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Well the top squig seems to know something we don't

View attachment 2959269
I don't think her followers are all that engaged. The squig probably just remembers *a lot* of discussion of moving so assumes she has moved house by now. Most people are trusting and do not assume every word a person utters is a lie. It is also not typical for people to invent fantasy house moving scenarios and live tweet packing boxes when there is no house move, but here we are.
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Jack isn’t autistic. Her story about her being diagnosed and not being told about it is absolute bullshit. It’s just another badge she wore for a bit because it was fashionable.

I definitely think she has some deep seated trauma as a result of the fostering which I can totally believe was a massive headfuck to a kid whose dad thinks the sun shines out of her brother’s arse. And she‘s got a narc personality disorder.
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Guys .....

I see the grey pov jumper got an airing that day.

And the narc fury where they’re not paying sufficient attention to her

She’s full on embracing the Aunty Pat isn’t she?

Congratulations, Jack. It’s absolutely believable you did that hair yourself with two old boxes of dye you found under the stairs.
God her wibbling adenoidal monotone voice is soooooo grating. Calling @Marmalade Atkins tho cos there’s definitely enough ss in that vid for a nice collage ❤❤❤

ETA: Oi! Jack! How many degrees have you got/claimed to have started?
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rage naan

VIP Member
Hello fellow ghetto dweller 😜

Stabbed by a stoned Corbynista. Can you imagine? Mortified at the very notion of it 🤦🏼‍♀️
I grew up in & spent much of my adult life in a stabby area of SE London. I've witnessed a stabbing on a night bus. And I have a really annoying face. It still would never have occured to me that I could ever need a stab vest

Now I live in the Town of Celery so I'm in more danger of tripping over a Lady Di souvenir tartan bagpipe than anything else
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The face of a teenager who said they liked foxes once when they were six and has been receiving vulpine gifts from their grandparents ever since.

“Yes you will smile for the picture and yes you will write a fucking thank you letter”.
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I had completely forgot that Jack came on here pretending to be handless Caroline 😂😂😂
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Potatoes O’Houlihan

Chatty Member
guest has been creeping about deleting stuff again. Her latest tweet now shows up as the one about going to see the Fall Guy at the cinema

omg just double checked and that’s gone as well, latest is now the crunching numbers bollocks at the local election count.
The Fareshare snark is GONE as is the ‘exhausting’ comment that she made in reply to an arselicker squig

Lights OFF?? Twat
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Vlad and Temu want to help guest get poor Cooper to the vet.

View attachment 2957386

It grates my potatoes when I see cost-of-living advice like: it's cheaper to buy products in bulk, look for discounted food, eat less meat. Most people on a budget know these things already.

The kind of advice that *really* grates my potatoes is: go to the farmer's market, buy fresh whenever you can. Aimed at people whose only nearby food retailer might be Tesco Express or something similar, and who would have to take several buses to get anywhere near a farmer's market.
So true. It’s all so patronising and always people of Jack’s ilk who have either never been on a budget or were briefly skint during student days.

I also hate the batch cook and freeze. Like I don’t care about the electricity cost of running a chest freezer, it’s whatever but have these people ever been in a Northern terrace or most housing association properties up here? There’s no space for a bloody chest freezer, the kitchens are almost universally not big enough to swing a cat in. I know batch cooking and freezing is good but where am I gonna fit a chest freezer or second freezer Jack??
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If I’ve counted correctly she doesn’t have six degrees. There’s the two honorary doctorates, the unnamed one she wasn’t using when she was working behind a bar, the two OU degrees (one of which doesn’t even exist as a degree) and the nutrition degree which she at least started but seemed to have abandoned after the bizarre Potemkin village shortage of asparagus essay mash up (what was the connection?).
There’s also the one she started but had to leave because she couldn’t afford it nor food or heating which may or may not be one of the above.

And there’s the one she started while working on the nepo firephone because the fire service “encouraged” them all to have degrees to call handle, which is also somehow allegedly the “degree” she had but wasn’t using while working in the pub. Anyway whatevs because it was all just
So she quit or paused the degree when she left the fire service in November 2011, had a degree she wasn’t using (and also didn’t have) at the pub in March 2012, signed up to do two more OU degrees one of which doesn’t exist in May 2012, and LEFT an OU degree at an undermined time because she couldn’t afford it nor food or heating.

We can all GET FUCKED pal anyway, because…
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Ms Biscuit

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If Jack had a confirmed diagnosis of anything she claims to have, she would have posted it all over the internet. She certainly couldn't wait to post her (self) diagnosis of her crumbly shoulder. She certainly never hesitated to post selfies from a hospital setting when she had her "heart attack."

I don't care whether Jack does or does not have autism or ADHD or Honkington's Syndrome. I know many people on the spectrum and many folks with ADHD, and although my evidence is merely anecdotal, and although the way these conditions manifest is unique to everyone, none of my friends and acquaintances have been so desperate to be in the spotlight as Jack. I've never seen them loll about in their hammocks or pose artfully on their sofas with arched backs claiming that this is how they spend their 100-hour workweeks. I've never seen them grift for money because they feel entitled to buy a house. I've never heard them claim to go to 10 AA meetings a week and post videos of themselves "singing" in the shower and basically beg for affirmation that they are the very bravest, smolest, most adorable pixie (or the very 'ardest, butchest, bench-pressingest lesbian) that ever was.

Most of all, I've never seen them lie with every word they utter. So, Jack may be autistic. She may have ADHD. I cannot know either way. But what I do know is that it has fuck all to do with any of her grifting, self-centering, manipulating, ways.

(Honestly, I would say her behaviours best match some sort of cluster B personality disorder, but she would never admit it if that were the case. And it's neither here nor there -- still doesn't excuse her.)
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A better approach would be to show how to use a few quality ingredients and make value of them or pick out things to scrimp on and things that it's worth spending a bit more on.
And not all rice is interchangeable
I think most people already know the latter to be honest. Poverty for most people is and always has been balancing scrimping on one thing with spending more on something else be it branded beans, ketchup or better welfare meat/eggs so it’s instinctive.

I think there’s something to be said for offering a cheaper alternative when it doesn’t affect the recipe that much especially if it’s something non-obvious but only if it’s tried and tested and sensible.

IDK though it just often seems to come across as super patronising to me when chefs are like “you can buy basic value pasta but it’s worth spending more on a decent cheese” or “this is quality mince, look you can make more than one meal with it and it will carry cheaper tinned tomatoes!” and the ever present “you can put your potato in the microwave for 5 mins and that’s cheaper than the oven for 90 mins”…. no shit Sherlock we’re poor, we’re not thick. I knew that stuff when I was 11, I don’t need some chef coming along acting like it’s a revelation or presenting a shite imitation of his lasagna “for the poors” and expecting headpats. Jack’s the most egregious example but she’s far from alone with it.
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It’s VERY telling that the Big Help Out have turned off comments. WTAF! You’d think SM engagement is what it’s all about. Otherwise why bother to make the video in the first place. So does this mean they are well aware of Guest and the backlash but decided to ignore it and forge ahead?
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She's back to politics...


I'm BUSY in the pub so CBA to check how many other people in Southend have already posted this.
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rage naan

VIP Member
Isn't that just how poshos hold their wine?

Where did she meet Tom Parker-Bowles? I bet he didn't talk to her again after that event.

It's been years since I was in Celery. Nice to know absolutely nothing has changed on the tartan bagpipe front. 😂
Such a shame. If guest had played her cards right she could now be married to the Queen's son. Her marxist-royalist family would love that
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I’ve never understood why she thinks there’s anything odd about liking coronation chicken as a child. It’s got a mild curry, creamy and fairly sweet flavour, it’s hardly an acquired taste and probably something most children would eat.
She thinks she’s such a wee maverick pixie. So what, I used to like eating ladybirds 🐞, that doesn’t make me some sort of infant Bear Grylls.
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