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Nigella's been tagged this morning, as have the Essex celeb squad and Pan MacMillan, Jack's publisher. To which I can only say - lol

Screenshot 2023-01-22 at 08.54.10.png

Screenshot 2023-01-22 at 08.54.30.png

But seriously, people have to realise that they can't help via twitter. Jack's behaviour should definitely be addressed, but by those who are unfortunate enough to know or be related to her IRL.

ETA snapsies Brian!
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How is Jack suing 30p Lee?

For a comment on Twitter, her response matters. She did not contact Lee privately or otherwise to ask he removed it. Nor did she refute his comment in a professional manner.

No, she retweeted it with a threat. Said she’d have his house. Straight off the bat this shows a desire to sue for profit, not as a direct result of loss or defamation to character - which is incredibly difficult to prove given her own poor actions (advocating theft, criticising the then PMs deceased son etc).

Lee confirms he’s never been asked to remove it. To raise a case, this would be the first - the very first! - question asked. It would have a preliminary hearing to hear the case details and confirm under what section of the law the claimant is asserting was breached. You may be asked dates and times etc and if you can support your claim but it’s not a hearing and you will not be asked for evidence at this stage.

After that you’ll usually get a court date for some time in the distant future, there’s a huge backlog. You do not need a team of lawyers, paralegals or anything else. Claims are done via internet form, communication with the court is via email and the preliminary hearing is via the phone. You may need a junior lawyer or paralegal. One. One who will likely be on twenty other cases at any one time.

And until you have that court date, you’re suing no-one. As soon as the claim is filed, the respondent is made aware. Lee has not removed the original tweet nor issued an apology. No claim has been filed. If it was, he could use truth or opinion as a defence, quite frankly, it’s both.

I have an awful feeling that this suing tweeting is off the back of 30p Lee being back in the news and since grifty kitchen flopped she’s edging back into full tip jar rattling. She needs to squeeze what she can to move. Shameless.
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Jelly Bean

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🎉 Happy VBI anniversary ninnies 🎉

Only a year, and many thousands donated courtesy of Nigella, since Jack said it was was the work of a weekend.
Well we were all stupidly cynical fraus for ever doubting it would appear weren't we?
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Fraus, I just finished grunking this thread and omg. I usually just laugh at the shite she tries to spin but this latest flounce is honestly sickening to me. A quick search on hellsite this morning shows many people concerned for her, giving her attention, sending well wishes, lapping up this latest last ditch effort at garnering sympathy.
How doesn’t she understand the difference between being held accountable and online abuse?? I’m actually baffled. Like, I feel like she is actually delusional. It feels like she’s just throwing the kitchen sink of excuses out to distract from her horrible narcissistic and absolute plethora of calculated (and even at times ridiculously pointless) lies. “I’ve basically had cancer. I’m ill. I’m an addict. I’m being relentlessly harrassed. I’m suing Lee. I’m sofa surfing. I’m s***cidal. I’m skint. I’m disabled. I’m ill. I have PTSD. I’ve survived x y and z. I work 800 hours a week. Im exhausted. Im being stalked. I’ve been doxxed. Im an alcoholic.”
I mean seriously- a small selection! What hasn’t she tried?! All separate attempts to deflect instead of holding her hands up and trying to make things right!!!! It is insanity!!!
To say she continually reads up on herself on here, you’d think she’d take our advice and just start being honest. Own up to your shit. Admit you fucked up. I actually can’t believe people are still falling for her narc manipulation tactics. She can’t handle being called out and exposed for being a lying, manipulative, drug addicted grifter who is not a nice person. Imo she can’t handle the backlash from her shit book, the narc Guardian article, and the rise in people (rightly!) calling her out, asking for refunds etc. She made her bed, she needs to lie in it rather than continually deflect! God, she infuriates me. She can’t scrape the barrel anymore. Her mental health would be so much better if she stopped trying to hide and cover shit up. It’s too far gone now to salvage. Hence all this. Sending love ninnies x
Things Jack will never hold her hands up and admit to:
1) how much money she earns
2) how much money she doesn’t earn but takes in through begging, tips and subscriptions
3) being wrong
4) learning something new - this is my aneurism (I spell that word differently every time). Never have I ever seen Jack say ‘wow, I didn’t know that. Thanks so much for bringing it to my attention, I’ll read more about it.’

and final point:
Perhaps the guy our Brian Butterfield knows is a friend of a friend. Maybe she’s been invited somewhere and met a few people. It’s been said on here before - Essex Girl or Lucy Aeroplane, I can’t remember who - that she can make out she’s having a full mental breakdown on Twitter but IRL she’s just going about her normal life (whatever that is).
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Jelly Bean

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Since this is basically the VBI anniversary thread it seems fair to ponder a bit on it.
We have seen nothing about it from her. Nothing. Not one casual reference eg 'in the course of my research on the VBI I found this interesting....'
If I was intensely immersed in a project I was interested in you couldn't shut me up about it.
I genuinely think if it wasn't for Tattle it would be forgotten, and Jack would be gaslighting like feck -' I never said I was going to create an entire index. I just came up with a name. Why on earth would I say I could do that? I'm severely ILL. Dear god please please leave me alone'.
Whilst still raking in the Patreon Nigella shoved her way off the back of it though :mad:
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I have an appointment with the GP on Monday morning as I’ve had some significant breast changes. I’m pretty scared, but apart from you ninnies now I’ve only told Old Harold, as don’t even know if there’s anything to actually be worried about. If there is, we’ll cross that bridge when we come to it. She’s awful.
Please don't be at all worried by anything Jack said about her "invasive tests". She's sadfishing and talking shite. Having been through the full diagnosis it's absolutely fine and I'm quite a squeamish, physical coward. The mammogram is almost comical and over pretty quickly. If they do see anything they want to look at further and do a biopsy I'd describe as very mildly uncomfortable but nothing to worry about. Fingers crossed for a good result
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Imagine how awful it is for so many, to read about how terrible it has been for her to ~not~ have cancer. She's an absolute ghoul.
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Love you Ninnies but might need a break from Jack. Her behaviour yesterday has fried my brain. To all those who have shared their legit trauma and experiences much love. ❤
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Chatty Member
Hi Jack. Cancer scare doesn't equal cancer. Hope that helps.

We must be nearing the last lines of defence now. I can't bear to think what else she's prepared to throw out as she prepares for the final stages of her cancellation.
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Chatty Member
What a thoroughbred dickhead.

Breadcrumbing suicide is a cunt's trick or something a 14 year old would do after being grounded. I predict a day long self-imposed Twitter hiatus to get the neckbeard bros really worried then a gentle, crumbly, fragile comeback late tomorrow evening. If I didn't know better, I'd say this has been partly orchestrated as I also predict a breakdown which means she'll be too delicate to sue 30p man and because she is so very delicate and fragile, the neckbeards will tell her she can keep the Tipjar quids.

She'll be back though because twitter is her fucking oxygen. She cannot exist without it.

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I know I’m not alone in this, and our dragon is the latest person to post about losing a loved one to cancer, but in the last fifteen years I’ve lost too many friends and family to the fucker, and the mere idea of it being weaponised for sympathyos and grift literally makes my blood boil. Fuck you? Jack. Fuck you.
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Brian Butterfield

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She couldn't DM that squig last night because the squig had unfollowed her, though Jack still follows the squig. But it shows that Jack attempting to defend herself via the medium of DARVO DMs, I wonder who else she was targeting. Can you imagine getting all the shit in your inbox on a Saturday night? Anyway, said squig must have unfollowed her recently, because she tweeted at Jack in December. If you look at their history, it seems as though the squig was one of Jack's vehement defenders previously. Jack calls her 'tante' (aunt) on several occasions. It must have really boiled Jack's mushrooms that she could no longer manipulate her behind the scenes. The squig is now happily tweeting away, out of Jack's horrible clutches. The moral of this story is - grey rocking is the only way to go at this stage.
If you put both their handles into Twitter search, it looks like she’s deleted all of her Tweets to Jack.

ETA yep, all deleted. Going right back to 2017.
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She’s reactivated.

I can’t believe what I’ve read, it really doesn’t get any lower. RA, breast cancer and serious suicidality all have significant mortality and morbidity- and she has none of them. Might it occur to her that some of her half a mil followers might?

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VIP Member
Since this is basically the VBI anniversary thread it seems fair to ponder a bit on it.
We have seen nothing about it from her. Nothing. Not one casual reference eg 'in the course of my research on the VBI I found this interesting....'
If I was intensely immersed in a project I was interested in you couldn't shut me up about it.
I genuinely think if it wasn't for Tattle it would be forgotten, and Jack would be gaslighting like feck -' I never said I was going to create an entire index. I just came up with a name. Why on earth would I say I could do that? I'm severely ILL. Dear god please please leave me alone'.
Whilst still raking in the Patreon Nigella shoved her way off the back of it though :mad:
This is an excellent point.
every single blue tick account, media account, tv channel who shared this, encouraged it, platformed her, endorsed it and by proxy, encouraged those less well off to pay for it, should be spammed today.
THIS is what they encouraged people to pay for.
Nothing. Absolutely nothing.
No updates along the way, no anecdotal evidence, no project plans, notes about discussions with influential people. Nothing.
It’s absolutely fucking disgusting. How much money, either through donations, publicity, appearances etc has she made on the back of this non-existent piece of work?
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This is absolutely nothing to do with Jack so I apologise in advance, but Gary Wilmot was my first crush when I was little. Whenever he was on TV my siblings would remark, 'Eh, triangles, yer boyfriend's on', I would then huddle close to the screen and gaze lovingly up at him apparently...
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Chatty Member
Who has a team of barristers (multiple). I’m a legal adjacent Frau and even serial killers normally just have one. Potentially a junior if it’s a long case. But she’s launching a civil case? So for pro bono would have to be in the public interest? So high profile legal eagles are going to get involved over a Twitter spat? Who are these non-partial police officers fighting our Jackie’s corner? What are the researchers researching? I hope the poor paralegals aren’t getting paid in slop.

just ignore me anyway. It’s all fucking bollocks. This is making me TIRED


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