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I’m almost tempted to buy it. However if she even got 1p from me I would be fuming. I wouldn’t willingly give her the steam off my piss.
I love the way you added willingly because it suggests she’s such a thief she would genuinely try and steal your piss steam.
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That makes a lot of sense. Especially the Laurie 'Lou' in her post. Jack appears to have had a relationship break up and she's seen Louisa's happy life and the little Narc can't have anyone outdoing her.
She definitely sends random muff pics to her exes.
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I wondered if there’s a first responder equivalent to the military’s Walter Mittys & stolen valour. It seems to be almost unknown, but one guy on Reddit had this take:
View attachment 2864819
It’s so telling that she’s not proud of the job she actually did. That front line call handler post has to be a challenging role, why imply or allow the perception to flourish that she was a firefighter?
It just was never good enough to impress Daddy Wispa, was it?
I saw a documentary once on the early days of online dating and there was apparently a real problem on Plenty of Fish with loser incel dudes pretending to have been first responders at 9/11 in order to get dates and big themselves up. (As far as 9/11 larping goes, the case of Tania Head is crazy - she was like the unholy lovechild of Rachel Dolezal and Jack Monroe).

There's definitely more of a whiff of the emotional con artist about Jack, as well as a financial grifter, so this fits for me. Also, her consistently hammed up self image as a sort of plucky, tough Lara Croft type manic pixie dream girl probably led her to try to make her followers believe that she was putting herself directly in harm's way as a firefighter rather than being a call handler.

Her Grenfell blog was the nadir of this particular larp. Absolutely morally reprehensible. Defo the worst tragedy she's centred herself in, for me.
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Jelly Bean

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I presume this is about the Sarahvayjay thread.


Fails to mention the reason she has a thread was the constant grifting (guest sent her money once upon a time), now largely curtailed due to Tattle, also her filming and doxxing a shop worker and laughing at suggestions the worker be assaulted.
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That’s what make me 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️ When watching the DKL clips… she’s not good on screen
She would never have got anywhere near our screens had it not been for Covid. Because in 'normal' times they would have screen tested her and seen how bad she is. It's not just a case of her being a bit raw and unpolished and a few rehearsals and experience would have made her passable. Like she just does not have the body language or temperament to ever be anywhere near a camera, it's almost offensively bad, like putting a dolphin on Mars or something.
I can't get over the turd pucks. Everytime they are posted, they still shock me to my core. How can she not see it?
I knoooow. My money's on it being a deliberate troll. Or epic, epic amounts of toot.
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I've often wondered whether her social media addiction was the result of her career path, or whether it was the addiction that led her to drive her work in that direction.

Whichever way round it was, she let it go on for so long that she's had to throw away her career at that same time as she abandoned social media.

As you say, it's seriously impressive that she's managed to kick the habit. I do genuinely hope that she finds something fulfilling to do with the rest of her life.
In my humble opinion the social media addiction was just a secondary symptom of her main issue which is Victim Narcissism. SM - Twitter especially - is perfect for the victim narc cos they can create whatever poor me narrative they like and the speed of the feed and ability to delete means it's harder to call them out on it, the 'herding' algorithm of Twitter also means that they can jump on hashtag bandwagons (Grenfell, CSA, troll threats, Sarah Everard) and turn the victim narrative onto themselves. It's basically what victim narcs do IRL but Twitter enables them to do it bigger, faster and to get more validation without the hassle of someone who ACTUALLY knows you IRL turning round and saying "Hang on I thought you were considering unaliving two days ago, why are you now posing semi-naked with a caption saying you're living your best life, and by the way why have you used the slimming tool to shave eight inches off your waist whilst eulogising the Viennetta section in your local ASDA?"

I think it's hard for victim narcs to change and my suspicion is that, deprived of Twitter, Jack's off getting her claws into her local AA groups. AA is a perfect place for narcs to thrive because it's constant encouragement, minimum judgementalism, everyone wants to hear a sob story, and people don't tend to know what you're really like outside of the rooms.
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I might be completely wrong here @Valiofthedolls but, in the interests of rigorous triangulation, were these corduroy pics not taken after SHE LEFT? She did that weird hair amputation and underwear on the sideboard shots when LJC fled the bungamansion in 2020.

So she couldn't have been living with LJC at this time, no?

Everything else you've said, dear one, stands.
You’re right. Cords was post LJC. SHE LEFT in early May, days before that thirst-post. LJC’s leaving caused all poor Jack’s hair to fall out in clumps in the supermarket.

Jack was monetizing the fuck out of the pandemic before that while with still with LJC. Apols for not being clearer, I’m BUSY trying to only spend 15-20 mins on here while being FORENSIC.
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Lobster Johnson

Chatty Member
it's actually irked me how she used "much appreciated" about anfields hillsborough tribute

she was one year old! she's not from liverpool! I sincerely doubt she knows anyone directly affected!

I literally live a mile away from hillsborough stadium, see the memorial all the time. would I tweet anything like that? no, cos I don't know anyone affected, was 5 years old and I'm from a completely different place!

the fucking ghoul
I grew up in Liverpool in the 80s and 90s. I know how raw the anger and outrage was and still is because it was the culmination of a decade long attempt to destroy us and our city.

But I wouldn’t try to make a memorial all about me because it isn’t. It’s about remembering that it could have been any set of fans that day and about getting justice for 97 people who went to a football match and didn’t come home.
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Five hundred dogs

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I’d say the right term is pathological liar. Whatever situation she’s in and whatever person or group of people she’s addressing she’ll say the thing she thinks will get her the most clout, attention or sympathy, or all three. Regardless if that something has even the slightest relationship to the truth or not.
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Yeah and I don’t even understand what point she’s trying to make here. All bourbon biscuits are cheap, that’s kind of their point. What other kind of bourbon biscuit is there? It’s not like Heston Blumenthal’s doing a hand fired valhrona ganache crumble bourbon sandwich biscuit for Waitrose is he?
I’d buy that. It’s Heston though, he’d fuck it by adding bone marrow miso gel in the middle.
🤣 if they’re copying and pasting screenshots straight from here,
they could at least do an extra two mins research to find the originals

MILDLY lactose intolerant View attachment 2877760
View attachment 2877759
FLUCTUATINGLY lactose intolerant (pissy and defensive cos she doesn’t know the price of milk)
View attachment 2877777

GREATLY lactose intolerant indeed (this one about “SPITE Burberry” profligate guest’s financial wisdom is quite the read)
View attachment 2877761View attachment 2877762

View attachment 2877793
Wasn’t lactose itinerant when she was boring everyone about all the viennettas was she?
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What have Jack Monroe and a bungalow got in common?

They’ve only got one story and there’s nothing upstairs. 🥁
Thread title nomination!

Poss shortened to something like "Jack Monroe #569 - Like a bungalow: one story and nothing upstairs" if too long?
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Has anyone seen this before? It’s an article where she says she avoids “battles” over eating her slops at meal times by making her son (and HER ADULT PARTNER) have a public chart where they can only list four things that they don’t like to eat.

The controlling, spiteful cow. I can only imagine poor SB’s looks like this:

View attachment 2876334

…if this is anything to go by:

View attachment 2876335
So only sometimes will the poor little sod even try the shit that’s put in front of him. No wonder he’s usually asking for nuggets and mash. I bet Louisa was too. And she’s a vegetarian.
She is such a cunt. This sort of tactic would not work with a child suffering from ARFID or a digestive disorder. It just promotes negativity around eating too. Mealtimes should be a positive and a safe experience. It's very damaging in the long term to create food rules.
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Relaunching on a wave of “Our Mr Shnookums says woof” responses, is it?
Where’s your price index you fucking chancer?
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