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View attachment 287070View attachment 287071View attachment 287072View attachment 287073Select few replies from her Insta. Special mention to the person who compliments her and says she's been going through chemo. Jack's reply? A whole essay about HERSELF and not so much as a hope you're doing well after the treatment, nada
I read through that reply to the person who has lost their eyebrows with my mouth LITERALLY open waiting for her to mention it. This may be a small thing in the context of the lies, fraud and taking money from people who are struggling but for some reason this is what got to me. This tweet sums Jack up in a single screenshot. Surprised she didn't offer some of her ouchy mouth recipes, oh wait that has been forgotten long ago. Fuck her, horrible horrible shitty person 🤬
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I feel no qualms this evening in calling her an utter cunt.

She has taken a picture of junk mail, cosplaying for her followers who will oblige because they are kind, decent people, even if I may feel they lack basic critical thinking skills. Many people are fooled by this cunt.

What saddens me is she is exactly the sort of grifter my dearly departed granny would have given money to. My granny who lived her life in rural poverty, and then part of the urban working class, who taught me so much about nutrition and kindness, would have given this twat £20 because she always said children should never suffer because of their parents.

To beg for money in this way, at this moment, is beyond foul. She is stealing food from hungry children's mouths.

Fucking cunt.
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Jesus Christ.
Too short but really, what is there to add? Painful.
I appreciate he genuinely is BUSY and probably has help managing his Twitter page...but do you think MR scrolls through and wonders “who is this Jack Monroe and why do people keep tagging me in their SHITE??”
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Tabitha D

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Thing is, we’ve been banging on for weeks over here about how her £20 shop thing feeds into the narrative that people don’t need hand-outs to feed their kids, they just need to try harder - like Jack.
Many people have also made the point that the £20 shop doesn’t recognise items she already has in the store cupboard, nor does it recognise that not everyone has multiple freezers and fancy kitchen equipment, nor does it recognise the cost of fuel.
Jack’s ignored all this, until today. When she must finally have realised that she is actually bolstering the arguments of the “sentient hams”.
I think she’s losing the plot. It’s her narcissistic rage that’s doing this - she simply can’t bear not being centre of the story.
The crowning glory of course was that she claimed to be brought to tears not by the thought of kids in poverty going without meals now, but by re-reading her own overwrought story from nearly 10 years ago, which is only about her and has nothing to say about the wider poverty issue. I don’t think I’ve ever seen someone so self-centred in my life.
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Have I got this right? She's a self professed anti poverty activist, though I can't think of anything recent or rlevant she's done, the school meals issue is to my mind THE anti poverty campaign that has gained the most widespread recognition and traction in years, but she's too tired to talk about it and instead needs to take a break? Whilst at the same time also working with Marcus Rashford, but in a secret behind the scenes way that she can't tell anyone about?

In all seriousness though, if she is in a dark place mentally, I hope that she does take a proper break to get herself healthy again.
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Is PTSD a new one for the ailments list? Does she mean Please Transfer Significant Donations? How about Put The Sausages Down, Jack. Also stop using your various self-diagnosed afflictions as a crutch to excuse you from being a whiny morally bankrupt entitled viper.

Can't wait for her two-trip Asda marauding tomorrow. I've got my abacus (that I carry everywhere I go) ready 🧐
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I just hope more and more people discover us on google. For the benefit of them & google:

Jack Monroe’s family is wealthy
Jack Monroe’s dad is a landlord
Jack Monroe’s grandad was a landlord
Jack Monroe is a Tory

She’s sickened me today tbh
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Lol, saying a skincare product is responsible for your skin when it's clearly filtered to high heavens is nothing short of fraud but our Jack wouldn't know anything about that would she
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For once I think she is doing the right thing, stepping off twitter and letting M,R and his followers get on with their good work.
But she's not doing it out of the goodness of her heart but rather because she's tried to insert herself into it and no one is listening. So it's less right thing and more slamming the door on your way to your bedroom.
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All her followers wishing her luck and "oh if only I was there to help!" re: sorting out her bills.

No matter what certain photos would have you believe, she's 32 years old FFS. She's a mother, a published author, the director of her own company. Nobody pats me on the back when I successfully pay my rent or bravely manage to go to work. 😕

Can't wait for her two-trip Asda marauding tomorrow. I've got my abacus (that I carry everywhere I go) ready 🧐
Sorry, tomorrow has been reserved for BILL SORTING. I suppose this means no Asda. Maybe Ocado had a slot open?
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Whatever savings she had, I imagine have been spent keeping afloat since Louisa left. Her Patreon is probably at the point where it covers her rent but that’s it (I know, if only we all had a spare £2k a month for free, eh!).

Obviously, I hesitate to speculate too much but someone here shared she was on a very high Council Tax band and they don’t piss about. Two months missed and they want the lot or it’s off to court you go. Incidentally, I think I mentioned this here before, it was Council Tax that became my lightbulb moment and forced me to sort my finances out. When you have to face a magistrates court and pray that you don’t have to find childcare whilst you are in prison and not tell a soul on earth because you are so horribly horribly embarrassed, you tend to wake up a bit and start in on the post pile.

Top off a horribly expensive rent with a high council tax and no recourse to government support and it is easy to see a smallish cushion start to shrink extremely quickly. I know she exaggerated and embellishes and plays with wording so she is not outright lying but this has a whiff of the truth around it. Heartbreak plus massive drop in expendable income = desperate times.

I would like to conclude, however, that my sympathies are limited to SB. She has had six months to consider her options and only a couple of weeks ago was showing off that anti-Tory “art” for £25. That’s her monthly water bill, a weeks “food shopping”, a weeks gas and electric, a months internet etc etc etc.
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Reading through last night's tweets, and I may be taking a jaundiced view here, but it seems as if Jack was jealous. She couldn't bear seeing all that money going anywhere other than her way.
She had assiduously fought to have some relevance to Dimbleby's food strategy then lied about her link to Marcus Rashford and nothing worked so she went back to her usual Jack method. Lying and begging.
The awful thing is that she managed to con some poor people out of their pension or benefits. Long term I think she is becoming known as a toxic brand.
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