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I'm never sure if the "live" part is accurate or of it's a projection based on what it thinks might happen over the next 24 hours based on current activity, but I see the comeback's going well, losing four followers for every tweet.

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I think it speaks volumes that guest’s Wikipedia page is edit protected but others such as say, Jamie or Nigella - who are much, much more famous and successful - are open. 🤔
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So what did she economise on to save for The Breitling?
She is a fucking disgrace, just eat cheaper tomatoes and you too shall have spare cash to waste on shite ( or very expensive watches)
It's yet another manifestation of her weird tory boomer mentality - if you stop eating avocado toast you too can buy a flat in Dalston!
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Mr Krabs

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It's gotta sting for narcy-narc guest to know that if she'd treated Louisa well they might still be together, married, she'd have access to Louisa's money and connections
While I’m happy for LJC getting away from all that, I’ll forever be sad we weren’t treated to a Jack wedding. I’m sure we would have got multiple costume changes, a shit wonky self-baked cake, and probably Jack martyring herself and deciding to do all the catering, meaning the menu would all be cold slop.

We could have had hats and everything. :cry:
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Lucky Escape

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Thank you! I'm lactose intolerant and it's the bane of my existence. I can't even eat cheese Doritos without dire consequences.
I know it's not as bad as her pretending she likes Liverpool but it's just so bloody ridiculous.
I suspect it might be part of her "I'm so very very Greek" persona - fewer than 20% of Greek Cypriots can digest lactose. But three of her grandparents are Irish/Scots/English so are almost certainly lactose tolerant, and it only takes one parent to pass on the lactase persistence gene so she'd have to be pretty unlucky not to have it.

It doesn't really matter whether she is or isn't - the real problem comes from her implying that lactose intolerance is something that comes and goes... or is perhaps even a choice, or a matter of not trying hard enough. People who trust her expertise might be forgiven for wondering if forcing an extra glass or two of gold-top milk into themselves might cure themselves of those annoying stomach aches.

It's similar to her "90% vegan" claim - yes, sure, but only because those Asda Essentials Bollock Sausages are 90% sawdust...
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Yes please!
Here you go
In chronological order/the order of the ss in that post
Conservative Party Conference speech
That couple of days in of Autumn of 2013 was a very precise time. Number 19 on this years Pink List lesbian, to be precise


Depo-provera injection, to be precise

#awks 😬

Hello, Vogue! 👋

The lies just flow like a river of oil and vinegar dregs mixed with tea shandy. From the Littlejohn clapback
two weeks earlier, bickering in the comments under her article. Left the firephone in November 2011,

😂 Both of these things are complete bollox too. Not 18 months, and she packed that full time job in after 3 months so she most definitely hadn’t been “working full time since February 🤣
Such a fucking awful person. If she was a stick of seaside rock and you snapped it open, it would just have “Irredeemable Insufferable Cunt” written all the way through.
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Nothing Jack has ever said has led me to believe that she's sees women as anything more than "the competition" which have it in for her cos, well, she's just a stunner and no one can handle that.

Its a quality of hers that gets to me more than other aspects. Faking her feminist credentials when they're about as deep as her understanding of cooking but never being called out in public about it. Allowed to ponce about with a veneer of activism on women's issues but in reality, for from it.
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Whenever i doubt what goes on here, i remember when She said that herself that members of her own family and friends, possibly including L had their head turned by here. Now if ruinous runours came out about someone in my close circle, i would be certain if they were not true, my head wouldnt be turned by some bores house fraus.
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Marmalade Atkins

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I think she’s been dirty deleting from Twitter btw… the last tweets before the Liverpool game one (pathetic) are about shoes which was June last year
Recent deletes:

She deleted around 205 in December, 24 in January, 6 in February, 0(ish) in March and around 15 so far this month.
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If the 5 Simple Ingredients Slow Cooker book can have an inappropriately sweary sticker, why not Grifty Kitchen?
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