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Helena Handbasket

Chatty Member
Why on earth wouldn’t you just take the baby with you? I know it’s into a loo on a train but if it’s that or leave it with a complete stranger there’s no contest surely? At 6 days old? Or at any age actually. Her pathetic imaginings are pathetic.
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She’s gonna post some shit about people harassing her family isn’t she. After she’s deleted all the tweets. Again I have to say this is just glorious to watch. She has zero personality or credibility so has to steal other peoples.
I think we'll see a Twitter break announced imminently. Blamed on harrassment of her family no doubt, but actually because a lot of the very funny squigs today are from substantial (not necessarily blue ticks) accounts of the primarily young, very online left wing. Once they start taking the piss out of you on Twitter, you're cooked. I've seen some come up organically in my own feed. This could be the undoing, fraus!
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Frau’s I need advice. I have received my response to the ONS FOI but I’m a bit reluctant to post it because I know it will appear on Twitter straight away, with a bit of a ‘gotcha you big liar’ angle to it. I know it will be published on the ONS site in due course. Should I just whack it on here anyway?
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That would kill her career stone dead within a fortnight. It’d be blindingly obvious her partner hated her and she’d constantly be “ill” or five hours late to rehearsal.
Pray to all your Gods that they ask her again, I’d pay bare dollah to see it.
I said many times over the past few years that other than world peace and happiness for my children my greatest wish is for Jack to do Strictly. It would be Christmas for me.
For newer Fraus and lurkers.... from time to time we get people visit us who know Jack in real life. One, who knew Jack from school and afterwards, told us that 'Strictly turned her down' which was so glorious we made it a thread title.
Apparently her agent kept pestering them and after a couple of polite rebuffs they finally snapped and told the agent that Jack wasn't famous enough and was unwatchable.
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Honestly I've never been happier that work is super quiet. Guilt free catch ups!

About to get on a train into town. Hope nobody tries to hand me their 6 day old baby because I'm just not interested.
If they do, please shout, "why didn't you keep your legs shut?"
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Amanda Lin

VIP Member
I honestly can't make my mind up if I like today or Georgia Church Suppers the best. Voting in the Sloppies is going to be bloody hard, might just write 'not my circus, not my monkeys' for Chaos of the Year.
I would have to say today is thee most glorious. She mithered away into theTwitter hinterlands after her Georgian adventure, but today she has keep coming back with more and more ridiculous nonsense.

Today has seen;

* Royalist Jack
* Redundancy is not that bad Jack
* Sick Jack (so smol and sickly)
* Train Jack
* Throw Big Dave under the bus Jack
* Pretend communist Jack
* Stop discussing my secret parents Jack
* Here’s all my parents and their tenants secrets Jack
* Make Up Jack
* Lumberjack Jack

it’s been a lot and it’s only 8pm
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I'm absolutely sure it was entirely down to Jack refusing to ask for or accept help, either because she can't admit when she's effed up, or because she loves The Suffering (I actually think that's her real addiction, from school traumas and ED etc as a teen through to sm habit of actively seeking out criticism and ignoring everything else)
The problem with that I have is that every time a working age person in my family has had to go benefits due to unemployment or poor health everyone immediately rallied round because they just knew they'd be skint. Jack's parents own household income took a knock when her mum had to give up nursing due to ill health, they were able to work round that with fostering her Dad's earnings but it wouldn't take a genius to work out a single mother (even with support from the father in a good but not highly paid job) might find things tight. Even if Jack denied she needed help you'd think they'd still do stuff like have her and/or SB round for tea a couple of times a week or buy the odd pricey thing like washing powder and claim it was a three for two so they just picked it up etc. We also know she was getting help from Spaniel Friend at the time. I suspect she got more help than she admits but not as much as she wanted because of her sense of entitlement and what we see play out is a revenge tantrum.
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Mr Krabs

VIP Member
I bet Dave is, like others have said just a left wing person who wants to help his community and there's nothing wrong with that
I suspect Dave is a regular old school leftie, union guy, but still of the generation who likes the royals and is a bit traditional. But Jack, being thick as she is and not even bothering to read the wiki page on Marx, let alone the Communist Manifesto, just conflates being left wing with Marxism, Leninism and whatever else she thinks sounds impressive. You could tell her your dad was a defenestrationist and she’d claim her dad was the head of the local defenestrator’s union or something.
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I actually believe that big Dave might do some of the stuff she says, but I don't believe for a second he actually charges a "peppercorn rent" in the literal sense. He might charge the local housing allowance rate. But peppercorn is something completely different.
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Chatty Member
Am I imagining it or is there a tiny hint of “Well now, we’re glad you asked“ about the ONS response? They must have been spitting feathers watching madam fibbing her arse off and taking credit for their work with no right of reply.
I bet there’s a gleeful hopping and skipping at ONS HQ this morning waiting for this to show up on Twitter
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Jelly Bean

VIP Member
Quite the couple of days for Jack:
Relays a confidential conversation with an AA person she is sponsoring.
Exposes her father to extended twitter ridicule.
Discloses highly sensitive personal information about identifiable vulnerable adults (and they ARE identifiable even if only in the local area. Must be well known who rents her father's flats).
Holds a newborn baby while suffering from a possibly/likely infectious illness.

And I thought telling a man with a learning disability to fuck off was about as low as she could go recently.
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It's these sort of days I am glad I am divorced.
Don't have to plump cushions, spray febreze round and pretend I have been busy and not wallowing in celeb takedowns all day 😝
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VIP Member
I honestly can't make my mind up if I like today or Georgia Church Suppers the best. Voting in the Sloppies is going to be bloody hard, might just write 'not my circus, not my monkeys' for Chaos of the Year.
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