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Congratulations to @NoseyParkour for the thread title! 51 reactions.

Full title:

1 potato, 2 potato, 3 potato, 4, bungalow full of designer gear, needs cash for more

Recap of thread #56

Jack Monroe is done with rinsing beans, now she’s rinsing her loyal followers of their hard-earned, much-needed money.

After lulling people into a false sense of security by BOTHERING to mither on about ice lollies, Jack then pulled out her sucker punch:
‘What does burnout feel like?’

Accounts of genuine burnout poured in and she agreed with any and all descriptions. After asking ‘How do I get better?’, she then detailed her personal socio-economic circumstances, and in her own gracious way, asked, ‘How the fuck am I going to pay my bills?’

The fourth question wasn’t really a question, more a bucketful of hyperbole, ending with: ‘I’m fucked, aren’t I?’

Subtext: I spent all my money on a mini-break to one of my homelands and Five Guys burgers and I need a new nutribullet.

Oh, but what’s this? This old thing? Oh, never mind that, that’s just my Patreon details. Lil ol’ haphazard me doesn’t know all of the logistical details, but, oh well, you may as well have a look. Here’s the fucking link. Ooh, thanks dear heart Nigella, you’ve shared me to all YOUR followers as well. Shucks.

What happened next? Those Patreon supporter numbers rose faster than any of her tinned pear cakes ever did.

‘What if there’s no-one around to notice?’ You’ve always got us, Jack. We’re noticing. And we have receipts (for when you press delete)!
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‘Schroedinger’s Jack: simultaneously working and sleeping all hours.’

Going for a new thread title..
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Screenshot 2020-08-02 at 15.00.49.png

Screenshot 2020-08-02 at 15.05.52.png

Jack is usually so quick with a rude response to get pile on going. Now this is pure speculation but I wonder if she's reluctant to draw attention to these tweets as they may just to too thought provoking.
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Hello mavens!

I'm almost back in real time. Have sacrificed most of today to rejoin you. So many thoughts, but this latest list of 'being an adult human' really got me. It's such infantilising bullshit. These things (getting out of bed, opening curtains, washing your face, getting dressed, etc.) are NOT work. If you cannot do them because of your mental health, you are in a proper crisis and you need help. Listing them like a to-do list turns something that should be automatic and easy into a huge chore. It's not in any way helpful. Might as well add 'breathe' to it.

Jack, you manage to log on to your various SM platforms on multiple devices (@Silver Linings has a spreadsheet on that shit), if you can do that, you can manage to open your curtains without anyone needing to applaud you for it.

Honestly, her behaviour reminds me a of a toddler needing a fucking sticker because they've peed in a potty.

Back in time I go. See you soon, dear hearts.

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Hello, I have been lurking for a couple of weeks after discovering this thread upon googling whether or not anyone else was concerned about JM's behaviour. I used to be a pretty big fan, I have two of her books and I still occasionally use them for reference. However I started thinking something was up when she started posting all those weird colourful bowls, and going on about how much she loved Mrs J, and hated herself, it reeked of an emotionally manipulative relationship, although I wasn't sure on which side at the time. Since then, as everyone here knows, it just spiralled. I am autistic but I never trusted JM's claim that she was too, I have a lot of experience with compulsive liars. The private prescription thing was the last straw for me, so incredibly irresponsible. I honestly hope that she gets the help that she needs, although from my experience these sorts of characters will rarely accept effective intervention.

Sorry to ramble on! Nothing new here of course, just needed to get it off my chest.
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She never outright lies and says “I am using a food bank / claiming benefits” so she’ll never get done for scamming
Don't be so sure. I can't go into too much detail, But I am speaking to the person concerned later to see what I can legally say without getting them in trouble. Just to say R Jackie should be careful, what she is doing is obtaining money by deception. I'll leave it there.
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Jack Monroe #58 It's not an airport Jack, you don't need to announce your departure, love.
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I'm way behind but judging from her twitter tonight there's certainly gonna be a lot of material for here.

...honestly sod Jack's "woe is me, for I am the poorest serf in the land *rattles PayPal tin* hear ye! Hear ye! I have suffered for your sins!" schtick it irks me so much. When is someone going to call her out?! If I had the time I'd collate all these screenshots to a Google drive sorted by category we could link to at the beginning of each thread. (Imagine the fun categories: bullying her followers, bullying Jamie Oliver, bullying David walliams...and the poverty cosplay mega hits.)

Even my mopey self still knows I have it better than so many in the UK, it's horrifying to see people in a first world country going hungry and having to use food banks while others sit on millions. I wish more people with power were willing to speak out and challenge it.

Even at the less lofty, more dormer attic end of the wealth scale, imagine having the money she's had and wasting it all on high end tat for yourself?! She could've done so much with the platform she was given if she genuinely cared - while still slapping down the deposit for a starter home.

Food drives, fundraisers & introducing her followers to charities. Raffles for her book where the money from entrants goes to charity? Even posting "donate to this charity and tweet me the receipt, I'll match up to X amount" and do a quick ten second video reply thanking everyone who does to each tweet.

She could've done a whole series of "I could've ordered an £X pizza/whatever from dominoes/just eat but instead I made it myself for £Y and donated the difference! If you can chip in to Z charity please do, here's what they do!"

I don't care so much if she's annoying with the self aggrandisement if she's actually doing something useful (mostly cause I'm not gonna read her flowery IG posts anyway lol) self promote away Jack! Just so long as the self promotion comes with genuinely helping people and encouraging others to do the same.

bit of a vent cause life is kicking my ass a bit this past week, hope I don't come across too woefully Monroe-ful.

My flatmates are loud and inconsiderate, one has basically moved their boyfriend in and the walls in this house are so thin I can hear the wet noises of them making out, or worse. Now at least that's stopped as they have kids stopping over the weekend, but they're loudly playing with toys and staying up watching TV til 1am. Hopefully it was just a weekend thing and they'll go home tomorrow but who knows?? meanwhile I'm chasing the landlord over a small leak in my bedroom ceiling and a bug problem in the house bathroom. My last flat before this one was even worse so it's still an upgrade I guess but this isn't exactly where I'd aimed to be in my late 20s. I would kill to have my own place like jack does, and she's not even grateful for it.

I have no degree or car or partner and feel like a bit of a failure comparing myself to all my friends who are moving abroad or into their own houses, getting married and having kids.

I know logically that it's mostly just depression & anxiety playing up because we all now have to go outside and leave the house to interact with humans again after we've emerged, (hairy and face masked) from 3/4 months of hibernation and isolation.

I have a lot to be grateful for - great friends, my physical health, and the beautiful parks within walking distance of my house - on a good day I can be that person who's happy just from learning a cool fact or seeing a beautiful sky, but right now I just hate everything that isn't being in bed eating a whole tub of Ben and Jerry's and pretending to watch TV but not really paying attention (I know, I know, Ben and Jerry's, it's.....2016 Jack Monroe's account haha) this will pass though it always does.

I saw other people saying they'd had their own struggles with the black dog recently on threads from last week. I feel you, and I hope you're all doing better this week and supported by loving people irl as well as on here 💕 a virtual hug/fist bump from me, and I'm sorry if my post was depressing. Please accept this page of cute otter pictures in the hopes it will make your night just a little brighter. Facebook - in otter news

I'm now just gonna quietly Grunka and hope I don't miss too many fireworks on the night of the full moon!
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I know we've all moved on from the photos illustrating her seminal work Potatoes, but I just need to get this off my chest.

There was a picture of her pushing SB on the swings with the caption that said something along the lines of We did this a lot, because it's free. This is such classist thinking. Parks and playgrounds are for everyone and are used by everyone, regardless of income. Public services and spaces, like parks, libraries, community centres, the beach, etc. are not for poor people. They are for people. To suggest that you would choose to do something else if you weren't poor is nuts.

When my kids were little all I did was take them to the park, to the river to look at the ducks and boats, to the library (just to hang out or for story time) and to toddler groups (one run by the community centre, one by a local church). The toddler groups operated on voluntary donations for the 'tea kitty', and absolutely no one monitored whether you paid or how much you gave. I live in a city with a number of great museums, so I would also take them there (all free), but if I lived by the sea, I'd imagine I'd have taken them to the beach or if I lived in a village I guess I'd have taken them to look at horses in the field and chase butterflies through the meadows (I clearly don't live in a village).

My point is, while it's certainly possible to spend money on activities for toddlers (swimming lessons, play barns, ballet classes), these really are optional and many families who can afford them don't do these things.

Ok, I feel better now.

As you were and please, ,fuck off now.

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For the frauen on the previous thread expressing frustration at Nigella’s naïveté. I think it’s important to remember that Nigella comes from an extremely wealthy and sheltered background. She doesn’t know what poverty looks like as she’s never experienced it so Jack looks genuine to her. I think a lot of JM’s followers fall into this category. The second category imho consist of highly vulnerable people struggling with their MH who see JM as an advocate
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Loving the scarcasm in this response about five guys 😂, but how bloody nasty of Jack to block the person who made a lovely suggestion about how walking is a good way of coping with MH. Then his response to what Jack did was so sweet. She really is a shit to some of her followers, innocently answering questions she’s asking responses from 😡
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