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If you look back at her old blogs thoroughly, it's pretty clear that her initial ambition was to get into local politics. There are countless incredibly dull entries covering minor disputes at Southend council meetings. Almost all the posts in the first year are about local Southend dramas (and apologies to Southend Frauen, but fuck me, that is some boring shit). Even the original name of the blog was Our Southend.

I suspect that Bread & Jam, just like her volunteering and her posting Southend volunteering vacancies throughout summer 2012 and her other charitable endeavours, was an attempt to show her community spirit. The early blogs suggest that she really wanted to be a pillar of the community - she won an award in autumn 2012 for volunteering or giving back or some shit.

Then when the Sunday People feature happened, she realised that Sad Single Mum Can't Afford Xmas was a better story than Plucky Single Mum Saves Southend From The Tories.

You can see the whiplash in December 2012:

11/12: Jack's circumstances have improved but she continues to spend 10£ a week on food because she's used to it and doesn't need to spend more:

23/12: Sunday People starring Sad Jackie Munroe:

29/12: Jack has 2p in the bank:

I think I differ from a lot of you in that I don't believe she set out to be a grifter (I think most of her shitty money stuff is due to just due to her being incredibly lazy and also quite thick). Instead, she was motivated by fame and recognition. That started out as being locally known within Southend politics, then pivoted post-Sunday People to a bigger stage. You can see her monstrous ego at play as far back as May '12, when she clearly already saw herself as locally famous:

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These deep dives into her blog are quite enlightening. The same shopping list keeps her and SB well fed and even slightly "pudgy" round the edges but also leaves them hungry and in abject poverty. Schrodinger's shopping list?
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Ah…morning Jack.

You know there’s nothing a working class person loves more than to be hectored by a middle class person and told they’re a LIDERUL NARTZEEEEE for considering using their vote for someone other than Labour.

A free vote that the working classes marched and died for. And freedom of political belief which is protected by European Human Rights law which the UK is signed up to.

Especially ironic when you consider that Leggy almost certainly was a Tory voter and Jack spent most of 2017 slagging Corbyn.

Even more ironic when you consider that Jacks Greek forebears would have suffered under the Nazi occupation.

Fuck off Jack.
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Helena Handbasket

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Tender one, there was also a 50p Nicole Farhi jacket x

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Well as a charity shop aficionado I am utterly in disbelief. I can imagine a sweater passing the Beady Eye of the Sorting Person but a coat? No chance. Pre-eBay volunteers could miss Farhi or DKNY, Karen Millan etc because they just didn’t know the brand. You can however, feel a quality garment and coats are never 50p. I paid £30 for an M&S wool coat a few years ago-it’s almost as if everything she says is a fabrication. There’s also a question of ethics here. It could be argued the shop had their chance when the item passed through their hands and you bought it fair and square. Therefore any profit you make is yours with no moral obligation to the charity. However-if you bought the item knowing how valuable it was and bought it purely to sell it on with no intention of fairly splitting with the charity then I have a bit of a problem with that. If you bought it to own it and love it and you know the true value then you should just tell the charity shop person and make a more generous payment. It’s still a charity shop after all and it was your lucky find. I’m so glad it’s all a lie and it’s either new as she stated from book money (although that too is a scam) or she bought it off eBay or similar.
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Screenshot 2022-10-10 22.48.57.png

This is classic Jack stan. A miserable inadequate, impotently fuming away on Twitter, spoiling for a fight to fill the void. They're all quite excited at her being back, I wonder when she's going to send them after someone.
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I’m increasingly of the opinion that her parents enable her, I also get the impression big Dave will have a Billy Big Balls ego and this has been passed down to his daughter. She will also convince family that articles etc… are wrong/ manipulated ( like she did over the Jeremy Kyle working class stereotype) and they will believe her.

Most parents believe the very best of their children, I know my Dad thinks I need a shaded monocle for parts of my anatomy such is the sunshine that emanates from that area 😣and his ability to bore the bollocks off anyone stupid enough to ask how I am is utterly cringe inducing same for Jack. What with Jack’s show pony charity work I bet they feel pride, enable her and gladly accept the trolling narrative ( probably all except for her brother). I would also wonder if she has guilt tripped them ( the birthmark comments from her Mum made me wonder) about her upbringing particularly her obvious resentment of the foster children.

I would say the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree, the family are complicit, Big Dave is very probably an irritating egoist and Jack has emulated for his attention found she loves the money/ minor celeb lifestyle and ten years later …. Plus she cannot stop lying….
I don’t disagree with you about Big Dave and ego, but I tend to cut her parents some slack for two simple reasons:

1. they fostered children, which I’d never have the balls or gumption to do myself (plus no spare bedroom but even if I had one I still wouldn’t be brave enough to do it), so massive props there

2. They are parenting a narcissist. I grew up with a narcissist and unless you’ve had that experience it’s really hard to explain how mentally damaging it is, you have to go Grey Rock or NC to survive, I suspect they’ve chosen the former and so have no choice but to let the most unacceptable behaviour pass by uncommented purely to protect their sanity and health. Especially since the mum is disabled.

Personally I feel sorry for her parents as I think Jack has caused them a lot of pain over the years.
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I suspect the "Macebearer to the Mayoralty" has to have a car because (a) they have to attend lots of events, not all of them at sites served by reliable public transit [this would be true anywhere], and they also have to show up on time, and (b) ceremonial maces are *heavy*. They don't really lend themselves to smol pixies with disabling arthritis chucking them in an Aldi carrier bag and hauling them around.

I suspect the other reason why JM didn't get the Macebearer job is that she's an obnoxious attention-seeking twit that very few people would want to work with.
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I’ve not seen Daniel Blake. But did his well off parents live around the corner and he just refused to ask them for help?
Yeah that’s right. He had to sell off his Wedgewood and Omega Seamaster watch too. Really tragic storytelling by Ken Loach there.

Based on everything I've read that has been posted here, there's no waaaaay this grift/scheme isn't bigger than we think.

If the lying is smoke, there's one hell of a fire somewhere.
I agree with you I think everything might be a lot bigger than we think.
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Oh god, yeah- doesn't she claim to have got her tats when still working in her well-paid fire service job?
She had some of them pre-Poverty:


(Don't zoom in on the fingernails. It's not worth it.)

Her first Guardian video, Aug 2013, not that many:

Then in Jan 2014 she has significantly more tattoos: Depending on which version of 2013 you choose to believe, this could be due to signing a 25.000£ book deal...or saving up her prostitution income (and saving money by stealing food #jackshacks).
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See, if you keep a big secret from your parents it’s because it’s something you’re ashamed of or you think they’d be ashamed of. Poverty isn’t something to be ashamed of and if you and your son were starving then that immediate need would trump any shame you might feel.

I do sometimes wonder whether she was keeping it secret from her parents that she was severely cash strapped and the real reason for being broke was due to some behaviour such as ❄ or compulsive spending.

That would make the “I didn’t tell my parents cos I was ashamed!” Narrative make much more sense.
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I'd previously missed this bit of Jacklore, but how was she managing to craft without money? I'm a keen cross stitcher but it's definitely not a hobby you can start without spending anything. I have friends who've sold crafts and unless you're doing something very unusual, you won't be making much money for a long time.
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Given people here were doing some excellent deep dives into her dodgy af stories. & finances, I’m not surprised she’s tweeted. Jack is the master of deflection and trying to control the narrative. I suspect she’s desperately hoping that a trail against Anderson will catapult her back to the glory Hopkins days. Shit or bust, if you will. However, there’s so much more evidence of financial irregularities and lies now as opposed to then. Can’t believe she’s that stupid-then again, this is Jack we’re talking about. She’s probably hoping if it all goes tits up she can play the victim again. I can’t see it working. She must be utterly obsessed with fame and free cash to keep flogging this worn out, embarrassing act.
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Holy crap. Does the charity know about this? I've just googled them and they seem legit. How many slop manuals could they conceivably need? I mean there must be a limit, right?!? Would they not rather have the £10.99?

This is outrageous.

ETA: states that 25% of profits on the rainbow print will go to Broken Rainbow. Which ceased operations in 2016.
If that is correct, then even by Jack’s standards, my mind is (not)LITERALLY BLOWN that in 2022 she is still grifting cash for a charity that ceased operating in 2016.

Bet she claims nobody’s bought one since 2016.
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Although I have loved these deep dives into her blogs especially @Valiofthedolls and of course the OG forensic investigator @colouredlines . You, Ninnies, are admirable, indefatigable and dare I say, majestic and magnficent.

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My friend and I are trying to lose a few pounds. Both terrible for snacks when not really hungry. Our latest thing is to question each other on whether we’d eat a variety of Jacks recipes. Turns out I’m rarely ever hungry. Or her food is never appealing. Makes you think.

Also, reread HH2. She talks of ‘sitting under a pile of blankets for the last few days’. Hottest summer on record. People died of heat stroke. But she is unable to lie. Also, (I know, I’m getting annoyed all over again), surely you’d have some self awareness that you having to take six months to declutter is the main reason for financial issues?! And that having a 1 bed place, when you essentials live alone six days plus a week isn’t an issue! Argh!!
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