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Well-known member
She must surely bore herself by now. It must be irritating not to be able to freely enjoy the things you’ve earned. I splurged on a pair of boots this week (payday, Klarna and the fact they will change my life for the better in every way and go with EVERYTHING even my safety pin jumper dresses.)
I don’t need to hide them so my enemies don’t see them or pretend I found them/was given them/bought in a Cats Protection shop for 76p. I can just wear them and explain nothing to anyone. That’s a simple thing but I don’t think Jack knows how that feels. All her purchases come with a backstory, a deep and meaningful reason for owning it and it’s all a lie. She can’t just say ‘I bought it because I wanted it and earned the money for it.’
She tries to justify things like a frivolous floral boiler suit purchases while telling journalists and followers that she doesn’t have lightbulbs. It must be exhausting and I just can’t imagine it’s worth it. With a decentish job and a credit card/enough credit to pay in 3 she could own all that stuff anyway. The grift is pointless. ☹
2 boilersuits don't forget....
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Catching up here (darn those time zone differences) but Jack re-emerging on the haunted bird app just after the Lee Anderson story was being re-shared I'm totally convinced that the story mysteriously starting to circulate again was a planned campaign.

I wouldn't be at all surprised either if a good number of those accounts saying "welcome back" were from purchased Twitter followers. In addition to the very informative interview that another frau posted, there was a big investigation a few years ago by the New York Times into purchased followers:

I think you're right. The parody Laura K twitter account (which funnily enough is a parody account Jack doesn't have a problem with) was the first one to tweet about the Lee Anderson case again, seemingly out of the blue.

The same account has also tweeted pro-Jack stuff in the past (although I can't find an example - it might have deleted)

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The pic she posted of SB on a rug in 'too small trousers', etc... looking absolutely normal for a kid at that age shows a rug. On a decent wooden floor. Carpets are hardly compulsory!

Damn that's terrible posture.
Thought the same. The photo is not as flattering as she thinks it is.😁
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So hang on, she’s implying she’s taking legal action against Martin Daubney, Lee A etc but as MD said there’s been no action, they don’t realize that she is doing so?

i guess that means her pro bono no win no fee solicitor and his crack team of paralegals aren’t asking those people to retract the statements they made that damaged her reputation as is required in libel cases. They’re going to be all MAVERICK, wait a year while her ‘reputation’ 😂 continues to be damaged by their libellous statements and GO STRAIGHT TO COURT, DO NOT PASS RETRACTION, DO NOT REFUND YOUR GRIFTED LEGAL FEES.

This is all so she can get the monkeys flying again and keep that cash. If the legal stuff is ‘secret and ongoing’ then she can’t return it. Transparent Twat.
The criminal barristers have voted to come out of their strike today...I know any libel case isn't criminal, but it bloody well should be, what with all her grifting!
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How funny, the print on the curtain behind her disappears right next to her waist.

But I know that Jack doesn't edit her pics, so I can only conclude that yes, her waist really is the same width as her head.
And there I was, thinking - poor girl, she must find buying trousers really difficult! Yeah, I kept looking at that picture (which I remember seeing and puzzling about back in the day) wondering how can she be so er... peculiarly proportioned.😁
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Well, well, well. Not according to a picture taken recently. Can't see a trace of animosity on any face.

ETA - Most definitely recent as she's wearing that stupid cap and her Tiffany earrings.

ETA Again - Anyone know the make of her watch? Not sure if we've seen it before.
My take on it is that they had a falling out (probably because of Jack's behaviour) and may not speak much but have always maintained some contact through their parents for the sake of their kids and younger siblings.
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View attachment 1641239

Due to this squig’s Jackesque way with words, this like of Jack’s has me 🍾🦉

(I am sorry squig has £ issues. I just wish she Miguel’d it up or looked on BBC Food or anywhere else at all to get some inspiration. Not go for Jack’s nutritionally-challenged slop).
I am basically summoned to bitch about that "ghoulash". Is it the bolognese, gulas, same thing one?
I had a tingle in my back, I knee something is happening to something I like
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Agree with you there. For me it’s far too fluid and fast to be hers-the line is too strong and confident. It has a print-like quality the other images don’t share. Her work has a sketchy yr 10 quality to it-even the stuff I think she’s done herself I feel like she’s used a tracing technique from a photo to achieve.
It's definitely not hers. The shop is a collaboration with someone else who is named as the artist in the description of the print.
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My main question at this stage is how does she only work 100 hours a week? She’s fitted in so much grifting and implausible stories!

Also @Dogmuck whats the twitter story you posted earlier?
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It’s not really about Jack though. If there is a random half brother, he’s not part of the Jack show. It’s bad enough that he’s not particularly in a relationship with his Dad’s wife and kids. I don’t think we should,look into it because it’s no5 really anything to do with Jack, her lies and her rich seam of BS we mine.
Doesn't Yannis also use Daniel as a first name?
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