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The fact that she doesn’t seem to have realised that publishing HH2 is the most stupid thing she’s ever done (in a long list of stupid things for one of the 100 cleverest people in the country) actually astounds me.
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Beginning of Patreon payday - gone from 647 to 636, we would expect to see further drops over the next 24 hours. Bearing in mind in previous months this initial drop has represented 70% of total losses doesn’t look great, but Patreon is a hot mess so this could always change.

HNY ninnies ❤
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But JENNY! How else will Mummy bring home the bacon if Mummy will (not) work, son?

View attachment 1840804this is LITERALLY one of my most absolute favourite bits of Jack’s writing EVER.

I think/fantasize at the time she must have been binge watching “When the Boat Comes In” or similar on one of those vintage BBC channels, because (like much else of her nonsensical shite) otherwise I have no explanation for this. It’s GLORIOUS though 😂
I'm just imagining young SB pootling about with a toy car or something and Jack with a manic gleam in her eye muttering "Mummy work" over and over again to the oblivious infant. She's such a pathetic snob, it's so obvious deep down she believes all that awful rhetoric that was flying about a few years back about single mothers having a whale of a time on benefits and is trying to distance herself. "Look at me, I'm not one of the common slapper mums I WORK (or I would if I wasn't unemployable)".
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Chatty Member
“It’s not in my nature to turn up empty handed” She’s said this before. My gripe is that It’s not in ANYONES nature to turn up to a party empty handed, surely? It’s quite fascinating how she manages to pat herself on the back for the most mundane/normal actions/behaviours. She just can’t help but praise herself can she?

Or alternatively is this just yet another embarrassingly transparent PR attempt to remind her squigs how generous and kindly she is and not a grifting, dishonest, money grabbing, fraud, as all the trolls are claiming?
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She hadn’t just come back though had she? SB was a few years old when she quit?

She mentions moving to admin positions. I wonder if she was even qualified for them though.
She also mentions moving to a fire service “media” position. I don’t think lack of qualifications or experience has ever been a concern for her, or something she can even fathom. She even seemed to think back in 2012 there were things for which she was “overqualified”, though even right up to this day, fuck knows what on earth those would be.

I literally can’t think of a single thing 34 year old Jack Monroe has “too much experience in” or is “overqualified for”. I don’t think “being a cunt” is an actual job description.
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Well, this is piping hot tea (to me at least) but also rings very true. Is it the case that SBs dad helped out at the beginning but then had family commitments of his own to deal with?
From what Jack has said in the past, he had some sort of shift change that clashed with hers. Then every single member of his and Jack's families couldn't step in until Jack went on the game and they all couldn't wait to babysit.
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That was in Jan 2019 when the Guardian gave her a (paid) platform to extol the life-changing impact of not drinking alcohol for a week.

@streby Jack was definitely drinking alcohol during The Poverty. See the APPALLING dating profile her “friends wrote for her” (ie that she wrote herself in her very distinctive and insufferable written “voice”). Extract here, link below-it’s from Jan 2013. Also talks in Dec 2012 about being gifted wine glasses for Christmas “by a friend” and owing “her friends” loads of rounds in the pub as they’d been paying her way. All now deleted of course. (If you go to the bottom in the link you can click on other months to see those months’ posts),

View attachment 1840523

HOWEVER, ALL THAT SAID, I do not for one moment believe that Jack Monroe has ever been an alcoholic, recovering or otherwise. I’m pretty sure that given her grim defensive/aggressive/rude/needy behaviour when supposedly deadly sober (DKL for eg) and all day every day online, she’s insufferably rude and aggressive and probably even more appalling when drunk.

I think she uses the “I was an alcoholic” to excuse being a complete cunt (eg to Louisa and probably myriad other poor fuckers who have to deal with her IRL personally and professionally), and now uses “I’m in recovery” as a weapon/shield against any criticism of her unethical and often appalling still-ongoing behaviour and actions.

I also don’t doubt she goes to AA meetings, but only to centre and talk about herself incessantly at an audience who literally can’t get away from her.
That Guardian article is the thing that convinces me she's not an alcoholic in recovery or otherwise. People who drink the amounts of alcohol she claims she drank, over the length of time she claims, are NOT happy clappy, living their best life TOOT TOOT, after one week.
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So she’s making her bullshit P&M on a Tuesday….. curiouser, and curiouser! Is she deliberately egging on the canal theory that SB is only with her on Tuesdays?

Also ‘SB was ill over Christmas’ - was he? Is that why you were searching yourself on Twitter and spoiling for a fight, instead of looking after him?
Dad? Can you text mamapapa and tell her I’m ill? I really want a turkey dinner tomorrow and she’s tweeting about eels and mash and something. Please? It can be my main present. 🥹
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Well, tender ones.

2020 125 new threads started
2021 106 new threads started
2022 a whopping 210 new threads started

2023…with a new thread starting on Jan 1st?
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Smol Pixel

Chatty Member
HNY fabulous ninnies! No sign of the Graun article yet but something about this piece from 2020 tells me Jack has always known the grift had a best before date and it would slip through her fingers sooner or later. See you in Asda Jack! I dare you to chin me at the checkout, I’m 5’11.

ETA: Inspirational to see how pairing Viv (RIP x2) traazers with a greying white T-shirt can achieve that basic pyjama set lewk.View attachment 1844800
This is why she can’t get/hold down a job. How annoying would this be? 😂
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Screenshot 2022-12-30 18.57.24.png

"General, are you familiar with Southend? I need you to get our best men to the shitty bungalow and deal with the Monroe menace once and for all. Oh and tell her from me she should have SHUT HER LEGS"
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I wonder if she made these very homemade-looking extremely uniform markings (painstakingly) with a knife and mallet?

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Right - tbh though even if we’ve dared commit the atrocity of sending our little ones to an early years setting I’m guessing none of us are selling stories about our kids (and by inference their other parent) to tabloids saying how cold starving and unloved the kid was so I’m sure they’ll be fine.

Also on her teeth she takes photos from the less crowded side and colours them in white. Strongly suspect she’d need a few removing before any orthodontic treatment could happen + that wouldn’t be quick so we’d have to endure a blow by blow account of it, like when she was taking testosterone 🫠
Traditionally it takes a village to help raise a child. Whilst the traditional support networks have faded over time, childcare support is still largely delivered by women and there is no shame in using child care services. Society has evolved, women are no longer confined to being home makers post marriage and now women make up half the work force filling valuable roles in education, care and health in particular.
Most mums I know have always used a mixture of grandparents and child minders for additional care Jack had no shame in asking grandparents to care for her son. She is denigrating women for doing something completely normal. It's also a nice social experience for children, even young babies and early socialisation might benefit the immune system too. It's really shitty behavior from self proclaimed feminist and mother of the year Jack Monroe.
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She seems to delight in her tales of assault. She talks about herself in the same way that an angry 13 year old might do.
I just had a look through the archive. She removed the claim she'd decked him in Dec 2020. What an amusing family chat that must have been. I wonder if Big Dave took charge of the situation and what the fuck Jack said to get out of it, "Oh shit I meant shouted not decked". She's also removed the daughter of a baron with a brother worth £150 million stuff too. Also the deliberately unemployed stuff is a lie. That would not have happened given her circumstances and the fact she was under no obligation whatsoever to seek work as far as the benefit rules were concerned.*

Screenshot 2022-12-30 18.43.56.png

November 2020

Screenshot 2022-12-30 18.44.32.png

December 2020

*Is it against the rules for me to send that James guy a list of her benefit fibs because it boils my pumble?
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