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We'll plan it and talk it up big time and the, like every jack does, it won't actually materialise... But we'll chat afterwards like we all did something. 👍
Oh I do hope so, I've had this *aubergine & mango dip (11p) in the slow cooker since Sunday.

*Jokes. Obviously I've bought you all a Curly Wurly and I'll wing them off 1st thing in the morning🥳
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If she could doxx any of us and have literal human shit sent to our doors she would, and she’d fucking love it. She’d be picking apart LinkedIn profiles, contacting employers, contacting family members she found on Facebook, signal boosting it so the crusty fans can get a kick in, all because we dare to suggest that maybe your grandad’s £1.8mil estate and your dad’s continuation of that as an occupation: landlord on a Ltd might mean you’re not actually working class, or heaven forbid a poorTM.

I mean this is someone who outed what must be a vulnerable woman as an alcoholic on Twitter to quiet minor disagreement she’s not an ally to any woman. Or anyone tbh she flicks between all 3 doesn’t she and she’s done nish for any of them 🤷🏻‍♀️
Remember when she got into a spat with that older tory lady, because Jack quote tweeted tory lady's photo of her dinner, and took the piss out of her, to her 500k followers?! 🤨
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Who'd have thought the first blog of the year would be about how the TROLLS are grinding her bones to dust?
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*emerges blinking from a speed-lurk-grunk*

Jack said of Jo Cox: "I didn’t know her well, but I’d done some events with her…". Must admit I've only done a quick Google, but can't see any evidence of that. I guess they could have been at the same events on occasion, this being when Jack was in her Luvvieland phase with Leggy, but, but, but...?

1st Google results are for here ✊ and then a batch of images of Jack posing as she lays flowers for Jo. With her still very young son (full face, very identifiable) next to her 👿

She’s an absolute ghoul. At the time of her murder, I was working with a number of people who knew her well and had worked with her, so much so that we were called to a company meeting to be formally informed, offered counselling and organised a kind of vigil in reception. Jack wasn’t fit to lick Jo’s shoe.

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She was sober for a week in Jan 19, then a year in dec 19. And she was still claiming she was sober in April last year when she also said she’d ‘come out’ as an alcoholic in 2018 , implying she’s been sober since then. View attachment 1891388
And no one ever gives her anything free (not even bags!) except for alcohol.

and now she says she was drunk until 2021

View attachment 1891390
coming way from the past but this has been bugging me since it was first tweeted so I just wanna say: never in the history of the world has a genuinely honest and transparent person described their OWN LIFE as “a very clear timeline of events”.

Never! You would just say, my life! You’d only use that phraseology if you were talking about a character you’d invented. Or if you were guilty as hell in the dock and desperately trying to convince the jury of your innocence
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far be it for me, a cis het woman who considers herself an ally, to police anyone's gender or sexuality - i believe in everyone's truth and treat them accordingly

but this is jack we're talking about. despite her saying she chooses her words with "laser-focused accuracy" she just doesn't. she'll hurl out any old identity to turn criticism into abuse

I'm irish, stop abusing me!
I'm greek, stop abusing me!
I'm working class, stop abusing me!
I'm gay, stop abusing me!
I'm enby, stop abusing me!
I'm trans, stop abusing me!

unfortunately, this works a lot because a lot of her critics are gc, but the tide is turning and more and more lgbtq+ and allies are seeing the truth

the way she carries on is actually harmful to lgbtq+ people and that time when she said "my pronouns are getting people fed" was incredibly offensive
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Chatty Member
We haven't had a squig moaning that beans have gone up by 5p in Sainsbos and asking Jack to go and beat them up for a while have we? I always enjoy that.
They are my favourite, and I'm forever grateful for our screenshot heroes who capture all the '@Bootsrapcook there's no pudding rice at Morrison's Newquay this week. Can you help?' - tweets.

I'm always on the edge of my seat. Will Jack help? Will pudding rice reappear? Will the good people of Newquay make a different type of dessert?
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I hope Boobra and Peta are feeling suitably chastised now Jack's dedication has been read by all 13 purchasers of Grifty Kitchen
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Looking forward to her blog to see how "broad" her support and outcry will be, especially as she has used "women" as an umbrella term frequently.

Will she be sympathetic only to women who allign with her own personal narratives, or will she truly be encompassing of all women not deserving this treatment online? From a quick Google I mean women such as Katie Hopkins, JK Rowling and Theresa May.....all have received abuse and death threats and all are women, yet sympathy for them might not be so "palatable" to her audience?
Will there be any acknowledgement of the abuse heaped on women that she has set her flying monkeys on and then sat back smirking?
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View attachment 1891481
Absolute aneurysm this. Being called out and being genuinely trolled will have an impact on her mental health. The grift being up will impact her mental health. I completely get that and empathise with the effect, but not the cause. I don't want her to feel that way because it's rotten.
Her breadcrumbing like this when she does NOTHING around MH or even addiction- doesn't highlight anything support-wise to her half million followers unless she's trying to indicate something for pity points. I despise her for it.
Funny how I was saying only the other day that she always whines about her bad mentals but never signposts to mental health support. HI JACK, PAUSE YOUR FUCKING PATREON YOU NARC GRIFTER
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Off-topic, but whenever I read "Russel Brand", my brain gives me "Russell Grant". As such, those burglary allegations were revelatory.
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Lucky Escape

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@LadyGarden posted this on the previous thread:

Screenshot 2023-01-18 at 09.25.11.png

I'm estimating 6,000 50mg tramadol capsules from a dealer, off-prescription (8x a day for a bit more than two years).

Prices reported on range from £0.20-£20, clustering around £2 in the south and £1 in the north. It's unlikely she was buying in wholesale quantities, so let's go with £2.

That's £12k on tramadol, and in the same period £15k on whisky and another £15k on sideboards.

So, £42k in total - and that's just what she's admitted to. There could easily be as much again on coke in the same period if she was binging 3-4x a week.
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Threatening her with the small claims court seems to be the way to go. Take note squigs.
I wonder if her "leave me alone " tweet a couple of days ago was after she was advised that anyone taking her to court would probably win.
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Onlyfans honestly wouldnt shock me. She'd happily wiggle her cocktoes at the neckbeards for a few quid.
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She’s a woman today but was non-binary last weekend:
View attachment 1894403
I love it the way she always positions herself as “a little bit different”. Sweetheart from your own words and pics you like Taylor Swift, cottagecore, melodramatic romance tropes, tourist trap city breaks and crime fiction. That doesn’t make you a little bit different that makes you a basic bitch. And I say that as someone who is also partial to a bit of Ms Swift, tourist traps and airport blockbusters too!
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Oh someone has asked where the VBI is but apparently it’s ONS that’s producing it on Jack’s behalf. 😂
Oooh went and looked at that thread and found another thread from a couple of days ago. Someone actually working on a very good idea, Jack people are taking your place now…..look at their last comment….can’t stop laughing 😂

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She's not even looking at poor SB here. More making sure that the selfless, heartbreaking crass, publicity grabbing moment is definitely going to be captured
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