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This. I was on UC until a couple of months ago. Im not saying it was easy but I managed fine, I can't stand being patronised by the pearl clutching middle class who've no experience of it.
This. Also not they never tweet saying something like "my friend/neighbour/relative is on UC and they've said X is a problem". It's always some nonsense from their fevered pov fantasies. They're like overbearing mothers uselessly hovering about looking for reasons to intervene.
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Tin Can Crook

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She hasnt been on anything in ages, wheres all these silly people asking her to talk shite on their shows. She was like shit in a field a few weeks back, now she boris johnstones sex appeal.
Last radio/TV appearance was 29th September, BBC Scotland radio. She seemingly arrived late and we learned that if you have foot problems, you should see a podiatrist rather than ringing into a radio station for help.

Meanwhile, slopline is still getting calls.

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Also, (and I can say this because I’m a middle class mum), they are proper middle class mum boots.
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That Forensic Man

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In the last 6 hours it's dropped to 570.6k 📉
Another 12 hours and it's down to 570.3k

This has really tickled me today, the idea of Mary Portas as ultimate arbiter of whether someone can cook, combined with the certainty that Jack is almost certainly reading the Slopalong thread!
The slopalong is also having a side-effect, if you search jack monroe 'recipe' it'll be in the first results on google 👨‍💻


Still behind but found this interesting thread on Twitter about trust.

I suspect JM is heading towards the Trust Thermocline. A thermocline is where the temperature suddenly drops in a body of water, so it might be slowly getting colder then bang, it’s suddenly freezing cold. It’s a good metaphor for digital media and users. Followers slowly decrease then suddenly they’re gone.

Users will stick to what they know even after they’ve lost trust but will only move once their trust is less than the effort needed to move. And once this happens, like a thermocline there is a huge drop and normally no way back.

I’m explaining this very poorly. This guy does it much better, thread here if you’re interested.

Basically I think JM is coasting along but people are becoming more aware of the grifting, they’re not bothered enough to do anything about it yet but once they’ve made the decision to leave that will be it. No way back. I suspect there will be a large drop off in Patreon numbers soon and she will become effectively yesterday‘s news.
I first thought this was going to be about the freezing bungalow, another day in the canal another thing learned, chapeau! 🧠
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Realistically the £1 meals episode of Jamie’s thing was a spin off from the main series one pan. It shows he has such a repertoire that they were able to find 5 more recipes from his book and film them to create a different concept due to his versatility. And that is why channel 4 keep bringing him back.
his lockdown show was brilliant. Daily on his Facebook there are videos posted from his 20 odd year Tv career with various seasonal tips.

compare that to the slopathon thread and how shit Jack’s recipes are
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It would totally undermine her brand. She's supposed to be excellent at making money streeetttttch, not a penny mis-spent cos FRUGAL! If she cannot manage her own budget, then her pov stories become tainted by her being irresponsible and therefore non-sympathetic poor person, no better than the rest of the smartphone-owning, flat-screen buying, Kyle-watchers that she's not like at all, (fell by the wayside, doncha know?)

Plus people are far far less eager to put hand in pocket for someone who pisses their money away. She has to be a hard-done-by victim of circumstances/the system 🎶 fuck the system!)

Plus fragile ego the size of the planet.
This. 1000%. She's has so many opportunities, and SO MUCH money passing through her hands over the past few years, yet somehow she works SO HARD and it has all vanished. Really makes u think.

I lived really frugally for several years when I was working for a charity and freelancing on the side - lived in a grotty house share, batch cooked curries and chilli, didn't go on holiday much etc etc. I saved all the extra money - first it was my backup for when I went full.time self employed, and when that worked out well (because I worked really effing hard and actually delivered for my clients) it became a big chunk of the deposit for the lovely house of my dreams I just bought. Jack has had many more lucrative opportunities than I ever had, and let all that money slip through her fingers - with very little evidence she has spent it on anyone but herself
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And tbf she inspired Food and Drink as respite from her ghastliness on the main thread. And also the repeat watchalong thread for Daily Kitchen Live. So she has had four all told 😂
Jack had better not start a chaos right now. This thread, Slopalong and F&D will be impossible to follow.
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Was in Poundland earlier with my 5 year old, getting him yet more paints and brushes.

Saw this on the book section for £3!! Fair play to whatever publisher is pulling the rug from under Jack Monroe's feet by putting a low cost cooking book in a low cost shop at a low price. Fucking brilliant.


100% agree with this. It’s why it really bothers me that she describes herself as a campaigner. Effective campaigning is usually a collective effort, and Jack’s main character syndrome gets in the way of her understanding that.

Just had a thought about her possible memoir (which is still showing on Amazon with a release date of September 2023). Imagine if someone brought out an unauthorised Jack biography before she had the chance to release her own. I know realistically there wouldn’t be enough of an interest to make it worthwhile though.
Molly could do it via Amazon self publish....... 🤣🤣🤣
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Yes I think to call what a four year old (and not even your own four year old) child does 'a real wind-up' is harsh. Implies she is sitting watching and judging him thinking his behaviour is just to annoy her.
Poor kid. Fairly ropey beginning in life then moved in with strangers after 4 days. Actually moved in with them the day he met them. Cutting him a bit of slack would help.
Thats gross. Inexcusable poor parenting. Especially cos there was another kid he was supposed to rub along with. It should take years of a stable relationship to get to that point of blending families. A revolving door of mums new partners to get used to is a red flag for emotional wellbeing and safeguarding
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Has this been seen before?

Don’t remember seeing it but that guy seems like almost as massive a cunt as Jack and also can’t write straight for toffee. An ex-barrister? Really? I assumed they had a modicum of education that might allow setting out information in a palatable manner. Anyone who thinks it’s okay to call a woman of colour ‘mulatta’ can frankly go stick pins in his tender areas.
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A squig has highlighted something I'd missed about how Teemill pay out money. Actually it's worse than missed, it appears I actually took something Jack said at face value. This was a mistake. I had assumed based on a Jack tweet (THE SHAME) that Teemill just had a monthly payday on 4th of the month. They don't.

Back in the heady days of February, Jack claimed that she would receive her first Teemill payout on 4th March as Teemill pay out monthly. You'll be as shocked as I am to learn this is not accurate. Teemill pay every 30 days, so if you open a store today, sell something you'll get a payment in exactly 30 days. In other words, if you sell something everyday, one month after your first sale you'll be receiving daily payments. Jack claims to have taken just over £11,000 on the first two days of trading (1st and 2nd Feb). Jack would have been due her payment from the first days trading (1st Feb) on 2nd March and the payment from 2nd Feb sales on 3rd March. If her first payment really was on the 4th March, then this would relate to sales from 3rd Feb and would mean there had been no sales on 1st and 2nd Feb, so the Trussell Trust shouldn't have received anything as the sales fall outwith the first two days they'd agreed to accept. I doubt there were no sales on the first two days but as ever with Jack, who knows?

The lack of transparency around this is beyond a joke. I've popped Observant Squig's FORENSIC tweet and evidence behind the spoiler below.

Interestingly, March 4th IS the day Jack would have received her newly big patreon payout after Nigella boosted the numbers through Jan/Feb.
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I’m still baffled about the Stetson explanation. If you are surviving on tinned tomatoes and pasta, and chose to save the change for a bloody hat (that’s not very practical), I would suggest your priorities aren’t in order.

No new news to report here.
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Realistically if twitter went tits up I think it would have a positive effect on society. No more would ‘journalists’ be taking things off there and basing their news as actual reality.
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Chatty Member
I can’t remember where it was but I’ve seen Jack trotting out the old thing about how if you give children a range of foods from early on they won’t be fussy eaters. This is only ever said by people who haven’t had the experience of parenting a child who just will not eat anything other than a very narrow range of foods, no matter what you offer them.
Yeah, that's utter tosh. My son happily tried 100 different foods before he was 1. He's now 3, and currently lives on cereal, fruit, and freezer tapas 😆
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I’ve never had a thread title before. Exciting. I’ve never been to Harvester either!

I think kebabs, pot noodles, ready meals are all the food she genuinely likes, but she got stuck with this thing and keeps flogging it.
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Thought this might amuse the canal… a friend sent me one of these lists of people humble bragging and being general twats. And look who turns up!

I bet my store cupboard Jack was actually fucking furious at SB. She is a horror
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I'm on UC and I always buy bigger/bulk where i can as its cheaper in the long run and lasts longer. A 5kg bag of rice, a 3kg bag of pasta etc. These people 🤯
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