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Thanks Hotes-mate. This is all fascinating.

I'm a softy southerner but I have a deep longing to be either a scouser or a geordie. Such rich cultures, both.
I might have said this before on a thread but the funniest twitter beef I ever saw was between a cockney and a scouser when the scouser hit back with 'at least we didn't start the plague, that was you dirty bastards lobbbing your turds out windows.'
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I went down a bit of a rabbit hole the other day. LJC's partner's ex's insta has content spookily similar to Guest's. This is going back to 2018, not sure when LJC actually met the current Mrs LJC or when she first worked on Dispatches with her. I would have loved to have done a comparison on the dates and Guest's insta but obviously can't these days! Perhaps everyone's SM is filled with these but the strikingly obvious similarities include:
Bungalow ✅️ (they appear to have bought one together)
Leg shot in amongst crumpled sheets ✅️
Spaghetti hoops ✅️ (not even joking!)
Garden hammock✅️
Bikini shot in garden ✅️
Arty pics of blossom/ trees ✅️
Birds eye view arty shots of food on vintage plates ✅️
Birds eye view arty shots of bowls with things in, artily arranged ✅️
A show stopper Easter cake ✅️
Experimental taste combinations ✅️
Cooking after midnight ✅️

Seems someone may have been on Guest's radar a while.
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I know it's a really minor quibble when she's busily spouting so many fresh lies, but the ability to digest lactose either persists beyond weaning or it doesn't. It doesn't fluctuate, that's not how it works.

This matters - she holds herself out as an expert, but then makes really basic mistakes. She can't be bothered to research the facts to support her lies. And this is just one particularly blatant example amongst hundreds of others.

People trusted her, and many will have taken her advice. Does she feel no shame at all?
Thank you! I'm lactose intolerant and it's the bane of my existence. I can't even eat cheese Doritos without dire consequences.
I know it's not as bad as her pretending she likes Liverpool but it's just so bloody ridiculous.
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I almost start to feel sorry for her sometimes and then I remember she’s told so many lies, we’ve been able to keep this thread going even though she hasn’t been on Twitter in months. And it’s not like they were harmless ones either, she told a lot of them to get people to send her money.
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it's actually irked me how she used "much appreciated" about anfields hillsborough tribute

she was one year old! she's not from liverpool! I sincerely doubt she knows anyone directly affected!

I literally live a mile away from hillsborough stadium, see the memorial all the time. would I tweet anything like that? no, cos I don't know anyone affected, was 5 years old and I'm from a completely different place!

the fucking ghoul
Yeah!! ' Much appreciated' sounds like SHE was the recipient of the tribute, the centre of it all.
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I’m almost tempted to buy it. However if she even got 1p from me I would be fuming. I wouldn’t willingly give her the steam off my piss.
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You’re way too kind. ❤ What she really hasn’t got over is Louisa breaking up with her, especially as her every utterance when they were together made clear that she thought Louisa was punching far above her weight, was a massive nuisance and hapless idiot. She made zero effort whatsoever to hide her contempt while they were together, and seems still can’t quite compute how LJC would have the audacity to LEFT the hot commodity that is I, narc Jack Monroe.
Second this. Jack's posts about Louisa were disrespectful and condescending. I think it's just that she manages to remain bitter for an incomprehensibly long time.
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Lobster Johnson

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Photos of Jack’s Easter cake always remind me of my nan’s dismissal of my mums Madeira cake as being “a waste of 3 eggs”
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And from the same woman who only a year earlier said it’s not lip fillers, I’ve just spaffed £2.50 on a tube of Pringles. Budget shopping for a decade to buy a hat. Yup.
I will never not laugh at the Pringles claim. It really is one of her most pathetic and transparent lies ever. And why?? I've never had a tweakment myself (in fact one of the best days of my life was when I had the liberating realisation that I had become too old and ugly to attract the male gaze) but if I did and I liked how it looked I would be proud of it tbh. Same with any body modification like tattoos or peircings. What's the point of hiding or denying it?

Plus, spicy Pringles? Jeez, Jack. No one eats Pringles by smearing them on their lips; you have to actually insert them into your mouth and swallow for the intended effect. At least say you ate a ghost pepper or something. Moron.
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Evening 👋 just saw on Twitter that Jack was back - and I fully believe it’s a direct response to this from LJC 🤔 that was posted last night- note the “our” garden & the child in the photo is LJCs partners child. Meanwhile Jack is still where she is with her dog!
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View attachment 2871676
See things like this again almost make me feel sorry for her because break ups are hard and this sort of stuff still hurts ages and ages after them.

Then I remember if she wasn’t such a fuck up, people wouldn’t break up with her so often.
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Random thought, Jack's behaviour reminds me of when I used to pretend I loved the Bay City Rollers and would wear a tartan ribbon on my wrist. I didn't know any of their songs, I just wanted to be part of the cultural zeitgeist.
My point is I grew out of that shit when I was 7, she's constantly finding new things and pretending she's a life long fan.
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You keep crowing about bad mentals and evils trolls making them worse etc, so you close down all social media and live life off grid for a few months...... after this time and when potentially you are starting to get your self together, you go back to all the sm, that lead to you being a husk, depressed wailing banshee in the first place. Wouldnt you just stay off grid and make a life for yourself.

During brexit as i have said before i left facebook as i had mates who were quite extremely both sides of the argument. It got to the boy when it just wore me down, so i LEFT and never have gone back, sure there times when i miss seeing photos of my mates on there when they get married or pics my family put in back home doing shit, but its not enough to go back.
An hour later, am still laughing at this part
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I get the strong impression Big D was absolutely livid with her results and that’s why she’s so obsessed with them. Her whole life seems to be oriented around the contradicting goals of impressing him while also trying to prove a point by “taking her own path”.

Maybe Mama E was displeased too, maybe she was supportive who knows - Jack doesn’t seem to have anywhere near the desperation to be approved of/prove wrong/get attention from her as she does her father.
I think her family were livid for her for a number of reasons: the GCSEs, the young single pregnancy, the (likely) behaving very badly at the fire service making her a pariah.

This is all fairly standard parent stuff imho. I only have sons but tbh if I had a daughter who got pregnant at a young age before she was qualified, or financially independent, with no career plans and no relationship, I'd be livid too. Not because I'd think she was a harlot who shoulda kept her legs shut but because I'd be frantic with worry about how she'd support herself, how she'd fulfil herself educationally and in her career, and whether it was the right set-up for an innocent child to flourish. My lividity would be the result of love, in other words.

Likewise if I got one of my kids a coveted well paying job at my firm and they (as I suspect Jack did) fucked it off by having a bad attitude, poor time keeping, and then flounced, I'd be utterly mortified, and yes, again, livid. Not because I'm siding with der ebil firemenz against the bird who wanted to wear traaaaazers, but because it reflects badly on my career prospects and thus my ability to support my family including my ungrateful daughter. Again, my anger would be born out of love not spite.

Jack doesn't understand this and despite having a kid herself, doesn't seem to comprehend the sacrifices that parents routinely make for their children (which I've always found odd in itself). Hence the entire rest of her life has been an extended teen rebellion of "Mum! Dad! Look at meeeeeeee! Look how counterculture and edgy and rejecting of her values I aaammmmm!!!" even tho deep down she's cut from exactly the same cloth of net curtain twitching narrow minded middle class suburbia.
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