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View attachment 199670Duh.

ETA - @Pocahontas You, dear heart, are wonderful and brimming with eloquence and other Nigella words. ❤
Have to live with, current tense?! To give her credit she is brilliant at eluding to the struggle. She never outright lies and says “I am using a food bank / claiming benefits” so she’ll never get done for scamming, she drops historical essays and then eludes to financial difficulties and lets people plug the gaps.

I think most of us, no matter how comfortable, have been super cautious for fear of encountering financial difficulties during covid? Like many I’ve managed to resist buying £2k Smegs, £900 sideboards, going on holiday, buying two sets of AirPods, a £170 alarm clock. It’s not exactly a difficult sacrifice to make is it?!
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Where I live I could have gone to a donation based group every day of the week had I wanted to. Surestart centres were still around then. They were amazing, even offered free lunch to ANYONE, no need to say if you were on benefits or drove a Jag.

Every single toddler group I've ever been to (and I went to many over the years) was welcoming to everyone and free to those who had no money. Donations were welcomed, but it was always done discretely on an honours system and no one would have turned a single mum away - actually, no one would have known whether she had paid or not. All groups offered tea/coffee and biscuits and snacks for the kids (lots of fruit, veg, toast, that type of thing). There was often food left over at the end which people were encouraged to take home (stuff like carrots, bananas, pint of milk, etc.) The volunteers who ran these groups were pretty good at looking out for everyone and many parents were helped by pointing them to services (not just poverty related, but things like speech therapy, sleep clinics, breastfeeding clinics, etc.) The support I got as a new mum was incredible and I'll be forever grateful to the various volunteers who took the time to make me a cup of tea, listen to my woes (I haven't slept in months!!!! I'm soooo tired) and gave gentle and helpful suggestions.

While there is much wrong with society, there are also lots and lots of wonderful people out there, willing to listen, help and give practical advice. However, if you are too proud to ask your family for help I suspect you won't want someone from a Surestart centre or the local church to 'interfere'.
Amazed we don't have a story about how she tried to approach a church for help only to be turned away by the evil Rev Portillo who told her she should have kept her legs shut, whilst the all Tory congregation chanted "starve the whore", causing Jack to deck them all one by one like a real live poor!
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I know, and I do have a history for being taken in by her bullshit which is why I'm the embarrassed owner of 3 of her shitty books. However, if someone hints they're at risk then I wouldn't like to take any chances. She worries me.
It does seem like it's all a game to her though. She cries wolf so much.
And herein lies the problem. It’s just because you said it @GrunkaLunka that I’m quoting you, but plenty of people have. You’re obviously a very kind, compassionate person that despite seeing everything she does through Tattle too and knowing the absolute grift that twat is pulling, you still worry a little and feel sorry for her.

Look at all those poor folk on Twitter who don’t have the benefit of Tattle, they’re all just feeling sorry for her. That’s the problem, she’s effectively pulling the wool over everyone’s eyes using emotive words and phrases in order to get to her end goal which is more money and more rattling the tip jar.

So in the past few days it’s came out she was sexually assaulted, is burnt out, is in bed for 20-22 hours per day, can’t pay her bills - is there anything else she wants to use to pull on the heartstrings of her middle aged bystanders on Twitter?
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From what I see the article is actually praising her for showing that you can live healthily on a budget. How can she object? Unless she is saying that her work is full of unhealthy food.

They have played her with this one😂.
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Ex jack liker here (fan seems a bit much) got her first book when I moved out, recipes were hit and miss. Mostly miss and needed adaptions but an alright basis for someone who does not know how to cook. I backed the Kickstarter as I wanted to support her. It was a mess. After a polite message to ask if my book had been dispatched my head was bitten off. I checked her blog from time to time again recipes were alright but never special. I work for a charity and produce some recipes (heathy, cheap and easy right up Jacks niche) although I’m not payed for my work every recipe is triple checked, maybe you should try this Jack?Twice by me then by someone else. The whole Vegan thing pissed me off don’t call yourself vegan plant based is a better term because you clearly don’t give a shit about the animals)

Her constant drama and attention seeking left a sour taste, the endless health conditions. The final straw was this begging. Lots of people are tight for cash right now but there not blowing a ridiculous amount of money on luxuries.
I have a lot to catch up on so will read though the threads!!
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Not Now Bernard

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I don’t for a minute believe that the Emin was a gift. She bought it for herself as she loves to own high end desirable products. The reason she won’t sell it is because she doesn’t want to. The little people on twitter can fund her rent.
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Thread suggestion : Last call for Monroe ,are you still in the Departure Lounge?

I’m shit at this but I’m a game gal 😁
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It is really shitty to ask for money from patreon subscribers in exchange for... nothing.

I’ve subscribed to two different people - one was a cartoonist who did weekly comics for her patrons and when she felt she couldn’t keep it up, do you know what she did? She put subscribers on pause and has stopped taking money - despite not being very well off. The other one - I pay a pound a month and get shitloads of extra podcast episodes that are exclusive to Patreons - he spends ages editing and putting in sound effects - I actually feel guilt that I pay so little for so much brilliant content. He really puts his heart into it and it’s a topic I love.

I honestly don’t know how she has the cheek!

Even Amanda Palmer is active and gives lots of extra stuff to her Patrons (not that I’d want a simultaneously self pitying and self aggrandising song about how she is the female David Bowie shouted at me with Ukelele accompaniment (in the nude)). But it takes all sorts.
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I'm working 15 hours a day and sleeping 20 hours as well.
I can't pay my bills but can afford sleeper cabins, renting an apartment and eating at Dishoom.
I feel drained yet reborn too, simultaneously.

Jack's going to have to add whiplash to her list of ailments. Or, she needs a visit from Max von Sydow to exorcise her.
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Has she been to the GP? Thought we’d have had an update on her burnout munchie saga by now.
No word so far on the GP trip, she's probably saving it for when the donations dry up or she needs an excuse for some fuckpiggery. It'll go something like " I had wanted to keep this private but..." then it'll go on "I was curled up in a ball, clawing the rug and gasping for air in between huge wracking sobs that seemed to come from the very depths of my soul." The only cure for this terrible condition is a full tip jar and lots and lots of Blue Tick love.
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Mel Donte

Chatty Member
😂 There was a pasta dish in her first book which has become legendary in my household for being the most disgusting meal we ever tried to eat. It has mandarins in it and is absolutely fucking horrible.

Imagine making a cookery book, and not even cleaning your nails before you had the pictures taken 🤢🤢🤢
Also from A GIrl Called Jack - Jack (accidentally?) compares herself to God:
2020-08-03 14_19_58-Window.png
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Not Now Bernard

Well-known member
I think the reason that Jack was so manic over her “potatoes” drivel is she sees it as a way back to the big time.
Her career was in the up when the UKs economy was in the shitter. The guardian lapped up her cockney urchin act and she was treated like a pet by the wealthy, left wing set. Trips to The Ivy and Grouchos were a regular occurrence. But as the economy improved Jack wasn’t as in demand.

You can almost see her salivating that we are heading for a mega recession. Millions of people will be poor and she will be held aloft as a beacon to them all. 🤦‍♀️ Slops galore and she can pontificate from her shitty bungalow.
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