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What a shitheap
I just remembered this one of design guru Jack’s kitchen BEFORE and AFTERs as well, courtesy of dearest @colouredlines who posted this compare and contrast originally

BEFORE Jack got her hands on this RENTED kitchen

No way
she didn’t lose that deposit.

Also, if this is what happens when Jack “puts a lot of love into” something, it’s no wonder her partners all LEAVE

Edit: I did a weird spoiler chaos, sorry
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Nice of Jack to admit that ‘the price of fucking pasta’ is largely irrelevant in the grand scheme of things, and thus so is her ridiculous career of moaning about it & making up nonsense about it going up 344% when it hasn’t. (And forgetting that expecting massively cheap food actually impacts some of the poorest in society who work in food production/supermarkets etc. Someone always pays).
I’m just staggered at her complete lack of self awareness. Someone from a family of landlords who is funded by the kindness gullibility of strangers moans about their landlord asking for rent. Maybe the landlady is disabled/arthritic/addicted (insert any conceivable misfortune) like Jack. Maybe she has an elderly relative who needs expensive care or has no pension and so is being hit by the rising cost of living like the rest of us? Maybe it’s sweet fuck all business of Jack, who is the last person on earth who can criticise anyone given that she has taken money for years from others by playing the victim?
Seriously, can she not see the utterly cringeworthy hypocrisy? Always one rule for Jack, yet again.
Plus she doesn’t seem to register that if she wasn’t so utterly appalling, she might well be married to Leggy and living comfortably on Leggy’s money in that nice big Hammersmith house by now, or married to Louisa and living comfortably on Louisa’s money in a nice big house, or coming up to one year together with wealthy Old Harold and inching closer to getting the partner massive house of her dreams and living comfortably on Harold’s money.

You can’t have it both ways, Jack. You can’t be so insufferable that all your (much wealthier than) you partners LEAVE, and then whinge that you can’t afford to live in the unnecessarily massive house to which you think you’re entitled.

You either have to 1. increase your own income, 2. downsize, or 3. change your dreadful personality and behaviour so the next poor (wealthy) fucker doesn’t run screaming for the hills like the rest. You tried the first in the summer with that ridiculous solar lit soap boiling crater of dreams nonsense, and that all went terribly wrong. So your options are 2 and 3. See you’re still giving 1 the good old college try again though! Kind of sucks to be you, Jack.

But Christmas Day is coming! Perhaps you can pretend you’ve sent “your boy” to the house he actually lives in with his Dad, and while you’re stuffing down Quality Street on your parents’ sofa and being waited on hand and foot by your Mam, post a sad sad story about how you’re sitting in the dark and cold all alone with not even a solar lit Santa to comfort you, and as your arthritic fingers reach to draw the curtains to keep out the chill from your heart, under the glimpse of a gas lamp opposite, you see evil (Victorian) landlady arrayed in furs and finery being handed into a fine carriage, openly mocking you by mouthing ONE THOUSAND SIX HUNDRED AND FIFTY as she goes by.
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Hmmmm, really?
🥹👉🏻👈🏻 I’m just a fierce lion mama 👉🏻👈🏻 give over hun you’ve sold his image and full gov name to the tabloids time and time again and given him an irrevocable web presence as a hungry and starved toddler and child of a compulsive liar and money thief. We have spent YEARS imploring you to stop taking photos of the inside of your house, your external door handles and keys, and describing your house to the point where someone who can’t understand what it means when google maps tells them to go north can find you and all ur CCJs. None of us want you sharing content about that incredibly vulnerable traumatised child - eg you discussing the contents of his underpants to your glasto stage audience. Take some accountability for once in your shit fucking life??

I’m pretty sure we’ve even had threads suggesting things you can do with him and places to take him we’re so desperate for you to give a fuck about the poor kid so don’t subtweet us about child safeguarding cos it’s not us you wanna worry about it’s YOU.
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What a shame Jack doesn’t fiercely guard the privacy of her son in the same way she does her friends or her OH.

Nobody on the internet needed to know what was in SB’s underwear.
Nobody on the internet needed to know half his teachers follow her on social media, although it’s increasingly apparent why they do.
Nobody on the internet needed to know she embarrassed her son by having the shits when he was with his pals.
Nobody on the internet needed to know what her son looked like when she was peddling herself as the poorest poor ever.
Nobody on the internet needed to know her son was in NHS therapy.
Nobody on the internet needed to know he’s been sleeping in her bed after she’s had the pummelling of a lifetime.
Nobody on the internet needed to know the custody arrangements between her and her sons dad.
And nobody on the internet needed to know her son is a VULNERABLE CHILD.

everything I know about that wee boy is because she’s put it out there. Cunt.
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'i've been very careful about what I share online'

Really? I know when you last had the shits and that you had a six hour shaggathon. Things I neither needed nor wanted to know. You published that to half a million people. And as @heretoreaditall2019 said- nobody wants to know this shit. I don't want to see a photo of you in your hammock talking about tennis balls in your garden from the local court. None of us want to see pictures of you walking along streets near your house with your kid.

There's so much information about there about you because YOU publish it. I don't care where you live but anyone with half a braincell (perhaps more than you have) could put it together if they cared to. And yes, all of the Usual Suspects have told you it's a safeguarding issue time and time again.

If you are moving, try keeping some (literal) shit to yourself in future, yeah?
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Morning ninnies. Long time lurker but am outing myself as a festive treat to thank you all for providing much joy and entertainment over the past months. A morning grunk over a cup of tea has me fizzing and hooting most days. This is surely one of the funniest places online.

I used to think I liked Jack although it must have been a random Twitter chaos that made me sus 🤨 I post elsewhere on Tattle so I thought I'd check out if they had a thread and what a treat I found. I was too late for Georgia Church Suppers but was already a lurker for dire roast potatoes.

Some of my favourite moments so far have included the meet-cute with a paint shop man, the blurring of Tiffany earrings in a selfie due to unspecified camera/lighting and, of course, Viennetta chaos.

Merry Christmas ya filthy animals. NOW F**K OFF!
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Sorry if I’m too slow with these. She’s such a fucking snippy, manipulative cunt

Edit: argh I think I’m doing a screenshot chaos, this is why I don’t post much! Send competencyos
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Screenshot 2022-12-22 21.01.32.png

Screenshot 2022-12-22 21.01.39.png

I love this squig. Not a usual suspect but an occasional critic. I cannot think of a better way to sum up what Jack passes off as activism than "give a skint person a recipe not a payrise"
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I'm settling in, enjoying it all.

I feel like current Jack is the most authentic Jack. Blunt, rude, lying, fewer words, bitterness seeping, sarky, defensive, lying, angry, resentful, lying.

Any views on this?
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How can she claim to be a poverty campaigner when the only thing she’s said about the current housing situation is “poor me, my rent is going up?” In between fucking selfies. People are dying in substandard accommodation with black mold etc and she had nothing to say about that.
Her rent doesn’t even sound that high for a large detached house. I recently had to move because the rent on my flat went up by £200 a month which I couldn’t afford. I now rent a 2 bed flat for only £150 less than what the rent for Jack’s mansion is going to be, and I’m not in a particularly expensive area. Everyone I know who rents has had their rent go up by a lot in the past year. It’s absolutely shit and I am scared for the end of my current contract in a few months as I know they’ll want to increase the rent again when that happens, but it is what it is. I didn’t take to social media kicking and screaming about it because I don’t think my situation is any different to other renters it’s happening to. Jack seems to think she deserves better than everyone else and doesn’t comment on the current housing issues at all until it affects her. Boggles my mind that people can see all the self centered shite she’s tweeted about over the past few months, such important topics from viennettas to paint samples, and still think she’s a campaigner and doing good things for people in need. She very clearly doesn’t care about anything except herself.
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