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VIP Member
Totally agree it's astounding. If you tot up the amount of money spent on furniture, a new wardrobe in Edinburgh and holidays just in the last few months. And that's only the stuff we've been privy too. Of course a fridge may break and require replacing. But does it need replacing with a £3k SMEG fridge when a few weeks prior you were asking for donations via PayPal and Patreon because you'd lost revenue in pandemic? Do what the rest of us do trying to save for a deposit and get a nice spreadsheet going with ingoings and outgoings and be bloody strict!
agreed. I imagine the cost of the trip to Edinburgh and the kitten stuff is getting the cost of the last few weeks to at least a couple of grand. That is not what someone in financial dire straits would do. That’s not even something a relatively comfortable person would do given the parlours state of the economy rn. And yet we have this Patreon and other poor references. It Doesn’t make sense.

That Patreon thing. Boy. She is fucking scum, mate. Not financially secure? Are you taking the piss? Most people arent, you fucking clown.

She is a middle class, spoilt, self entitled little runt who is insanely blind to her privilege.

That has fucked me off so much. How can anyone be so fucking insensitive yet act like a saviour!? YOU ARE NOT A WHITE KNIGHT FOR THE POOR. Fuck off. Cunt.
yeah it’s the white knighting thing I can’t get my head round. “Give me your money so I can help the poooooooor!” And she has all these luxury items. I used to just get Jameela Jamil vibes off her. Now I’m also getting Camilla Batmangelidh.
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When my ex moved out, I bought a 1930s display cabinet on eBay, and put all my Irregular Choice shoes in it.
They are more than shoes. They are beautiful and should be admired 😍
My daughters bought me a pair of red Vivienne Westwood shoes (size 38) for my 50th birthday. They are far too beautiful to hide and hang on a ribbon on my bedroom wall.

RIP Dear Viv

I have 3 email addresses; all condensed to one screen so I can check them all and clear them out. I am on the ball with notifications though- I cant have any outstanding on my screens. I have to clear them!
Babe, same.
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Breakdance Badass

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So I had a day at the beach (deserted middle of nowhere!), I’ve missed the great au revoir by the look of it and also the mass D E L E T E

For triangulation purposes I’m a size 10 left foot and a size 6 right foot, and I wear Peppa Pig wellies all year round!

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Not to sound too much like Jackie Big Balls here but my work email address receives about 300 emails a day and we have a work chat as well which pings continuously throughout the day. Then there’s meetings and reports to write.

Despite all this, and the point dear hearts, is that I don’t work a 20+ hour day and I sort them every day so I don’t have to reply to people from February saying I have ADHD and did a chaos and couldn’t reply.

What is she doing with those 20+ hrs? I suspect fiddling in a notebook and writing long emotive posts to herself about her mental health.
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Brian Butterfield

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I haven’t been commenting much lately (I’ve been BUSY), but catching up when I can. The Patreon shizzle, just, WOW. Speechless. She is a grade A greedy, entitled twat. And that’s me being polite.

Jack, in response to your question - am I awful and nobody has ever told me? - the answer is, of course, YES, ABSOLUTELY.

Check your fucking privilege.
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I can’t decide between whether she is:

1. So lonely and desperate for chat she just wants to get in the middle of the bed and have a chat with us all, as proven by her weird live at the Apollo session here (thread 31?)

2. Panicked that her low effort / high return career is at risk because these threads rank so high on google, and brands or publishers can easily see all the content she’s gotten away with deleting, so wants to take us out?

I think if she was serious about 2, she wouldn’t have created Chaz (allegedly / apparently)? Maybe she genuinely wants to be part of the cabal, I don’t get it, it’s spooky. She should just make a fake account to hang out if she’s that way inclined, the poltergeist 👻

The pure shiiiiiiiiiine on those leggings is gonna lush HTRIA2019 over the chuffing edge
I actually feel so bad for being such a bitch I’m so sorry guys, it’s only cos these are £££ high end (of Nike) trainers I wouldn’t be if they were hi techs I promise x
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Of course Jack would still find a way to tweet even if she was in actual fragments. She's like that bit in Fantasia when Mickey chops the broom into pieces.

She's also still got her tongue to tweet 🤣
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Can we organise a pay rise for Pocahontas please? She's working harder than the rest of the cabal.
Oh, yes please Vlad, a filthy deposit of bitcoin would be much appreciated and welcome. I’ll also humbly nominate Silver and Marmalade and all others who painstakingly provide receipts on here. What a team! ❤
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Hang on I thought the ‘tip jar’ was parlance another term for her Patreon account?! She has another beg bowl on top of that?!
Yup she also has paypal link which she used to Tweet a lot but seems to have stopped that since we started calling it out seeing as she was securing BBC tv slots and 5 figure brand partnerships. She's a bloody charlatan saying how poor she is if you compare to what is a probably relatively low median salary that her followers have. If she genuinely does have periods of low cash then she's not handling her finances properly and thats on her, not her followers to sort out.

Oh and demonitise your ghoulish kitten video, Jack. Also, I'd love to see physical evidence of the money she donated off the back of the BLM video. Seeing as she's said herself that her ADHD means she forgets to follow most things through, it's only fair to check and ask.
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Marmalade Atkins

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I'm not sure if this was posted earlier, but just in case:

(Edit: swapped pic for one easier to read)

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Did anyone watch channel 4 news tonight?

There’s a really sad feature on a woman who lost her fiancé to suicide during lockdown, he was really depressed because he couldn’t find work and they were a month away from financial difficulty.

Really tragic, but poor Louisa having to deal with Jack’s emotional manipulation and threats of suicide / self harm (the ED bits) whilst dealing with highly emotional topics at work.
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Here it is, her justification for Patreon straight from Jackie’s mouth on her infamous appearance on thread #31 She admits she’s not poor anymore, no Shit Sherlock, but states as she’s not ‘financially secure‘ erm most fecking people aren’t FFS😡 and we ALL know there’s no magic pot as we all go out and earn a living, knowing that we’ll never be financially secure, because unless you win the bloody lottery (or I suppose have a Patreon account😉) people don’t ever really feel financially secure. Her middle class values shining out here!
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Going back a bit but it irritates me how people go on about other cultures being all about family round the table eating as if all Brits do is eat tv dinners without speaking. Especially people who are doing it like Jack to centre themselves within the other culture to point out how much more family centric and sophisticated they are. It’s almost as if Christmas, Easter, weddings, birthdays, mother’s day, father’s day, barbecues, picnics etc don’t exist in this country.
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From the newsletter from her dad and brother's old school. When she sued KH ahe used her family as in how stressful and awful, with members of her family in the military, it was to be accused of vandalising a war memorial. As I have said before, people are just props in Jack's life, to use as fodder for whatever her latest drama is all about. In my opinion anyway!
I will bet a million pounds that a man who refers to his kid's school teachers as "masters" and puts every single qualification and honorific he has after his name was not driving Jack to school in a white transit van, as she claimed.

I do wonder about Jack's admin assistant but I strongly suspect that, as a narc and a neurotic one at that, Jack insists that she maintains control over stuff like postage even though she's shit at it. I had a boss like this for a year or so: she wouldn't even let me contact clients who I was account manager for, so I literally just sat and twiddled my thumbs all day until she resigned and it turned out she hadn't been in contact with them either so everything was in chaos. Given Jack's "concerns" over money it would really make sense for her to try to get some actual value out of the woman she's paying a salary to, rather than just using her as a human shield against angry folk from Kickstarter.
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