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View attachment 1639571

The bots continue to gather. What can it all mean?
My theory:

Jack Monroe has paid someone to try and drown out the noise. She knows there's too many screenshots, too much evidence, too many dissenting and questioning voices to shut them down, so instead will try and whitewash Twitter.

The fake/bot accounts will go on an absolute retweeting frenzy of positive spin articles/coverage/recipes (most likely automated) to try and reclaim search results around Jack Monroe's name.
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The Emma Bridgewater toaster? £80 toaster for the poverty times. Mine is an identical midl isle at Aldi special-it’s just lacking it’s handy gadget label telling me what it does but that knocked £60 off it’s price so happy days.
You really got the better deal. Imagine paying an extra £60 for a near identical toaster only to have it patronise you and explain it's a toaster at you.
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Lucky Escape

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I lost the gist a bit but was her case against Lee Anderson (who always reminds me so much of Nick Hancock) two fold - a) he said she had more money/'earned' more money than the PM, and b) that she made money off those poorer than herself.
Isn't she crazy to pursue b? It is easily provable she has? Even one tweet from someone saying 'I'm on benefits but I've sent you £10' shows he is right and there are many examples of it. And surely the PM claim is just silly to pursue?
Whoever said she is trying to create her Katie Hopkins glory days is right. Bit sad she has progressed so little that she has to reach back in time to use what worked before.

Nick Hancock - he is LA's double.

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for a), the actual quote is from Martin Daubney, who said she "no doubt probably earns more than the Prime Minister". Jack sneakily leaves the first three words off whenever she quotes him (which, again, is likely to play badly in court).

It's not an unreasonable thing for him to have said. The prime minister earns £164k, and Jack has the reach and recognition to earn significantly more than this. Martin's only mistake was not to realise that the brands she partners with all quietly drop her as soon as they're able to, and her media earnings are far lower than they should be because she's gained a reputation for being unreliable.

As for b), we don't have enough information to say for certain that the "I've sent you my winter heating allowance" crowd are genuine - but they do help paint a picture that's not particularly helpful for her.

The most damning thing of all is that she appears not to have requested that Anderson & Daubney retract their statements. Instead of seeking to minimise the harm she claims to have suffered, she's amplified it and has rebroadcast it several times. What on earth is her solicitor playing at?
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Not sure why in May 2012 she needed to sign up to get a degree (or two) when as we all know, in March 2012 she already had one. This one in March must have been in something other than “Social Policy and Criminology alongside a BA(Hons) in PPE”, I suppose. :unsure:

Also, if she’s signed up to do “a degree” in Social Policy and Crim, what does the dozy dipshit think it is, other than a Bachelor’s degree like a “BA(Hons)” I see she’s always been terrific at researching her stories before posting her shite.
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If she got £250 per month income from bread and jam, she would be eligible for top up working tax credits at that time IIRC. She could also have claimed Jobseekers/Income support and declared the Bread and Jam earnings, and given some up to keep her benefits.
The system has changed a lot since then so I might be a bit wrong, but broadly- she wasn’t claiming everything she would have been entitled to.
That element (JSA, WTC, Income Support) is what I think of as benefits. Housing and child is just kind of straightforward, lots of people claim, there’s never really been “shame” attached to them in the same way as “unemployment” benefit. IYSWIM.
In any case the Bread and Jam foundation becoming a community non-profit pseudo charity/good cause piqued my interest. Such a good person helping others!

Also- the fire service job being 1hr drive away, I forget the name of the Centre/location but it’s been mithered over before. A local frau May recall it. This was also why she was apparently learning to drive in that car she used to own.
Oh, and to follow on a bit more from @HotesTilaire’s posts, the self employed craft venture she set up and quit her job to become self employed for? All profits going not to her, but to local community organizations.

Given that bang slap in the middle of the SEVERE Two Year Poverty she quit paid employment to set up a business that gives all its profits away, just as well she had prostitution and stealing food to fall back on for 2013 really, innit?
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Everything is retconned isn't it? All to be reused in the hope that people have short memories.

She's got form for claiming she doesn't have white goods then we see pictures of said goods.

Absolute fucking maniac.
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View attachment 1639956

I read this as she'd gone for a piss and a sandwich!! 😂😂
So hang on, she’s implying she’s taking legal action against Martin Daubney, Lee A etc but as MD said there’s been no action, they don’t realize that she is doing so?

i guess that means her pro bono no win no fee solicitor and his crack team of paralegals aren’t asking those people to retract the statements they made that damaged her reputation as is required in libel cases. They’re going to be all MAVERICK, wait a year while her ‘reputation’ 😂 continues to be damaged by their libellous statements and GO STRAIGHT TO COURT, DO NOT PASS RETRACTION, DO NOT REFUND YOUR GRIFTED LEGAL FEES.

This is all so she can get the monkeys flying again and keep that cash. If the legal stuff is ‘secret and ongoing’ then she can’t return it. Transparent Twat.
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“No carpets for TWO YEARS” = “the place I lived had laminate floors”. Also I know pics can deceive, but those pics of her home from the Guardian, Mirror and other pieces from 2012 and 2013 do not look like a place that’s damp or mouldy or anything else. Further, NO journalist at the time in any article from any publication, many of whom visited her at her home, makes mention of the damp or mould, which they surely would have? Yet she’s constantly milking that to this day.

i chopped off their faces as wanted to show the floor but not SB and didn’t like/want to ‘squiggle out’ all over his face.
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Miss Anne Thrope

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Oh, PS she quit an actual job to do that stuff too, despite lots of people expressing reservations about this being a wise course of action.
Yeah, yet again she sounds like she’s in the direst of circumstances and abject poverty here, right?

Oh and this is nothing to do with her crafting, but is yet another very interesting post- for many reasons…
ETA yet more evidence she’s always been a shameless self publicist. This is her highlighting a letter ‘someone’ wrote that was published in the newspaper she worked at. An early 🧦 🤭

View attachment 1638269
Guys, this is interesting - according to Slack Monroe, SB put paid to her emulating her brother’s (distinguished) career in the RAF. So SB is the one reason she isn’t on the same level as her (presumably very hard-working) bro.

Wow. I am rolling my eyes so hard now that they may be stuck backwards in my skull. Is there anything that she won’t fabricate or retcon? She is genuinely shameless. How, HOW do her family stand her?


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Chatty Member
I hope they take you to one side and murmur in your ear how much they appreciate everything you do. 🌟
(I don’t. That would be so horrible)
To be honest the ungrateful fuckers have never so much as even thanked me for it. They act as though paying your bills for a service you have received is *normal*. The cheek of it.
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With the caveat that I will change my title to Dr the second I leave the room my viva takes place in… people who stack up letters after their name are invariably fucking wankers.

Yours faithfully,

BIg FCKiN DickHeD.
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I am puzzled. Why would someone who announces everything on Twitter not announce her intention to sue on Twitter…oh…is this what the younguns call ‘very meta’?
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I’m aware that this piece is absolutely awash with bollocks. Something caught my eye…

In all my years of driving, knowing literally hundreds of other drivers, having accidents, experiencing a hit & run and vandalism etc etc etc I have NEVER known of ‘the shame of driving around in a car that someone has keyed an insult on’. WHAT? Who is doing that? I might have seen it on TV years ago but a spray can is much quicker and easier. Weird. Does it happen in Elevenerife?
I have to know who keyed Jack's car and what the insult was.

ETA: I wonder if it was Iqbal? SH1TTER?
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Here it is:

Ironically Hopkins is likely the same but still, horrendous interview for Femi there. I defimitely think people on both sides of the political spectrum including Jack are open to being actual rentagobs.
I would actually love to see an investigation taking in both right and left to expose all this paid content. I think it plays a big part in online politics feeling like cheese dream in a way it didn't before.
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Most people take their coats off in coffee shops so they Feel The Benefit when they go back outside, so maybe that's the reason why 3 out of 27 people had paper poppies pinned to their coats. They were the only 3 actually wearing coats indoors.

I love her silly stories. She's such a goose 🦆.
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Ok I'm not a legal frau but I've watched enough episodes of Suits to think that if you take someone to court don't you open yourself up for discovery? So you can be looked into i.e. your bank records, tax affairs etc etc? Isn't this just going to be a disaster for her?

I don't particularly care for Daubney or Anderson but I at least respect them for seeing issues they want to fix and doing the work to become an MP or whatnot. This is the whole point in a democracy even if you strongly disagree with what they say, I respect them for standing up and trying to put their point across and putting themselves in the firing lijne. Why haven't you done this Jack and followed through on it? I bet they get horrific abuse but are still out there doing their bit.
Yeah she would have to prove that what he said is defamatory. In a libel case the onus is on the plaintiff to prove harm has been caused whether financially emotionally or whatever by the alleged libel. So Anderson could properly seek disclosure of Jacks financial affairs to show that she does profit by her grift and therefore that what he said was either true or a reasonably held opinion, not libel.

I don’t think Jack is really in the process of suing him, I think she’d be terrified of facing him in court. Unlike Jack, Anderson’s genuine working class, former coal miner, volunteered at CAB for ages. Unlike Smol Pixie he’s actually got out into his community and helped people not just bigged himself up and rattled the tip jar on Twitter. It wouldn’t be like facing flimsy rent a gob Hopkins. She’d well risk losing and trashing her remaining rep in the process.

Jacks just trying to scare people off questioning her as per.
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