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In her hair is…her hair. It’s the Rambo hairband made out of the piece of her own hair. Adorned (as Nazi Shitrag Daily Mail likes to say) with what looks like that angry flower in your avi and a shell off the MOD beach, lovingly assembled by the light from the window, filtered through the many layers of voile. (while cowering in fear at knocks, soap, soup and death threats at the door)
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Guess you’re doubly fucked on that one this week, pal Rainbow Brite. What with you on MN and on here and all that…

ETA: ss @Peachy9 and @Pocahontas
Mood indeed.

Fucking hell the state of her 😂
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To be honest, I think her ''career'' was on the wane then. Her appearances weren't exactly a success, and attendance to her talks was really low iirc.

It's brilliant. Cracks me up every time. 😂 As Vali said, the thing in her hair is her hair. It's the same braid that featured in her equally perplexing 101 Dalmatians selfie.

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Jack-as-movie-titles - Fillers in the Mist
I always used to think she was wearing cling film on her head in the top pic.

Sorry I see @VeniVidiVicki also thought the same!
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Grifty Mc

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I’ve not been here for a bit and am way behind so perhaps this will have been addressed during my grunk but would she ever get that dog groomed ffs.
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Lobster Johnson

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Jack is 100% one of those LFC, I’m so scouse, grew up with nothing but is actually from West Kirby
my best mate is from Formby. Went to Merchant Taylors but his family were rough as a badgers arse. His dad was a bus driver who got rich in the 90s doing, erm, import/export.

He proper goes on about his Walton credentials even though he’s probably only ever been there in his dads merc.
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I've always assumed she got 4.5 C or higher GCSEs and 2.5 D-G which the school and her parents and thus probably herself considered failures.
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So funny you said that cos acid trip is exactly the vibe I get from it too. It looks like something I might have hallucinated whilst lying in a field on an epic comedown circa 1992. For some reason I can’t look at that pic of Jack without Ebenezer Goode playing in my head.
I'd be terrified if I saw that looming over me with a slop offering. Ebenezer Goode is a tune though. I'll be raving in the car on my home!
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Yeah Mumsnet is mad now isn’t it. They’ve all gone really nasty. I sometimes used it in all seriousness way back and it was cliquey as hell but supportive. Now it’s like, someone will post asking for support to leave their abusive spouse and keep full custody of their kids and the first replies will be all THIS IS YOUR FAULT FOR HAVING CHILDREN WITH THIS MAN or YOU ARE CLEARLY NOT A RESPONSIBLE PARENT TO PUT YOUR CHILDREN IN THIS SITUATION.

I date Mumsnets true downfall to the start of the CoL crisis cos interest rates went up and all the Boden mummies suddenly got hit with the realisation that their mortgages were too big and they could no longer afford to buy seitan and massive salads to enable them to maintain their size 8 figures.

Oh dear, how sad.

Although ironically it is now the kind of place where someone like Jack would genuinely be told she should’ve kept her legs shut.
Yeah the downfall of that site has been quite something - there are friendly pockets but generally you can expect a pile on for the smallest thing.

I’m sceptical the potato was R Jackie, I don’t think she could say one thing then shut up.
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Not sure if she has fully left the building.
There's one of those sad fishing type quotes at the end of that thread. Might not be her, but it's the sort of vague attention seeking thing she'd say before flouncing out.
And it got immediately called out 😆
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VIP Member
Jack: “Out for dinner with friends old and new.”
Translation: “Free dinner and a show with some people I was on a table with at the Diversity Awards, some actual famouses who have no idea who I am or why I am there, and Linda Riley.”
I read that too quickly and wondered what Lisa Riley would be doing with guest 🤣
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Chatty Member
Speaking of which MCM, hugs and heartfelt sympathy for your loss. Xx
No sympathy for Jackie though..
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Don’t. She’s full of shit. From all her idiotic boasting it’s abundantly clear that she was probably feted and fussed over as being the cleverest at primary school, then went to a school with other cleverest girls at their primary schools and just couldn’t handle that she wasn’t the cleverest girl anymore.
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So she’s been making up silly fucking stories ever since about being a child genius and how and why she was deprived of her academic potential, while still tragically fixated on her GCSE results two decades after sitting them, and since her very earliest days IN THE PUBLIC EYE back in 2012 and in the decade+ since, pretending to actually have/be studying for multiple degrees.

The thing all her stories in the decades since about how she didn’t live up to her academic potential (and thus in her own multiple times in the telling peaked at 11 years old) have in common is that it’s always, always someone else’s fault.

ETA: and would lay a substantial amount of £££ on the first time Dave, Ev and “everyone” who when she was 11 thought she’d go on to get 15 A* GCSEs and be a Dr discovered that they’d “thought” that back in the day was when they read it in the Shattenstone piece. In 2023. When she was 34.

Edit: 🥕
Jesus wept, I'd forgotten quite what an insufferable gobshite she is. Thanks very Vali much Vali 👍
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I think her and the ex are just friends who have known each other now a very long time.
I sense we have missed a new ex that she kept quiet about. I imagine it went the usual way . She lovebombs, then starts slowly trying to erode their personality and confidence , they sense something is wrong , they dump her

Got to feel sorry for Narcs lately. There is so much more information now on their wank controlling ways that their red flags are spotted and they are dumped.
Perhaps having to have their “four things I won’t eat” whiteboard installed in the kitchen was the final straw.
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