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She may or may not have been on a panel assessing their recipes as an advisor to a restaurant. She could quite honestly say she was a part of the team that produced the recipe. But it would be stretching the truth to it's absolute limits.
A few times I've been asked on the street to come into a room do taste testing for (what I can remember) pies, cider and ham [I don't even eat ham, but they were paying a tenner so]. Gonny say I was a paid consultant on all of these items now.
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"My second biggest audience is in the US".

Fuck off, Jack. Just fuck off. If you think the right wingers here are especially thick and intolerant then you're in for a shock with the US ones, who are also religious. Your failed stint as a Sunday school assistant won't shield you from their wrath towards a lesbian single mother.

Not only does your work not translate, nor does your lifestyle. Poverty-fishing is the absolute opposite of the American dream.

I cannot stand her. Can't wait to see her try and cook shrimp and grits or some shit, though, and fuck it right up. Drag her, 'Murica.

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I actually think she may have been duped. Imagine JO or nigella giving up some recipies to a chain restaurant for them to be told, ssshhh don't tell anyone. It's a bit cheeky of the chain and she deserves the credit with her name attached in my opinion. If indeed they had used her recipies.
I wouldn’t be surprised if what’s she’s talking about is her getting to sit in on a few of Leon’s recipe testing sessions because she was banging Allegra. Maybe offering an opinion, but not being overly listened to. Certainly not being asked to provide a recipe or make any final decisions.
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Can I just ask? Is this stuff available online as this is very interesting stuff and I didn't know you could access this information. I really am a bit of a Dumbo when it comes to anything over Googling some interesting fact or news report.
I believe all uk companies have to file on

Also bravo to @Bumbear that was a fantastic and enlightening explanation. You've caught her in another lie so much for "i will never have a 6 figure income"
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Isn’t it funny. A big deal about doing a £20 shop and the most edible thing isn’t made from that shop?
in fact that she hasn’t shown that has covered a week for 2 people (breakfast for one shown, 2 lunches).
Was it a £20 top up shop then?
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Marmalade Atkins

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She did the goddamn same thing in Edinburgh. She could afford to book an expensive aparthotel but bought out the 10p whoopsie yellow sticker biscuits in the local Sainsbury’s. Someone could have had those and given themselves and/or their children a treat. But no, SuperJack has to get in there with her poverty claims.
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Isn’t it funny. A big deal about doing a £20 shop and the most edible thing isn’t made from that shop?
in fact that she hasn’t shown that has covered a week for 2 people (breakfast for one shown, 2 lunches).
Was it a £20 top up shop then?
She would be a much better advocate for those she claims to represent if she simply came out and stated that it is not possible to feed two people nutritious, filling food on a £20 a week food budget.

That's what makes me so angry - this lie that you can is actually dangerous.
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I was going to comment about this the other day and then wasn't sure if I should!

So she filed a set of micro accounts for the year to 31 March 2019 v late (she was in danger of being struck off). At that point there was £15,995 of cash in the business bank account. She had a tax bill (amounts owed are shown in brackets) of £28,014. This is likely to be the corporation tax owed for that year as it's always paid in arrears.

What that means is that she had insufficient funds in her company bank account for that tax year to pay her tax bill, and will be relying on income from the 2019/20 year to pay it.

I am also a freelancer and I was always taught: 1. Do not take out more from your business bank account than the tax owed because 2. If you have no income (or reduced income the following year) you may not have enough money to pay the tax bill as you still have to pay corporation tax on income from that year as well. This is how people end up going bankrupt when their income drops dramatically in subsequent years and they have spent the money that should be put aside to pay HMRC.

So essentially she's going to be in a cycle of robbing Peter to pay Paul - hence I think the realisation that she needs to cut down.

It's technically fine to run your business account this way as long as times are always good. But clearly she's had no income of any significance since Hellmans. This is why I don't do this because I couldn't sleep at night.

The other thing of interest is the amount of the tax bill. Corporation tax is 19% and is owed on your profits after expenses. At a v rough estimate that means there was a turnover in the business year to 31 March 2019 of approx £147k. We'll ignore VAT as it's paid quarterly and pretty much goes in and out (so is overall usually neutral in a micro company).

We can also see that at the point the accounts were made up, only £16k is held as cash at the bank, therefore approx £131k has been taken out of the business account that year. We know there is an assistant on the books as there are 2 employees shown on the accounts. Let's say including tax and NI the assistant has cost £25k to the business. That leaves a v generous approximation of £106k that will have gone to Jack in that business year.

Tax will also be owed on that via a personal tax return for the dividends or PAYE (however it's been taken out - there's v little difference these days in the overall tax due). If, as she states, she is only paying herself a living wage, then the rest has been put somewhere in her personal bank accounts, as it's not showing on the company bank account.

Obviously I can only comment on what's on the tax return for that year - there is another set of accounts due for the year to March 2020 and it will be interesting to see those when they appear.

I hope this is helpful - I don't remember anyone commenting in this much detail about the accounts at the time they became available. I'm not an accountant but I also run my own business (triangulate me if you dare) and I also file micro accounts, so they're easy for me to read.

I'll now fuck off as I'm BUSY today.
omg you are 🔥🔥🔥!! Thank you for sharing your expertise step by step, who needs Southend police force with fraus like ours?!

HMRC are NOT kind to greedy little goblins and they see you spending your tax accruals as a pisstake cos it’s their money at the end of the day. If you’re late on payment they start taking estimations of future liabilities in advance, which obvs for a single person entity would be crippling. They’re also more likely to have a nosy on what exactly you’re putting through your expenses as wholly and exclusively for business use, can’t imagine Cotswolds Co will pass that one 🥴 It’s not a position I’d ever want to be in tbh & if I was I certainly wouldn’t be posting pics up a very cushty lifestyle on Instagram or speaking of my Groucho membership so freely 😂 conveniently I think there’s a HMRC base in Southend?

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The liver and cream cheese being next to each other are making me very apprehensive about this weeks avalanche of swill.
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Ah her usual, “I’m sorry I snapped but here is all the reasons why it’s not my fault”
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Chatty Member
I'm still not over finding the Burberry scarf in the mud. Can we have proof please Jack. There is no way that you, who documents every mundane life event possible on your social media, never mentioned this before. And how did you get it looking so NEW? Here for the miraculous cleaning tips xx
it's a fucking classic. so brazen.

her cat will probably start bringing her back wads of cash instead of of murdering her beatrix potter mouse chorus family.
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So today it's a pathetic little group who can't decide if she's a gold-digger or whatever and makes her hysterically laugh...but last week she was terrified for her safety....erm...looks like we're not the only ones who can't make our minds up eh Jack?
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