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So, in my fury on FSM and the elite/entitled thinking those in need should forage or go without their mobiles (actually, in my former places of work 🔺, many of those on FSM couldn’t afford phones) a quick scroll on insta brought up an appropriate quote by George Orwell on Felicity Cloake’s page.

He wrote about why those in poverty didn’t want
“wholesome things like oranges and wholemeal bread” but that when “you are underfed, harassed, bored, and miserable, you don’t want to eat wholesome, dull food. You want something a little bit ‘tasty’. There is always something cheaply pleasant to tempt you. Let’s have three penworth of chips!”

This just shows why she doesn’t truly understand the meaning of being poor and why she panders to the middle class ideal of what they think being poor is.
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IncyGrunkaing. Noticed a few FB friends had 'liked' this. She's so annoying for being able to influence people in this way
View attachment 284769
This does my nut in. She is saying absolutely nothing groundbreaking, merely parroting what has been said since what 2007/8? All her hot political tweets have been rehashed from someone else... yet because she's tweeting something that most people think, but to an audience of 250k, she is therefore an activist. All the people I volunteer with (who do far more than me) are a million times the activist than she will ever be. Deeds not words and all that. And deeds where you get people to buy your book (and you pocket the royalties) don't count bab xx
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Just had a quick look on twitter. Found these tweets. I am so fucking angry right now. How can she not see how dangerous she is?

View attachment 284040View attachment 284044View attachment 284048

Thank you for sourcing & sharing these, these are all of our concerns being vocalised by utter cretins. All jokes aside and this isn't mugging her off but no one should have to eat the shit from her books, sorry, but no one should have to exist solely on cans, eyelid sausages, and the yellow sticker lottery. There's huge work that needs to be done from FSM to raising min wage & rent controls etc, Jack Monroe's £20 food shop (a bit of SEO there tehe x) is not helping anyone because it's a <THE LIES.gif>
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No idea who Kirsty is but I like her. And just add that when we were financially stretched Id rather have had actual food than a cook (slop) book.
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So by her saying that's what we pay taxes for, it shouldn't be down to charities to step in she's pretty much just said don't bother donating to Marcus Rashford's charity??

We've paid out taxes Krish, mate!! Why should we bother donating more?
Have YOU paid your taxes Jack?
So don’t donate to MR’s charity but you can buy HER books to donate to the food bank, right?
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I post in a handful of other threads but people get so catty and unnecessary in them (even with each other) that I always end up spending most of the time here.

This is like a thread umbrella, sheltering you from the shower of shite going on elsewhere 😂
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In the past I have occasionally popped in here as I used to quite like JM but recently started to find her annoying on Twitter.

Anyway after making my way through the most recent threads, thank you for making me laugh out loud!

Her tweets to KGM were so hypocritical because she relies on donations when it’s her responsibility to feed HER child. exactly what she is criticising the government for - failing to provide for her child and waiting for someone else to foot the bill!
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campaigning done for the day, we move on back to tidying up plus ailments plus landlady 🥴

View attachment 285146
Get fucked you spunkbubble.
If you'd done your research properly you will know that AS disorders and ADHD can, and often, present differently in females.
Which is why it takes SO fucking long for some of us poor bastards to get diagnosed. Decades in some cases.
Fuck, I hate you today.
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View attachment 285584
Yes because other people have been doing stuff all day while you’ve been asleep. Stfu.
"I've got the list now"

So fucking what?

What are you going to do? Start twitter pile ons? Howl into the void? Scream and claw at the floor? Go to Downing Street and kick them in the shins?

Cannot stand the pompous way she gets on! Wise the fuck up and go back to tweeting about white chocolate mice, it's more your level.
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@MancBee please tell us the soup taste has finally gone? 🙏🏽
Yes, finally. So has the soup!

Seriously, if I were on the bones of my arse and thought I will try and make Jack's soup what a waste and it might possibly be the only food of the evening. These people can ill afford to waste food or money. That is my biggest gripe (well I reassess that regularly as there's always something else) Who the hell wastes food on trying a recipe that may not work when you only have a couple of pounds. You don't. You have beans (unrinsed) on toast, a cup a soup, toast and jam that sort of thing.

As an aside, I was talking to my sister yesterday and she reminded me that at least once a week we had tomato sauce butty for our school packed lunch. That was it. Two rounds of bread with sauce on it. Another day was Shiphams beef paste. Another was Dairylee. No fruit, no chocolate, no crisps or biscuits, just one butty and a flask of orange squash. We did get a glass of milk at school though (damn that Thatcher the milk snatcher) which supplemented it a bit. Once the older kids had left school, us last two had the luxury of school meals, everyone used to complain about them, but I loved them.
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Such professionalism. Knowledge of ethical issues & nutrition, giving guidance-jack really knows her shit eh? 🙄
I'm at work and googled this in seconds. The answer is YES they contain palm oil. And somehow Jack has appointed herself as the appropriate person to write about food ethics? Oh yeah I forgot her meticulous research of food ethics has concluded cheap = good, expensive = bad. No wonder everyone laughed at her at that imaginary dinner party. I wonder if it was around the time of calling herself 'Dr Jack Monroe' (this makes me die to think about, so embarrassing).
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Thank god it’s Marcus Rashford (great reputation for anyone but especially for a premier league footballer, so young, hasn’t really put a foot wrong) doing all this and not someone a little more “marmite” (like ummm, Jamie Oliver, for example) or she’d be all over Twitter, wanging on about it being her niche and her life’s work

MR is a true class act

@lilamay Great minds etc!
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I think Krishnan was one of the first to highlight what Rashford has been trying to do this week (to show how much people actually care about this and to say it's not going to be forgotten or cast to one side because of the vote) and yes he probably was a bit sloppy in his phrasing but it's clear he was trying to help with Rashford's campaign, not detract from it. Jack, on the other hand, gave everyone a free rein to say 'yeah why SHOULD we be doing this, that's not OUR job' which is infinitely more damaging to both the ideological message and to the actual practical benefits that have come from it.
Yes; Krish mate sort of said ‘here’s where to send your money’ forgetting to also say (we shouldn’t have to but let’s do it) and Jack said ‘we shouldn’t have to!!’ Forgetting to also say but here is how we get kids fed NOW. Both only half an idea but hers the most useless half to go for; I see that now - thank you
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I am a bit disappointed in this pic to be honest. If she was going full on spin instructor in this pose I would expect some sweaty betty or lululemon. Not Nikepro.

Although I am not sure weightlifters like spinning. They prefer the stairmaster for their short cardio hits.
Are you speaking a different language? There are at least half a dozen words in there that I have never heard of. 😂
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I used to work for someone who paid Greece’s national debt! 🔺🔺me. He used to eat with his fingers even in top London restaurants. He certainly didn’t go to university.
It's really one of those things that's only impressive at a certain point in your life. I was a champion speller when I was eight 😎 but I rarely bring it up now, you know?

A family member went to Oxbridge. Poor background, really shit high school, so it was a massive achievement. But they spunked it up the wall, spent the whole time drinking and doing drugs, did badly on exams, and has had a highly unremarkable career in admin. Getting into Oxbridge was amazing. But that family member peaked at 17.

Nobody cares what you did 10 years ago. It's all about what you're doing now (facetuning yourself into a prepubescent Bieber and tweeting furiously).

ETA: Plus of course in the culinary world - which she occasionally pretends to be a part of - very few of the big names went to university. I doubt Gordon Ramsay cries himself to sleep over it, you know?
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And she was bleating days later about how she couldn't be expected to be any good having had no presenter training or e experience. My goodness lady do you suppose that might play into who gets massive presenting jobs??
Didn’t she go on TV presenter training a few years ago? And rattled her tip jar to fund a TV pilot?

Here it is. “Funded by myself... but here’s my Paypal so I don’t have to.”
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