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Morning lads. Just finished watching SKL and I've now convinced myself that Marigold(?) the pantomime cow was actually the secret CactusTV researcher/bus/train/neighbour spilling the lukewarm tea.
Either that or guest has gagged and bagged them then popped the outfit on in a desperate, last gasp bid to claw herself back on the box.
Buttercup tenderstem, I was chuckling to myself wondering if this was her latest gig
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Frankie Boyle and Ricky Gervais are the often cited examples of comedians who are “funny” but are censored by the woke crowd - Boyle just seems like a vile bully who thinks being rude and “edgy” is funny to be honest, Gervais I’m less sure on.
Agree with you on Boyle
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I don't believe there's any way at all an under 18 y/o could work in a pharmacy. No such thing as a Saturday job in the chemists for kids, no way. I come from proper pov background and me and the siblings had all manner of jobs locked down but that's literally unheard of. No pharmacist is going to risk losing their licence having a youngster make some terrible error or doing something silly. IMO.
Could it have been a Transition year/Work Experience fortnight?
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coming in late to say i also saved a snippet once if newer fraus would like to see how the video ended (or was this the Oasis one?)

Thank you thank you just thank you sniff bye. Seriously though. Thank you tenderstem ❤
coming in late to say i also saved a snippet once if newer fraus would like to see how the video ended (or was this the Oasis one?)

Ps WWHHHAAATTT? There’s an Oasis one??
She's still got a whole bunch of pics of the poor disabled kitten and one of a rabbit in one of her highlights 😡
Wtf is wrong with her? Where do we start I know…
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I forgot she auditioned for X Factor. She's so fame hungry... Like one of those people that manage to pop up on Come Dine With Me, Four in a Bed, and a random quiz show.

All that's left for her now is dragging the labia onto Embarrassing Bodies
Oh Lord!

Don't give her ideas 😦 - she might go a step further and get herself onto Naked Attraction 😬😬😬
or Naked Attraction

(also sorry I know it’s early but please… BIB thread title nomination)
Sorry - you'd beaten me too it.

I wasn't plagiarising, honest!
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You can read more about it for yourself.

The key passage is this:
" Oliver is one of the backers of the Feed the Future campaign, which is calling for a cross-party commitment to expand eligibility for free school meals to all children in England."

Yeah he wants them to roll the London scheme out so that’s primary specifically and he’s quoted in other articles as saying that.

Feed the future are actually focusing on campaigning to extend it to all families on universal credit for now which is a far better first step IMO than rolling out the London scheme nationwide and missing secondary school pupils. So what Oliver is saying currently isn’t what FTF are saying.
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And that's before you even get to the clinical years... One of the previous Mr Beacons was a doctor, and we were together all the way from uni through his medical training through to SHO and it was so tough. This was a few years back and I think conditions have improved, but the idea that someone with Jack's Completed It Mate attitude, incuriosity and love of pointless busywork could become a doctor is laughable.

Also, as pointed out upthread, I don't understand why she didn't retake at least one GCSE when she was THRUST into the world of work? Or look at other qualifications like a BTEC? At every step she's screwed herself.
Possibly because she believes that, due to her intrinsic awesomeness, the Universe is duty bound to provide.🙄
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“Half” a GCSE makes me die inside.
Grunking so not sure if anyone else has said this but I did short course RE a few years before she would have and we were told it counted as half a GCSE, that’s what everyone called it. All the kids at my (average comprehensive) school had to sit it unless they opted in to the full Religious Studies GCSE.

I wonder if the 15A*s is rounded up from a predicted 14 and a half 🤔
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Her son would have 1/8th Greek heritage as Jack for all her posturing about having a fat Mediterranean arse has one Greek Cypriot grandparent. So that would make him 4th gen which I guess starts to become tenuous. Like people claiming Native American heritage in the states haha. Plus the Greek Cypriot stuff I think is her prop to sound and look interesting lol and therefore for her son it's not relevant which is kind of sad in itself.

My family on one side is from a south Mediterranean country too (both Grandparents on one side who were first gen) and while I respect that heritage and have spent summers there at relatives houses etc I don't see it as my personallity as I think Jack does lol. Also by the third and fourth gen I'd say most of my family my age and younger and all the families who came over from the same area to Wales are largely integrated and don't really do the community events my parent and grandparents did. To me it's obvious she's overplaying her heritage.

I also have one Scottish Granny on the other side so the same amount of heritage Jack does and if I started going on about my Gaelic pale complexion or whatever it would be insulting and reductive!
Yeah I think she’s a bit damned either way on the showing SB heritage thing.

If she did do it and made a big deal then people would point out how it’s only 1/8th of him and 1/4th of her and when she doesn’t do it people wonder why not.

It’s not limited to her either, I’ve seen questions about others in similar positions who appear to be similarly damned if they do/don’t.
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Oh, in the stuff I read, the BIB is exactly what he’s advocating. Thanks though.
In everything I’ve read JO is talking about extending the London scheme to all of England and praising Khan - and then some of them go on to say that the cross party review scheme backs extending starting with UC recipients but that doesn’t seem to be what JO said that’s them citing other research 🤷‍♀️ but obviously he’s a saint who does no wrong cos he does more than Jack from his ivory tower while fucking people over with his bust restaurant chain while making to sure to save a couple of mil for himself.
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They seem to spend their days bitching about Monroe, and they just happened to sit next to someone on a rail replacement bus, who they just happened to start chatting to, and this person just happened to have tea that's relevant to this person's social media focus, which they just happened to disclose to a random stranger?

Yeah, right.

Also worth noting that the follow-up tweet, which presumably contained details of the tea, has been deleted.
View attachment 2420588

Edit to add it's possible that the unavailable tweet was a reply from someone else, and isn't a follow up from the original poster, but still. We're firmly in Jimmy Hill territory here.
I think that was from a different account
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Sorry I was taking the proverbial about her “fixing the problem” obviously pharmacies don’t redistribute their employees‘ own prescription drugs! that’s if she got them on prescription or not!
Aye, yeah I know, she was clearly bullshiting again.
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She absolutely could have gone to college with her GCSEs. I imagine this is all another barbed insult at her parents who saw her do no fucking work for her GCSEs and told her to her a job for a bit to sort herself out.
I think if she was as clever as she thinks she is (she’s not) and she do the bare amount of work you can pass a GCSE.

I don’t know if anyone has followed the Lucy Letby trial. I’ve only looked at the stuff after the verdict. One of the things that made her look bad was the number of silly and unnecessary lies she told on the stand,
She didn’t know what ‘going commando’ meant.
Didn’t know what happens to your eyes when going from a light to a dark room.
Didn’t know what an air embolus was despite going on a course dealing with it.

didn’t own a shredder despite owning a shredder!

sound familiar. Obviously jack is not a serial killer, just a twat.
Glad you’ve said it as there’s been loads of things that made me feel that they have a lot of similarities.
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