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She's deleted the Tweet about almost finishing her manuscript, perhaps after realising that it conflicts directly with her doing no writing for months but somehow finding the strength to "conjure up 'Potatoes'" (as if it were the Bohemian Rhapsody of the poverty porn world).
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Ugh, I hate to say I told you so...(actually that's a lie, I LOVE saying it!)
This has been planned from at least Friday, possibly before.
She wants more money and there are zero work offers coming in
She sets up shiny happy tits out photos and schmaltzy photo with SB when he comes for his weekly visit. She knows her behaviour will be called into question over the next couple of days/weeks and she will have these as weapons to pull out when confronted. (I am a good mother etc etc)
Kid goes home.
She tweets through the night about 'burnout' because she's googled it and realised it is quite hard to disprove as symptoms are so varied
Instead of saying 'I'm not well, I'm taking time off' (or indeed nothing at all) she mopes on SM, stirring up the schmucks. They all empathise.
She, now in full swing of her one woman pity party, starts on the SHE LEFT and now I'm poor bullshit.
Slowly but surely the tip jar/Patreon gets filled up until she's reached her target (my guess is Louisa's shortfall in the rent)
Goes to Dr, real or not, and returns with 'diagnosis' which, coincidentally, means she is unable to work.
She's managed to convince however many people into paying her rent and receiving nothing in return.
It is genius. I mean it is completely and utterly evil, but genius none the less.
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Anonymous One

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View attachment 199687View attachment 199688
Subtly implying she wasn’t taking her medication for DKL and Hellmanns, excuses, excuses.
That’s clearly bollocks because I’m sure she spent ages telling people her medication regimen for DKL and questioning on twitter whether she should take it earlier or later. Don’t even think she deleted those tweets.

Also, having a mental disorder is not an excuse for being shit at your job.
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There's a big difference between kicking someone when they're down and questioning the inconsistencies!
You cannot say you are struggling financially whilst shaking your tip jar, then in the next breath admit that you know you've got money coming in at some point. What a slap in the face to anyone who fell for it and donated in the last day.
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I keep thinking about how she went on one of her classic defensive rants before she got the kitten where she claimed she definitely had enough cash to meet her needs, but then as soon as she took the poor thing to the vets, she started complaining about the cost of scans! Then was like “I MUST SEE THE SUPERVET!”. Now she’s saying she’s got no money and I think it’s clear that during the DKL/Hellmans/Kitten/Edinburgh trip she was just behaving completely manically, burning through the cash she had, but by deleting all the twitter evidence of that period seems to be hoping nobody will call her out on her bullshit and will tip money into her begging bowl. Shameless.
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Anonymous One

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To be honest, I don’t think she should be too worried about career prospects. Her skill set would be useful in a whole range of careers. Cult leader, professional pan-handler, setting up pyramid schemes and very dodgy second hand car sales (online only) are just 4 I can quickly think of.

If you’ve found this careers advice useful Jack, please feel free to tip the advisor. Time is money and all that. I’m not a wanker with a tip jar so please give all tips to the Trussell Trust.
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True irreverent (lol) wit is completely off the cuff and obviously so.
I know this is off topic, but hopefully will make you hoot and squeak your lungs up.

I was on the phone to a close friend telling him about the covid test I had. I said that they use something like a huge cotton bud.

I said "I hate anything at the back of my throat", to which he said, quick as a flash "not even an eclair?"
To make it even funnier he pronounced it E-Claire

It would have been easy to make a crude joke, but he is just so funny, he thought of something original. That is what a truly funny person does, thinks of something unique. Bringing it back to R Jackie, there is no way that she could think so quick on her feet. FFS she was making double entendres about sausages with our Matt.
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Uberrima fides

Well-known member
If she is truly in a compromised financial situation (which, by the end of this year, will be the situation for millions) why doesn't she:

a). apply for a job because her son is no longer pre-school
b) make do with one fridge, rather than three and sell the Smeg on something like Craigslist
c) put the Viv Westwood togs onto ebay as 'vintage' pieces
d) flog the Cotswold sideboard etc and get furniture from Ikea/Wayfair
e) stop paying for train sleeper tickets and accommodation in Edinburgh four hundred miles away
f) find a two bedroom flat which is close to her son's father

In other words, do what millions of others in the UK have to do in order to survive.
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I call bullshit on the 10 mins of alone time. Her son is 10 not 2. He is absolutely capable of keeping himself occupied with drawing, reading (not DW’s though) or playing on a device, I think she’s mentioned an Xbox before during DKL.

She also fails to mention there are lots of days where he’s at his Dads!
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This is so painfully true.

I started well in lockdown but I haven't cracked a book open in over 2 months. I love to read and have an English literature degree so I know this is all to do with where my mind is at.
When I was ill, my ability to read was one of the first things to go. Reading takes a lot of effort without realising.
yes to all of the above. I am truly truly burnt out (not wanting to triangulate myself but I have an extremely stressful job in care and I’ve worked all through lockdown and I am exhausted). I read my little head off normally but I havent even been able to look at any sort of book for months and months -my kindle is languishing in a drawer bc it is making me so anxious. All I can manage is endless scrolling on social media. Any ideas how I get out of this? Even old favourites comfort books aren’t helping.

I don’t believe she’s having a breakdown, for this very reason. I am not having a breakdown, I am just very tired and stressed out and I can’t manage half of the shit she claims to because of my MH. I know everyone is different but what she’s talking about isn’t burnout, it’s attention seeking.
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Chatty Member
Great to see Jamie Oliver & his own Jack following through with their commitments to £15 school lunch budgets for kids. The contrast is indeed stark.

Just had a nosey at that and it looks pretty good. Clearly laid out and well designed, fully priced up shopping lists, weekly meal plans and food that actually looks tasty and not like slop?

I imagine Jack is raging.

ETA: also, free. An entire cookbook entirely free. Not just some weird scrappy recipes posted online
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Chatty Member
There's never any screenshots or anything, all these supposed death and rape threats and abuse she gets. Just more lies, to play the victim.
Also, speaking from experience when I had to report death & rape threats (from JM's acolytes, no less), Twitter were VERY diligent in assisting with it all. They even took evidence from third party reports.
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VIP Member
Great to see Jamie Oliver & his own Jack following through with their commitments to £15 school lunch budgets for kids. The contrast is indeed stark.

Her head will explode when she sees this!!!

Oh and Jack, people don't go to the park because they are poor. They go to the park because it has swings and if you are a toddler swings are AMAZING.
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I feel honoured that my thread title was chosen. I may only have 3 GCSEs but I feel I have definitely accomplished something.

I’m getting deja vu from this “Making a list for such-and-such topic” on her Twitter at the mo. I’m sure she did something like this recently. Same old replies from Jack too. She’s already done it or currently does it. Nothing anyone suggests for her will be new information so it’s all a waste of time.
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