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She’s also apparently notorious in the Southend local charities community for promising things and not delivering, throwing her weight around, etc.
This is the stuff I want to hear more about, I'd love some local to spill the specifics. I can see why a charity wouldn't, but it would be delicious tea
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I am an idiot and therefore can’t work out how to link to a post from a previous thread but @MistyWindows’ post about Jack’s Insta gave me questions.

Is there an *ink stain* on the bottom of that spoon? <starts to feel queasy>

Speaking of queasy, how the Slopalong has mushroomed is awesome but I am so relieved it’s in a separate thread so I can dip in and out of the slop at points my stomach can take it. SO sad there’s no official Dorito Tamales recipe I can tackle for the team so will softly, gently cheer on from the sidelines instead.

Can’t help thinking a thread where 40+ people systematically debunk any merit/tastiness/cookability of Jack’s recipes is actually incredibly, powerfully damning.
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Just occurred to me, if she was taking 7 GCSE subjects in year 10, it is very unusual not to sit those subjects and questions would be asked unless she didn’t complete the compulsory part of the coursework.

For some subjects like the old AQA English lit and lang and SEG Maths, you had to complete coursework or your exam entry wouldn’t happen. It also wasn’t the decision of the school it was the examination board rules. In April/May English teachers would be very sleep deprivedthe coursework would be compiled, final marks given and then the HOD would submit paperwork to the exam board including any students who hadn’t completed coursework and quite simply the exam paper wasn’t sent for that student.

It is worth noting that different exam boards had different rules but no coursework = no exam entry was fairly standard ( am fairly sure R.E also had a coursework component). The school would also have had a good idea of her prospective grades from her coursework, plus it depends which papers for Science, Maths she was entered for, whether it was the foundation or higher papers. There was a middle paper for Maths which had the highest grade boundary of a C.

I know some schools did massage their figures, but as a previous frau pointed out, Jack would have been a serious hit in their stats anyway. From what she said, the school only entered her for 4.5 exams so they knew before she even put her name on an exam she would adversely effect their stats. She did not achieve the benchmark 5 grade A-C results which was the crude method of ranking schools in the league tables, so the massaging of figures and other excuses make 0 sense.

My money is on not producing coursework therefore not eligible to take the exam as the most plausible explanation.
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What Jack won't acknowledge is everyone has different circumstances. From kitchen appliances to food budget to time to dietary needs. The "recipes" in her books are not the answer to everything, same as That Man's recipes aren't.

There is no one answer, a one size fits all solution. The tips That Man gives are more likely to be useful, as they can be used to adapt multiple recipes. Cooking programs aren't there just to show you that recipe - they are to inspire, and give ideas on how to make things suitable for your household.

Frozen mince - usually cheaper than fresh, and you can use exactly how much you need. No point suggesting that to Jack's followers as you'll get a pile on about being rich because you have a freezer!
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[IMG alt="MancBee"][/IMG]
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Sep 5, 2020

Fuck me sideways, you lot are amazing. Nothing gets past this Cabal.

That is definitely the fish pie, the description on the pack is almost word perfect on her post, the piped topping is the final giveaway. It even mentions the Red Leicester!


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I think it might have been me (bows to the cabal ). thread #69 😂 One of my first posts! Wasn’t there also a tapas/greek meal can’t remember which where some of the recipes looked like Co op ready meals?
Yes. She had the cajones to present an entire meze as her own work, right down to the 'homemade ' dolmades from her personal supply of vine leaves. It was hilarious.
And who can forget the Aunt Bessie's? The perfectly matching and well cooked yorkies. She obviously forgot that we've actually seen her attempt at cooking Yorkshire pudding.
Remember kids, if a JM dinner looks nice it is from a packet. Although this rule doesn't apply to her trifle which was out of a packet and looked grim.
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Jack had better not start a chaos right now. This thread, Slopalong and F&D will be impossible to follow.
I had to depart F&D ages ago cos it’s just too much to follow everything. I think I will now be fired as there are 2 Jack threads to follow.
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I don't think she got any other money confused with teemill money, the dashboard is too clear. I think its more likely she out and out lied, and boasted of big figures as the canal were vocal at the time about it being a rushed idea with shit merch. She was hyped up on attention (and/or the cold weather) at the time, proper giddy with it.

She could have just shared a picture or two of this dashboard which would have really shown everyone what had been raised. Instead, she shared a spreadsheet that seemed to have been made by her, listing all the sales. It didn't look like anything teemill produce.

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So Jack wrote a song... about herself? 😂
'middle class' again.

Hmm. You’ve never done any of things Jack you disgusting little liar. Time for bed or I’ll be driving to Sarfend through the night to picket the shitty bungalow or tie myself to the railings of the Sarfend Echo until they reveal the truth about this shocking little con artist.

ETA The juxtaposition of those two posts-one £10 jug - part of what we know to be a large assortment of jugs, over a post talking about drinking baby formula, licking stock cubes and using newspaper sanitary towels. Absolutely ludicrous.
Those poverty themes just made me think- Has she just started the first season of Call the Midwife?
As kids- before 'snacks' were invented, (in our household, somewhere around the late 80's/ early 90's) we used to eat oxo cubes on the regular as 'snacks'. I once ate a curry one thinking it was chicken (both goldish-coloured). That taught me. The other 'snacks' we had were 'raisins in an egg cup', and dry spaghetti. One of my sons still eats this on the sly for 'fun'. We were in no way starving kids- there were just not special foods purchased for 'between meals' at that point. So we used to raid the cupboards for whatever WAS there. Once my mum started buying chocolate biscuits- penguins- usually, we went crazy for them.
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I like how Molly's reworking the original blog post into a serial format with updated information/receipts.

And this made me 🦉🍾

Screenshot_20221103-211609_Samsung Internet.jpg
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Reflecting on the period of time where Jack has remained silent on the charities that received money from Teemill.
During the summer Jack donated, IIRC, £78 to a fellow grifter who was crowdfunding for her sons school uniforms. She also donated £270 to a crowdfund for a disabled guy in Edinburgh to buy his first house (he’s still receiving donations as recent as yesterday!).
I wonder if she used the Teemill money for this.
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Tabitha D

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I’m still catching up, but just popping in to say that I’ll put myself down for the Red Mushroom Curry, if no one’s taken that yet. I am intrigued as to how it qualifies as a red curry, for a start (tomato paste FFS??), but also she calls it a “hot spicy little number” when it only has 1/4 tsp chilli flakes in it for 2-4 people.
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Helena Handbasket

Chatty Member
Off work today & catching up on here & on recorded programmes on my telly.

Watching THAT MAN & his wonderful £1 Wonders show.

Not only does he deliver tasty economical dishes, he's handing out tips to save fuel as well.

Who needs slop, eh Jack?
Yeah I love that she hates him and completely doesn’t understand that it’s ok to come from a place of privilege and talk about budgeting. Jamie comes from a food rich background and was genuinely shocked (bless him) to realise that wasn’t the case for everyone. He wanted to be a positive influence for change and knew people could eat well for less if they had the cooking skills. His 5 ingredients book is absolutely brilliant and so much is genuinely interchangeable so you can use up fridge gubbins. Jack is clueless.
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Julia Edwards

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Yes squig, why can’t supermarkets all charge the same price for something? It’s an outrage. Write your MP.
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I’m still catching up, but just popping in to say that I’ll put myself down for the Red Mushroom Curry, if no one’s taken that yet. I am intrigued as to how it qualifies as a red curry, for a start (tomato paste FFS??), but also she calls it a “hot spicy little number” when it only has 1/4 tsp chilli flakes in it for 2-4 people.
So everyone gets 100g of mushrooms each, swimming in an insipid tomato sauce. And that’s dinner? I’m sorry, but this recipe is my 2nd malnourishment aneurysm in as many days. If Jack goes to prison for her grifty ways and charity fraud, may she be condemned to eating her own slop in a government-led, country-wide economy drive implemented throughout all prisons, where meals are made from the recipe library of Jack Monroe.
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Try reading the shelf edge labels, hun, so that you're aware of the price before you get to the till. If the label showed the old price they'd have been obliged to sell the jam to you for that, so no tears needed. Liar.
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Old Harold

Realistically if twitter went tits up I think it would have a positive effect on society. No more would ‘journalists’ be taking things off there and basing their news as actual reality.
I agree. Just nuke it from space. Every time I dip my toe in there I'm horrified. I've seen people I know to be intelligent and reasonable in real life, behave like an illiterate wart-nosed mob cheering on public hangings. It has far too much sway over politicians who treat it as a bellwether of public opinion when in fact it represents extremists of all types. And it elevates empty loudmouths like Jack who have far too much time on their hands.
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Tin Can Crook

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The more I think about it, the more bewildered I feel. Surely she knew this would happen when she cropped the date out of her screenshot. The only reason you'd do it would be if it didn't align with her story.
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My FIL thinks I'm "distracted" today as i am watching this forum closely, watching tv in the background ( The good nurse) , reading a book (Matthew Perry autobiography) taking phone calls (work stuff) and ordering stuff for the business online (Amazon).

I've threatened that if he doesn't fuck off if he wants me to die, that I'll make him eat shakshuka and see what he thinks then. Should also add, I work for him and have told him to go have a piss and a sandwich.
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