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Jelly Bean

VIP Member
I think Sue Lee brought in a fair wodge. Rear Foo Foo Russ in Cheshire raised about £20k for some legal wrangle and he isn't slightly as well known as guest. Hell even that buck eejit Sarah jayjay got over £1000 because of the video where she abused the ALDI worker - and she's got about 3k followers. It is simply inconceivable guest only got about £1,500. The story was all over the media and bluetickers were egging her on.
And one photo on SM pulled in nearly £80k for Jimmy Depher. One photo.
She a liar who did very nicely out of it imo.
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OK, let's take a closer look at this 'delicious' spaghetti recipe...

Headrush spaghetti with dried mushrooms, white chocolate and cream.
Ingredients (per person):
100g spaghetti
100g mushrooms, dried
2 garlic cloves
20g white chocolate
1 tbsp oil
50ml cream
Fresh parsley, to serve
Hard strong cheese, to serve

Drying mushrooms deeply intensifies their flavour, and I buy them from the reduced chiller when I find them – all varieties – and pop them on a baking sheet in the oven for 40 minutes at 180C, or until crisp. They should snap like a cracker when cool. If 40 minutes in the oven sounds a lot – make a batch of Easy Peasy Soda Bread or Love Soup at the same time, or both… [OK this is bullshit and something she's copied wrong off the internet - every recipe I've found online for dried mushrooms involves lower, slower drying in an oven - most say a temperature of 170 FARENHEIT, not centigrade, for at least two hours or more. Anyone have some mushrooms that they'd be willing to experiment with and see what happens to them after 40mins at 180C?? ]
When your mushrooms have dried out, allow them to cool and store in a clean airtight jar. I’ve had mine for around 6 months now in a Kilner jar , and they’re still good. [Liar]
To make dinner…
Pop a pan of water onto the boil, and add your pasta. Reduce the heat to a simmer and simmer gently for 8 minutes, or until cooked. [Can't fault this]
To make the sauce, first pound the mushrooms to break them down. If you don’t have a mortar and pestle, use a pair of kitchen scissors and a teacup, or a rolling pin (or empty bottle as equivalent) on a chopping board or work surface. Or fling them in a blender. Just do what you have to to crush them down a bit… [This is only going to work if they're actually dried, as per my first point]
Cheat-roast the garlic: pop it into a bowl or onto a saucer, rub a little oil into the papery skins, and put in the microwave for 30 seconds on a high heat. {I actually just tried this - it does not work. You get slightly warm rock hard garlic]
Squash the sweet garlic pulp from the skins [NOPE - it is rock hard] into the dried mushrooms, and add the cream and white chocolate [HOW are you meant to prepare the chocolate? there are no instructions - chop? grate? stick the whole bar in? useless twat].
Toss through the pasta with the oil, and serve in a heap with fresh torn parsley and finely grated hard strong cheese scattered on top. [that's 1 TABLESPOON of oil PER PERSON, plus 50ml cream. MMMmmm cold cream, chocolate chunks, raw garlic, slimy oil and crusty mushrooms - no mention of emulsifying with pasta water or anything. Yum Yum! yes please Jack I'd love to have sex with you right now, after I've finished vomiting]
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Five hundred dogs

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View attachment 2941145

OH MY FUCKING GOD the nerve of her. You had a two book deal with your original publisher and A Year in 120 Recipes bombed so you didn't get offered another one!
And, as pointed out by the Frauen who have the receipts, you did indeed keep your readers waiting for a VERY long time and eventually delivered a poor quality black and white piece of crap while traaazering the remaining money and not fulfilling the rewards. You fraudulent piece of shit.
A Year In… was such a misstep. While it’s not much mithered over it’s a really crucial part of the story. Her whole USP was cheap family friendly food coming from a poor plucky pixie with an adorable tow headed toddler. A Year In didn’t capitalise on that, it was trying to be a more cheffy/lifestyle book, which was neither appealing to her original audience, or the kind of people who like cheffy books because it was a very poor version of that genre. She utterly failed to build on the brand she’d originally created. If she’d really marketed her USP from the start with proper social media, including a YouTube channel she’d have set herself up nicely. Instead she got carried away with fame and trying (pretending) to be a real chef.
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Five hundred dogs

VIP Member
I know I said this fairly recently, but I’m of the opinion the spoiled paper story was simply because she wasn’t sure how all the cool kids were voting, so she went for the third option of “I didn’t care about the stupid referendum anyway” so she couldn’t be accused of voting the wrong way.
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Sorry to report there's still copies of Grifty Kitchen out in the wild.

Exhibit A: Brighton* WHS (* I neither live nor am from here so not 🍉🍉🍉 myself too much)


Swiftly covered with one of THAT MAN'S books.

Exhibit B: same town's Waterstones. There's FOUR of the fuckers here 😮


Covered over by one of Leggy's books out of SPITE because SHE LEFT.

Exhibit C: main cookery section had some unloved copies of her previous meisterwerks. I felt it appropriate to hide them with this...

I *may* be up to some shenanigans tomorrow. Keep 'em peeled...
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I have terrible PMT so I’m watching DKL

putting oil in after the onions in the pan WTF!! Why is everything fancy if not absolutely basic. Why is every interaction hilarious to her, giggling fucking constantly. Why is she always giving the camera the side eye, she had been on tv before and told to ignore it.
I’ve seen this before but still amazes me.

passive aggressive lemon for reference.

View attachment 2943203
FFS, she’s not some sort of super fast and fancy chopper!

It’s a shame that in (restaurant parlance) you can’t chop all your vegetables first. Sort of like getting your mise en place in place, if you will.

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Morning Mimosa

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Well, she's already got the small weighing scales and other equipment, so selling powder by the gram shouldn't be too much of a stretch.
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Lobster Johnson

Chatty Member
I hate that fucking "I would obviously have been fighting the good fight against the Nazis if I was alive in 30s Germany" bollocks. It's so easy to sit at a distance of 85 years, having never lived under totalitarianism and cast yourself as the hero. You have no fucking idea what you would have done in that situation.
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The thing I like most about this is the implication that during COVID, aka at the busiest and most hectic time for news, LJC had time to make an account here and try to defend Jack to the extent she got banned.

LJC the HEAD OF NEWS for channel 4.


(It also would mean LJC saw all the stuff about Jack lying about being poor and grifting so by the time they got back together as bubble buds she was 100% condoning the grift by being there… but I suspect LJC only ever experienced tattle via Jack whining about it).
I dunno about you, but after a breakup with a shark-eyed narc the first thing I’d do is go online to defend them to people who think they’re a wanker.
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Chatty Member
Guest’s recipe on that Yahoo story is superb. Rinse off tomato sauce and then add a tomato sauce, simmer canned chickpeas for 50 minutes but save time and energy by using ready cooked pasta. Genius.
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I asked my partner and he said "what kind of weird question is that?" and now appears to be moderately concerned about my mental state. I voted spoon because at least it's almost guaranteed to still be functional.
If it makes you feel any better, my husband started off like that and how he’s quite invested in guests downfall. Quite often he’ll get home from work gives me a kiss and then immediately says ‘what’s that cunt been up to today?’
ETA:,I’m not sat on my arse all day looking at tattle, much as I’d like to, I do WFH full time. In real work guest, not made up busyness
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Grifty Mc

VIP Member
What does moonapp say?

Grunking disclaimer

around 21 or 22 she pissed off everyone involved in the Labour antisemitism row, this concluded with her calling J Corbz “comrade” also this may be where we remembermithered (pronounced Re-membermithered) or it happened, that she claimed Mr Corbin has sent her an email coz they were such friends (it was an email to all members but had her name on)
Thanks for all that you do! As I know I shared the thread but I couldn’t be arsed reading the whole thing earlier as I was BUSY drinking wine
For your efforts in finding the pages I’ll send you a portion of white choco pasta and a can tin of prunes. GO WELL
I just thought I would share this post from Jenny numnums who put it perfectly years ago xx
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I’ll have £1 on “ I was working with Fareshare but ebil trolls harassed them and it cost me the gig” please
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On the subject of honorary doctorate , Kermit the frog has at least one. A literal muppet can get an honorary doctorate. They are to real doctorates what a plastic participant medal from a primary school sports day is to an Olympic medal.
So much this. Unfortunately 🍉 I have had to sit through more than a few ceremonies for honourary doctorate winners. They tend to fall into three categories:
- rich people who have, or hopefully will, give lots of their dosh to the uni
- newsworthy people (like climbing Everest or some such) to " inspire" the graduates and get media attention for the uni
- virtue-signaling people (like members of underrepresented groups, so the uni can show how diverse and inclusive it is (and then carry on being elitist and discriminatory for the other 364 days of the year)

In all of that, though, I have never heard a single one claim that they worked very hard to get the honourary doctorate. They know why they're there, and they're playing along. It says a lot about guest's inability to read the room that she would make such an absurd claim.
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In all the excitement we missed marking the two year anniversary of Sue Lee/a year since the statute of limitations expired rendering the “ring fenced” money hers all hers. Kind of the Guardian to amplify the original grift for her while never ever following up to clarify that it was all bollocks.
Mind you, not surprising. They have form for amplifying and bringing her £££ grifts to a wider audience and never following up. Where’s the VBI, Guardian?View attachment 2941118
Send me your money so I can send my cookbooks to food banks!
This one about the Kickstarter is MINDBLOWING from start to finish. Not only for bringing this particular grift to a much, much wider audience but also for allowing her to imply on December 4th 2015 on their international NEWSPAPER platform that it was already written, when it wouldn’t see the light of day until Spring 2018
View attachment 2941051
And she smashed her target in a day, but still kept it open for a month ultimately raking in View attachment 2941065
View attachment 2941061
AND the fact that when she’d raised less than 1/3 of what she’d ultimately rake in she wasn’t sure how she’d manage distribution, but didn’t close it there and then and just kept raking in the cash anyway.
View attachment 2941054
AND that she lied about this…as the publishing deal for the very same book was announced a mere two months later and it wasn’t published by Bluebird for three and a half years after that announcement as she didn’t finish writing it til 2018.
View attachment 2941056
AND she’s saying here she “never fell out with” her publishers despite later lying and claiming to her Kickstarter backers they dumped her for coming out as trans, which is why she was forced to self-publish
View attachment 2941113Like I said, that entire article from start to finish is MINDBLOWING and just like all the others (and more times than just the above), where the Guardian actively advertised these grifts for her, they have never, ever followed up on any of these or published anything to the contrary about any of them.
The “updates” and comments are particularly illuminating.

To clarify for anyone reading who’s unfamiliar: she manipulated and guilt tripped anyone who attempted to ask where the book was and three years later a number of people never got their books, a complete lack of transparency around the “donation” copies people had paid for, international buyers were forced three years later into paying extra for postage etc etc etc etc etc
The sentence "rest assured, I have thought of most eventualities in a very long business plan" from the Kickstarter page has aged ~exceptionally~ well.
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hang on, loathe as I am to agree with the Daily Mail, oral sex can give you cancer. Human Papilloma Virus is spread by sexual contact of all types, including oral sex, where it can give you throat cancer. This is why the efficacy of the HPV vaccine is so brilliant, not only is it massively reducing the incidences of cervical cancer, it will also reduce incidences of throat and penile cancers.

Dunno about Pringles, though, I'm going with "probably not."
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