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Maybe she was the one who told Jack she would never be butch?
I think at one point or another, in her fevered imagination almost everyone who “likes tits, babe” has bellowed that at poor smol pixie Jack.


The only person who’s ever thought Jack is butch is Jack herself. She’s as deludedly and unfathomably obsessed with it as she is her nonexistent “muscles”. Fucking muppet.

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I know we’d all love a massive Jack exposed article but I just don’t see it happening for various reasons: her knowing where metaphorical bodies (other peoples lies) are buried as I said, her bad mentals, the fact any expose would raise a lot of questions about LJC sitting back and saying nothing about the poverty lies and that she’s just not done anything big enough to take the above risks.

If it was going to happen, the Sue Lee fall out would have been the catalyst as it’s the most concrete wrong-doing for an article but apart from them laughing at her on GB News to their 10 viewers absolutely fuck all happened in the media. People have been claiming various outlets are sniffing around her for years but nothing ever comes of it, how much time do they all need to research a shitty grifter, she’s not Edward Snowden or the Panama papers.

Unless she does something really massive in the future, I just don’t see any outlet taking the chance. Shatt had a chance and he chose not to, I think that’s all we’re getting to be brutally honest.
I think Depher is objectively more in the “public interest” shall we say? There is solid evidence that he not only targeted elderly people but used them in various lies/schemes to scam money out of others. It was on record for example that Simon Harris had received £500,000 of public money from Essex County Council and it wasn’t clear how he got this contract or what services he was providing. With guest there’s no way of knowing how much she raised from anything other than her Patreon and her actions can be easily dismissed as “exaggerated her situation a bit for sympathy.” It’s worse than that obvs but it doesn’t make such a compelling story
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Yeah guest basically softly, gently cancelled herself. If there was gonna be an expose the time for it was 2022.
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@Lucky Escape clocked that Arts and Culture job last summer. With zero evidence whatsoever that she ever did anything in that role, given to her a couple of months after she’d raked in £68,761 and a separate publishing contract to write a book, so should have been working full time on that.
View attachment 2945179

ETA Mither: Speaking of Big Lin’s (former) pet, if you go to that link, scroll down to the next post after that one too 🤢 Dickhead.

As more than one person on these threads has expressed, she is not a serious person.
I had a look at the wonderwiki (as I feel it should be known) to see where this fit in the timeline - it was the May after the September trip to NYC that she and Big Lin had.

She may have wiped her Instagram but we have the receipts of her gross white saviour bullshit. A spice bar in deprived communities selling herbs by the gram. You could write what she knows about herbs and apices on the back of a container big enough to hold exactly a gram of paprika.

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Linda Riley looks like any number of women in their 70s. Like Jack, it's the fact she walks round like she shits chocolate ice cream and we all want a lick that makes people wonder if she's in posession of a magic mirror.
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Elsie Ben Felyn

Chatty Member
It takes more than a week to buy a block of flats, even if you're a commercial property investor with most if not all of the purchase price in cash. Jack would never pass KYC and money laundering checks if she tried to use the sue lee money as a deposit, it would raise enormous red flags.

"Source of funds?"
"My Twitter followers."
"My twitter followers. [Insert honking explanation here in which Jack contradicts herself twice and reveals that the money was donated for another purpose entirely]."
Mortgage advisor: "Get out."
Ah yes, but we have it on good authority that if you let a mortgage advisor play with your toes, they’ll give you eleventy million pounds..#Thispetitcochonhadnone
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Imagine the smell as the mushrooms sit on top of the radiators. 🤢
Sokay, the smell of battered tin mouldy family radiator orange peel shake n’ vac salad dressing garnish dust masks it

EXTRAORDINARY SMELLING indeed. ETA table salt bath salts
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You all jest ninnies, but I went round my mother-in-law's house at the weekend and she'd bought a load of second hand cake spoons off Vinted 👀
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I could probably raise £1200 to sue Lee Anderson from my 350 followers, so it's clear to me she raised much, much more than that.

Of course she had all the evidence but there was no point in showing anyone because we wouldn't believe her anyway.

She truly is a vile individual. How long was she breadcrumbing legal action for, including in the Guardian, long after Markmate had said she didn't have a case? It was months.

I really wish someone in the press would do a piece on that with a timeline of the Sue Lee beg. She deserves so much more shit for her behaviour than she's ever received. She really deserves every single second of misery life inflict upon her. She's earned it.
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What does not my circus not my monkeys even mean in this context?

1. Yes Jack this is our circus and monkeys - that’s why we have a vote.

2. What are you suggesting? It’s not your circus and not your monkeys so put the decision back into the hands of the circus and the monkeys?

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A Year In… was such a misstep. While it’s not much mithered over it’s a really crucial part of the story. Her whole USP was cheap family friendly food coming from a poor plucky pixie with an adorable tow headed toddler. A Year In didn’t capitalise on that, it was trying to be a more cheffy/lifestyle book, which was neither appealing to her original audience, or the kind of people who like cheffy books because it was a very poor version of that genre. She utterly failed to build on the brand she’d originally created. If she’d really marketed her USP from the start with proper social media, including a YouTube channel she’d have set herself up nicely. Instead she got carried away with fame and trying (pretending) to be a real chef.
100% agree - A Year... has Leggy's fingerprints all over it but it was a real misstep.
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AND when the far better quality version of the book she’d “self published” was finally published by Bluebird in August 2018, she IMMEDIATELY launched a SEPARATE grift where if you paid your money into her personal PayPal account, she’d “buy” copies of her own book (that she’d already been paid by both her Kickstarter backers AND her publisher to write) to send to “people in need, food banks and good causes”. View attachment 2941165
View attachment 2941163
She repeated this grift several times in the following weeks, including tying it to a post about Katie Hopkins. All these posts are long, long deleted and she provided no evidence whatsoever that these books were ever “bought” with the money grifted into her PERSONAL PAYPAL ACCOUNT, or of them being sent anywhere.
EIGHTY THREE PAGES (allegedly) of food bank addresses she was (allegedly) sending her book to in the less than THREE DAYS since she launched this grift on 3rd September.View attachment 2941172View attachment 2941173Here she is repeating the grift and tying it to a completely unrelated post about Katie Hopkins. She’s “matching” the donations, by the way.
View attachment 2941178View attachment 2941180
Here’s the link to her deleted tweets from that time. These screenshots are the posts on 15th, 6th and 3rd September.
Less than two months later, she launched a SEPARATE grift where if you sent money TO HER, she would send her NEXT book (that wasn’t even due to be published for another six months) to food banks. There was never any proof provided of the amount of money and books she “donated” there, either. View attachment 2941196View attachment 2941197Here’s the link to THAT grift!

Jack Monroe is a charlatan, a liar, a scammer and a THIEF.
Fucking hell it’s actually outrageous isn’t it. Sometimes the cold hard grift gets diluted because of all the other pointless lies but it’s absolutely shocking she’s got away with it.
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Yeah but the thing is when people take the piss out of Linda’s appearance it’s triggering if you’re a lesbian who looks and/or dresses like Linda. If you’re not that lesbian, fine, but just understand that lots of things about Linda’s appearance relate to a culture that you maybe don’t understand, or aren’t part of. It only takes a few comments and it snowballs, people chip in that it’s “moderating”, which it isn’t, it’s educating that you might unknowingly be upsetting canal members by going in on a side-character, who has her own threads.

Ten pages later someone else logs on and starts reading and reignites the whole thing, making it a bigger issue, losing the nuance. It’s exhausting. The canal used to feel like a queer space, clearly that’s changed.

Linda grew up poor, then the family came into money with the museum.

They’re having a massive legal battle about the cash/house, involving a disabled sibling.

Im hoping to receive a Linda Riley award for the most posts about Linda Riley.
I hear you @Hotes.

My problem with Big Lin's appearance is that she looks uncannily like my GCSE geography teacher. If I met her IRL I'd be half expecting her to quiz me on lateral erosion or the characteristics of shield volcanoes. That's reason enough to avoid her.

*Typo initially read 'BIN Lin'. 😅 Is this a message for Tattle?
So that’s at least the second time she has rinsed hoops! Never shaking that label now

'Haunted by Hoops', Jack Monroe's difficult second album.
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"I would like a soupçon of lovage, a peck of pepper and a cubit of turmeric, please.."
I should like one peppercorn please, for to pay my rent to Big Chocco
I don’t think Nigella follows her any more. I followed guest and Nigella and if I go onto ’followers I know‘, Nigella isn’t on the list.

Also love this. A couple of cooks talking.

View attachment 2945857
Not dire. I’m really hungry, thanks Nige, crying now.
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Ms Biscuit

Well-known member
That’s what she claimed happened to the Teemill money after months of claiming she’d already donated it
View attachment 2947835Here @BlendedSlop posts the receipts of the bullshit she’d been claiming for months
And from page 7 of the Wiki here’s the now-deleted Teemill bullshit from her website (posted on 31st October 2022 one day after “Dear Patreons I’m sorry”)
View attachment 2947839

She initially just said the Sue Lee money was donated in full to her “old food bank”View attachment 2947849

But when she showed a random receipt for a random amount over a month later, there’s no evidence this receipt isn’t for a donation to the Vineyard (the church), as unlike the one above, there’s no detail that it went to the Storehouse (the food bank). So all she posted as “evidence” was a random receipt that a random person on a random day gave a random amount of money to Southend Vineyard church.
View attachment 2947850Here are the options to donate View attachment 2947862
(Twitter ss @Marmalade Atkins)
Long live Marmalade Atkins and Vali. I knew someone would have the receipts. Jack was arguing with "trolls" that day that it didn't matter how much she had collected for the fake lawsuit or how much she had donated because no one actually cared about the truth. A squig said, "But I really really DO care about the truth," and she flashed that receipt and immediately regretted it.
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