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Dearest canal. I have taken so much thought and courage from you all with your honesty, integrity, transparency and open discussion on a variation of topics since I joined. Something has been not right with me for a while now and a text this morning pushed me over the edge and I cried for the first time in forever. Got dressed, walked into the gp practice, clearly in an heap with snot making my mask stick to my face. So attractive. Asked could I see a doc and within 20 minutes I was uttering the words “I need help”. I’ve a long road ahead, possible complex grief disorder so talk therapy as well as new meds to try for depression. I would’ve been stuck in the cycle of trying to get on with it but your shared experiences and strength urged me to walk in and admit I need help. We might all be a bunch of mithering ninnies but there’s a lot of respect and transparency amongst the memes, general battshittery and belly laughs that go on here. I ❤ you all!

On topic. Jack, thanks for bringing us together. You may be a grifting, infuriating liar but I will forever be indebted to your 17 personalities for leading me to Tattle. Oh and you’re not fit to polish Jacinta Ardern’s shoes ya loon, trying to find a way to loophole yourself into her drama is so, so you.
The only good Jack Monroe ever did was bringing this canal together ❤
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Jack: Journalists, why aren't you covering Jacinda's online abuse
Also Jack: Includes screenshots of articles where journalists have covered Jacinda's online abuse.
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Ooooh meine Frauen, we're getting an essay about Jacinda later, despite Jack being VERY busy. I think I'll read it while I'm eating the 12 meals I'll have cooked up from the impending recipe blog posts.
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Jacinda Adern probably managed to avoid seeing some of the most relentless trolling and abuse she was receiving by not typing J*cinda A*dern and various combinations into the Twitter search bar.
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I can’t screenshot them all but there’s an ongoing discussion on Twitter about small claims, a group action and group complaints to patreon.
Funnily enough some neck beard has jumped in to tell them to stop hounding her as she is ‘autistic’.
Pandora’s box has well and truly been opened now. Giving one person their money back is just going to piss all the others off!

I know someone on there was talking about addresses and I’m sure there are enough people on there who know where she lives to tell them as well. I’m sure people who live in Southend could tell you very easily.

Has the bungalow appeared for rent again yet?
Fun fact about that neckbeard account he has two followers one of whom is Jack and appears to spend his entire time on Twitter trying to start arguments with people (mostly but not always Jack related). Some of the stuff he's tweeted at people is pretty unpleasant and aggressive and as Jack is following him I can only assume she enjoys reading it.
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She's comparing herself to the Prime Minister of New Zealand!
Ahem, (whispers quietly) I'm not sure that as a transgender non binary person you should be twittering on about being female in public Jack - maybe leave that platform for somebody a bit more Terfy like, ooh, I dunno, JKR? Who gets slaughtered and abused on Twitter on the daily for, ya know, being a female wanting to protect females in public? Which you have joined in with in the past? Just a little thought .... (not expressing any opinion other than Jack is a massive hypocrite and also 🛎🔚)
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Given that according to her recent Guardian interview as well as “walking into the sea with pockets full of stones” she also wants to jump into the sea OR off the end of piers

View attachment 1894142

AND from her blog we learn that there’s a bridge in her hometown she can’t go near

View attachment 1894149

It’s unfathomable to me given this constant sea-based suicidal ideation that she insists on renting multiple properties either on the seafront itself or mere streets away from the sea.

Unless she’s just a massive fucking liar who should be ashamed of herself for incessantly putting this fucked up histrionic shit out there where her young son can read it, that is.
It’s unfathomable to me how famous she seems to think she is? With social media and content creation, reality tv, and click bait press it’s easier to become famous now than ever before. SO many ppl have their 15 minutes and see it for exactly what it is, you obvs get some tragic cases who try and squeeze every drop out of it and you obvs get some personal branding geniuses who go off to make their millis (Molly Mae!), but being known in a moment of time is no longer rare. And news cycles are ever increasing so as each hour passes you go back to relative obscurity.

Jack has done really well to make a ten year living out of things. It’s undoubtedly a result of the time and tbh technologies that existed when she started, like in a tiktok era she’d have been defeated by someone who could create visually appealing meals for example. With more awareness re D&I it’s also unlikely the guardian would have picked a white middle class girl to be the people’s pov either.

Sorry this is long and no points made but fuck me you’d honestly think she was Britney? Omg no like many, many people you’ve had some level of online notoriety which might mean you get a second glance or someone shouting at you in a car park but you’ve not gotta walk in the sea or book hotels under false names? I’m truly mortified for her, that ego is wiiiild.
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Jackie has paid a Patreon back just before a small claims was invoked.
Her arthritis is so bad she’s being lifted in and out of vehicles to and fro from her 10 AA meetings but putting cheap honey in even cheaper cocoa helps relieve the crumblin pumblin.
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As a middle class person who is also a tightarse, I need Jack to find out why Waitrose Essential cream crackers have been absent from shelves over the last month, cruelly forcing me to buy the spenny Jacobs ones.
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That comment mentioning Rose West is depressingly typical for people in the cult of Jack Monroe. Well off enough to not be concerned about £20. Enough money in the bank to look at her recipes and think 'that looks nice for the povs but I won't make it'.

Any amount of money you give under false pretences is too much. Honestly you can tell these people have never been skint. You're damn fucking right if someone had conned me out of 20/50/100 quid I would be chasing them to get it back. It takes a while to earn that much if you're in a minimum wage job. £25 was what I spent on food in a week before prices went nutso. Fucksake.
If I lost £20 on payday, I'd be irritated. If I lost £20 a couple of days before I got paid, there might well be tears. I'm not pleading poverty, I'm about an average earner for my part of the world but £20 is not nothing and if I'd had £20 robbed off me by some online grifter I'd be raging no matter what day it was.
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Or locked the doors and talked so much about herself that the other attendees had to tunnel their way out with a teaspoon.

Knowledge is TERRIFIED of entering Jack's mind.
I don't know what it is but your dark humour makes me audibly laugh the most out of all the funny stuff on here. And it's pretty stiff competition. When I scroll and don't see your name I wonder when you'll be back like a kid waiting for its mum pressed against the nursery door 👶🚪
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Brian Butterfield

VIP Member
I don't know what it is but your dark humour makes me audibly laugh the most out of all the funny stuff on here. And it's pretty stiff competition. When I scroll and don't see your name I wonder when you'll be back like a kid waiting for its mum pressed against the nursery door 👶🚪
We stan JennyNumNums.
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She's fighting to maintain the grift. She can't stop the negative tweets or people calling out the obvious lies and inconsistencies so instead she's trying to bury them amongst retweets, leave me alone because of my health tweets, stop bullying me tweets and frippery

The grift is coming to an end one tweet and one comment at a time. It will die the death of a thousand cuts

The emperor has no clothes, she has nothing, and more people are seeing this. The snowball effect of her exposure is just beginning
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LJC it's absolutely bombed. Not a surprise considering it's terrible.

She's been riding along on a wave of luck and circumstance for the last few years. All the people who still think she created the VBI or is the only person on planet to see that food prices have gone up with inflation, may take some time to see sense, but slowly (gently!) and surely, things are changing.
You know how she's going to speak about this in the future though. It was her best book yet, years of work but it didn't sell due to a relentless smear campaign and horrendous targeted abuse. Something something 'non binary person', something something 'usual suspects'. That's how she'll frame it, not just to others but also to herself. She's never at fault.
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I know I'm straying into dodgy territory here. But her ever-changing, whatever suits at the time, clear as mud, no signs of actually ever transitioning, blames everything on terfs, drives me fucking insane.
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