmed by court records. SB was born end of March 2010, she left sometime after returning from maternity leave. Is UK maternity leave 1 year?)
Jack writes for the Guardian for the first time: July 2013

By her own account (told in countless articles), she spent 18 months on benefits. That looks like two winters, based on the timeline.

During that time she developed severe, apparently untreatable PTSD and several physical ailments from living in a freezing house.

I've never been to Essex, but the climate there must be fucking awful.
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Have I got this right? She's a self professed anti poverty activist, though I can't think of anything recent or rlevant she's done, the school meals issue is to my mind THE anti poverty campaign that has gained the most widespread recognition and traction in years, but she's too tired to talk about it and instead needs to take a break? Whilst at the same time also working with Marcus Rashford, but in a secret behind the scenes way that she can't tell anyone about?

In all seriousness though, if she is in a dark place mentally, I hope that she does take a proper break to get herself healthy again.
The first bit is a perfect summary I feel 🙃

I agree with your second point, but with a big emphasis on the 'if' part. IF she is unwell, she has my sympathy. But seeing how she often uses her mental illness as a diversionary tactic when she's not got a leg to stand on, I'm currently struggling to believe there's anything wrong with her, and she's just using it as an excuse not to do anything.

Guess what, Jack? We're *all* tired. We're all scared and sad and tired of the mess that this country is in, and the uncertainty of the future. But we're all still doing *something* however small it might be. I bet the business owners who are currently trying to feed children out of their own pockets, whilst MPs suggest they shouldn't receive any more financial aid, are very tired and very stressed. I bet the parents currently trying to feed their kids on a pittance are even more stressed, even more scared, even more hungry because unlike you, Jack, most of them will be prioritising their children - rather than feeding them cheap shit whilst they take the better stuff.

I've seen so many people doing good. There was a bloke who posted in the community page for my little town that he would cook a meal for anyone who needed it, because he doesn't want kids to go hungry. No blame, no questions asked. Not a restaurant owner, just a normal bloke with two kids of his own and a degree of compassion.

You cook more slop than you'll ever eat all the time, Jack, and we know, because we're not fucking stupid, that much of it will be wasted. As much as I hate to suggest that anyone should be eating your slop, maybe you could be giving it away to someone going hungry in your community? Or is that not public or visible enough for you? *Apparently* you have portions and portions of meals in your freezer, conveniently divided up into little foil packets. Would be so easy to give them away. If they exist, ofc.

I'm sorry, I just don't believe she is struggling. Or that she's taken a Twitter break because of that. I think she just doesn't care. She really doesn't care enough to do anything other than type out the occasional ragey sentence in 240 characters. It does nothing. DO something, Jack, do SOMETHING. You like typing, type out a letter to your MP. Anything is better than nothing at this point.

Her 'we shouldn't have to because we pay taxes' approach is honestly the biggest indication of her toxic mix of laziness and cold heartedness I've seen so far.

She really just doesn't seem to care.

Can I also add this.

I work in a school (triangulate me!) in what is considered an affluent area, dig a bit deeper and its not, loads of zero hour minimum wage contracts etc. As a school we have been giving out gift cards/vouchers for places like tesco, Iceland etc.

If you get one from your local school, or are asked if you would like one, please use it, or say yes. It has been budgeted for.

Look on it another way, its in our interests for pupils to achieve well, and they do much better if they aren't hungry. So you are helping us by having them.

And I love Marcus! Unlike Jack, he has lived the life and totally gets it.

Now fuck off, my daughter and her partner are finally getting married today at the third attempt so I won't have time to do much in here for a few hours
Hope it goes well for your daughter 👰❤
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I'm usually good at treating Jack like a comedy sideshow but what she's doing is evil. She is stealing from the poor.
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Sometimes I worry that the crazy antics will dry up and these threads will cease to be, when we have a classic moment (terrible, Brenda’s bangers, the black eye) it’s easy to think it’ll never get this good again... yet every single time she manages to outdo herself? Like who’d have predicted a stack of envelopes and a mango wood related injury this weekend, we were expecting silence! She’s Dino napping now, but we’ll get a chaos later when she has to wake up guarantee it 👍🏻
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Marcus has done an amazing thing. His football fame will also mean people outside of twitter are aware of his endeavour and I saw loads of posts on my Spotted [insert village or town name here] pages on Facebook offering food, support etc. He’s made action happen and also inspired others to give and it us sweeping across the country NOW while kids are hungry NOW. I’m really impressed. Meaningful action NOW. Not hot air, not lists, not “behind the scenes input since 2014”, not self-promoting sad-fishing.
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I'm recalling the time she gave "melamine" (©1937) cutlery to the mythical homeless people she found under a hedge whilst on her Grand Tour to Edinburgh...
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You guys have said everything so much more eloquently than me.

She‘s a grade A cunt, total bullshit and manipulation from her to insert herself back into the discussion. Everything was great with posts about people coming together and it had this warm, everyone battling the same side to it. Then JM feels a bit left out and starts some ranty tweets about how SHE feels, not the children SHE is taking money from by grifting online. Complaining about people thinking about costing recipes the way she does it herself, is she really that deluded she can’t see she does the exact same thing??

I really hope someone does an exposè on her soon as it’s winding me up more and more, and reading the fawning comments over her is making me sick.
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I was saying this recently. Why does anyone need a fucking story?! It’s total X Factor syndrome. I hate it! What’s wrong with an average, normal upbringing? What’s wrong with things just being fine? I grew up not rich, not poor. Normal house. Nice birthday and Christmas but never spoiled. An abroad holiday maybe every second year. Nice day trips during summer holidays. Sometimes nice meals out. Very lucky, very happy.

Now I know for a lot of people their reality was far removed from that and there are generations of people who have grown up in poverty, particularly where I am in Glasgow. However why does every “celebrity” insist on going down the “I HAD NUFFINK. I WORE LEFT SHOE SAMPLES FROM OUTSIDE SHOEZONE TO SCHOOL. I ATE OXO CUBES FOR BREAKFAST. I HAVE NEVER SEEN SAND” route?
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I've been reading on and off the last couple of days and pondering on Jaxk's trauma of having six months in poverty.,
Like others on this thread I've experienced poverty myself as a child and as an adult. It isn't nice but I have survived it and it certainly isn't traumatic in the way Jack seems to find it. It happened and while it wasn't fun at the time I came through it.

Right now I'd be considered "poor" as thanks to COVID we are on universal credit (although hubby's work is starting to pick up again thankfully) but I don't feel "poor" and nor am I finding it traumatizinf. However I am lucky as we have affordable housing which Jack definitely does not.

I've also witnessed poverty, poor housing, families in crisis etc, as a health visitor in the past I've bought food, baby milk etc for families as I couldn't go off duty knowing they were hungry wth nowhere to turn.
Jack has never experienced this and am amazed she has experienced such trauma from the small time she lived with little income.

It really is becoming a tired old record from her and more people seem to to seeing the light and asking for questions,
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Just posting this here as a reminder of the power of direct action as opposed to, uh, whatever Jack's 'activism' consists of.
"The government is understood to be preparing for a partial climbdown amid the row, with an expansion of children’s access to holiday activity clubs including meals."

View attachment 286098

View attachment 286103

He’s so classy, tweeting to thank people for stepping up and giving all the credit to local communities. Then you get Jack, “look what I’ve done, all my work, I’ve done so much campaigning, it’s my life’s work, I’m amazing!”
She needs to take notes from MR’s actions and twitter and use that as an example of how to campaign for change.
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Absolutely appalling thing for Jack to say, especially given certain news headlines that were discussed in these threads recently.

I honestly didn't think she could sink lower than taking £20 of someone's winter fuel allowance, and yet here we are.
This is the person who at the height of BLM George Floyd demonstrations tweeted a plea to let her breathe 😑

Hey Siri what is ‘cognitive dissonance’
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chocolate choux

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What happens if you ignore this amount of bills? There’s only a certain amount of services that exist, right - electric, gas, water, council tax, Internet, TV license, extra TV packages, credit cards, various insurances? So this pile would mean tens of bills from each. I know water supplies are never turned off but the other companies would likely withdraw their services - can’t imagine Jackie not ranting about that injustice on Twitter. At the least she’d be getting contacted through other means and asked to pay the amounts owed. She would exploit the hell out of this situation and blame her ADHD but not a peep from her? Almost like she’s... lying?!
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I am sorry to keep posting but I can’t sleep and am wound up 😕😕😕🙃.

I have just noticed that she has used the term mental to describe herself. This is insensitive and highly inappropriate particularly coming from someone who admits/claims they suffer from numerous psychological conditions. In schools, we now discourage the use of this term.

I would like to see her twitter response if someone else called an individual with autism “mental”. Yet, once again, she applies different standards to herself.

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