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Sorry I always say this but I can’t keep up 🤣 but am I the only one thinking she secretly loving what’s going on because she feels as though she has some kind of purpose?? She has something to tweet about. If the government had agreed the free school means then she would have fuck all to bore us with
As if 🙄 she’s got twitter diarrhoea, she is addicted
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I’m totally a ninny - but not self absorbed.

I looked her first book is over £11 on amazon (still) for that you could buy at least 44 tins of beans and tomatoes. If you were hungry what would you prefer?
Beans! Without question
and no it wasn’t me on twitter ☹ But well said
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I get her point the government should do more but I would still give to the charity because I would never see a child hungry to wind up those pesky tories. That's horrid.

The government is bailing out everyone left right and centre but there is only so much in the pot and although they are outing us in lockdown it's because they are trying to save our lives. I think Boris should just say fuck you all back to work and see how see how she feels about that.

Btw still not a Tory supporter just being sensible
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I work with a lot of academics in an academic-adjacent field. People often talk about where they went to uni during social moments (well, when we had those). It's just a conversation starter and yes, every so often someone says that they didn't. No one is embarrassed, no one thinks it's weird. It just leads to other conversations. Example:

A: Mack, where did you go to uni?
B: I didn't. I did cooking at college.
A: Oh wow, what was that like?

Funnily enough, Jackie, most people have manners and understand that their personal life experience isn't mirrored by everyone else they meet. They therefore don't feel awkward about asking and answering questions, nor do they feel the need to constantly justify their life choices or judge the choices other people have made.
I work in a school (not a teacher BTW), obvs they all went to uni, I didn't. I'm of the generation where to go to uni was the exception not the norm.

Occasionally they talk about what they did at uni, I just say I went to college then work, they can't believe that I didn't go as I'm 'clever' and one of them said I should have just said I'd got a Bsc hons and they wouldn't have doubted me.

She could still go, lots of my friends did but that requires commitment and effort neither of which she has
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I'm not allowed to 'share in public' the contents without the permission of the family, as per the terms of GOV.UK website.
There are lots of addresses. Lots.
The likelihood is that she will cop for a proportion of that once her mum and dad die. She just can't wait that long.
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just found this. it appears to be not new, but I've never seen it before! 😬

ETA, ooh, snap scarlet!
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She uses peoplea vulnerabilities to get them in the feels as they saying goes( although I hate that saying) many people want to help and want to Stand up for what's right. She's uses this to her advantage and hooks people in, however after initial rant and delete sess there seems to be little else said on that topic and she has moved on to shake her fist at another topic. She uses her "experience" therefore she must be correct as she has lived it, and to an extent she could well be but the variables of poverty are so vast her one little story cannot possibly cover them all.

Thanks to am everyone's an activist and everyone a mouth piece but very little of them actually do the leg work as the BLM community tried to stress through alot of their online messages. They were telling people not only to spread the message but actually learn from it and educate others to treat everyone equally.
Exactly, despite her faults she knows how to pull a crowd whether for ranting or sympathy purposes - and she uses that skill time and time again. I can imagine she would draw quite a crowd in the street at Speakers Corner, on a soap box, because she knows how to say things that manipulate a listener’s ear. However i can also imagine a half of the crowd walking away after a couple of minutes once they have listened long enough to see contradictions in her arguments. That’s what happens on Twitter - people are drawn in by pics of food or shaking of fist at Tories etc, because she’s loud on Twitter. The crowd flocks to her, as seen in her twitter follows that go up during a rant and then down again after a rant. People want to see what the noise is, but turn away when they realise things. The ones that stay just haven’t had the penny drop yet.

Edit to add - i think the blue tick helps with her reach because if people see a retweet or a rant in progress and they see blue tickers saying lots about a topics, then they might be more tempted to investigate by reading all the tweets to figure out who they are, what they are saying, and also taking note of which other blue ticks agree etc. I know at least I do this.
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Jack's problem is that she wants everything handed to her because she was skint for a bit almost a decade ago. Some people have a natural talent for presenting and public speaking. Jack does not so the only way she's going to get any better is to put the work in and the most obvious way for her to do that is to set up a YouTube channel and make her own stuff, which gives her unlimited rehearsal time and the chance to edit it afterwards. She could monetise this and fund her Cotswold habit whilst developing real skills.
Nah too much work Matt much Matt. she cannot be arsed, she'd rather rattle the tip jar and beg than actually work
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I wonder if there'll be an "I don't remember what I said but I was a dick now leave me alone you vultures I have Tourettes" confessional frenzy later

I mean doesn't "the government should do it" negate Jack's whole professional shtick?
"I have Tourettes" 😂😂😂
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The past few days have proved one thing to me. Jack is no longer interesting to the media, they have bored of her. She is a one trick pony with a story that is well known, she has nothing new to say and they know it. Her input is no longer relevant. Her recipes have become ridiculous parodies.

The media have moved on and found more charismatic personalities who are less problematic to front the stories. Jack has always thought her bolshie, hard faced, foul mouthed, confrontational style was what people were interested in. In fact it has become boring and hackneyed, no one with any clout in the media likes her anymore.

Jack's career is dying a slow and very painful death. She will hobble on screaming at anyone that will take any notice onTwitter, but the end will come and it won't be pretty.
It is pretty funny to think of her age 39, screaming, "I was someone." If anyone asks, she'll shriek that she published some books with rubbish deprecipes with rambling introductions. The person will be so confused, and will change seats on the train as soon as they can

I still think she could do a good job of a small cafe or pop up (please god let her stick to a few good quality items with onlyan occasional maverick), as long as she also shuts the fuck up
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At the risk of coming across all Jack 😬...

Wild garlic is about 100 x stronger smelling than tasting and you need a lot of it to taste of anything. In fact, we add a couple of normal garlic cloves to the “pesto” we make from it to give it a bit of oomph. Also, it’s a late spring thing....done by June or that’s one for next year! I am afraid the poor will not be foraging any of it at the moment.
At the risk of coming across as stating the obvious, it's excerpts from a book, not 'What to Cook in the Third Week of October'.

And the Poor don't necessarily get access to it at all, as the rich bastards, professional foragers and Cooks of Instagram roll up in their 4x4s to the woods to grab basketfuls of the stuff - before any poor person has walked the 22 miles from their flat in the town centre to get to somewhere that has it growing. Unless you add it to your Ocado shopping basket (last year's one knocked your socks off with the punch it carried. Guess that was due to it growing in a slightly drier season that year).
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Something is bothering me and I feel a bit uncomfortable posting this. Jack hitting her brother was mentioned again and someone said if she is capable of hitting a sibling, why not a partner? But domestic abuse does not stop at partners when there are children in the family :( from personal experience I can confirm it is hard for children to speak out against such parents and when they do, they are often not believed or SS get involved but nothing is really done. Abusive parent gets a slap on the wrist and can walk away.

I'm not saying Jack is guilty of this as I have no idea and I hope to God it isn't true but the conjecture and Jack's own circumstantial information about her child is bringing back memories. I had a narc verbally and physically abusive parent who would make us kids out to be liars, would never admit to being wrong and so many other gas lighting techniques. My poor mother could hardly speak English and was isolated from her family so he had a great deal of power via intimidation and superior knowledge. We were poor and cold growing up and lived on Kwiksave No Frills range but he had money to buy alcohol and brand name sweets. Too much of this is reminding me of Jack and him and vice versa.
I do think Jack is evil especially where animals and vulnerable people are concerned. We have evidence for that. I think it's possible she could be worse especially when alcohol is involved. It could be why she does not have her son there as often as she makes out. Of course it's all conjecture and I hope it is not the case but Jack's actions make your mind go to dark places. It's more a case of what she hasn't done when you reel off the list of low depths she has sunk to in 2020 alone.
Thinking the same, for a while, but couldn’t coherently put into words about my personal experiences.It’s a measure for me when animals are involved. SB is ok in my opinion. Kitten was a prop. I don’t hate anyone, just can’t but I despise her with every fibre of my being. I hate what she does, though.
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Come on, Jack!
Surely you'd have come across a lot of this information while researching a book on poverty in ALL those Hansard papers you discovered?
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