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Chatty Member
I’m so indescribably happy. It’s like Christmas morning, sitting in your jimjams all morning unwrapping glorious tweets.

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There's just too many stone cold classics to screenshot. And the tweet's only been up for 40 minutes. What a happy day!
Screenshot 2022-09-14 at 10.10.52-1.png
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Jack: "I actually met Henry VIII a few times in a past life. My suckling pig, prune and fish head stew was a particular favourite at his infamous banquets (recipe coming soon!). I would have been #7 but that's a story for another day."
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Brian Butterfield

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Screenshot 2022-09-13 at 21.11.27.png

This account replying to the above Tweet has nearly 26k followers and echoes what we've all been saying for months.

ETA, Jack is tagged in this convo.

Screenshot 2022-09-13 at 21.11.35.png
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What sort of a smug pr*ck things their words are so wise that they stick them up on social media before the person they're allegedly supporting has even read the message? "Check me out, aren't I awesome and witty with my reply?" Grow up, Jack.
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The soup. The fucking soup. Did she accidentally strain it?! Because that is not chicken soup. That’s a shredded roast dinner with chicken gravy. As a Jewish Frau, I am deeply offended by that creation. This is my aneurysm.

My great grandparents didn’t give their lives for Jack to put fucking STUFFING BALLS in their soup. Jack and her soup need to get in the bin.
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In the newcomers pack at AA you get a 'just for today' card which has simple suggestions on it to get you through the day. It's designed to be basic because often when you first come in you are in a state, and can't cope with too much at once, so these are the very simplest, core principles.

And one of them is that, just for today, I will help someone else. I will not speak about doing this. If anyone finds out about it, it does not count.

Because the founders understood very well the temptation an alcoholic might have to turn sobriety into an ego ridden performance.

She isn't special in this regard it's typical dry drunk behaviour.
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...and I have now told the entire internet that a vulnerable tenant is high maintenance and Dad finds talking to him a chore. Nice, so compassionate. I work in a helping role, I'm also human and yes sometimes it is frustrating dealing with needy people but I have a sigh and an eye roll to myself, put a cheery face on it and refrain from putting details on social media. I think this is the normal approach.
She’s now calling people out for laughing at Big Dave. You brought him up, idiot.
Anyway, it’s not working
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Sorry, I am catching up but this is so insulting. She's addressing other AA people and saying they're doing sobriety wrong, and that she's doing it better. She's a nasty piece of work who shouldn't be anywhere near vulnerable people.

Screenshot 2022-09-13 at 14.45.32.png
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the slop lurker

New member
Now I'm not part of AA and I'm not familiar with 12 steps but her "advice" to the woman who hopefully doesn't exist because wow, is screaming Jack doesn't engage with therapy.

My jaw hit the floor at her inserting and centering herself in her own damn advice but on top of that, it's shitty advice. To blame it on your brain is to absolve yourself of all blame and accountability (speaking generally, obviously it is difficult to control intrusive thoughts and we should not blame the person experiencing them for having them). However, there is benefit in acknowledging they are YOUR thoughts. It isn't something that is "happening" to you outside of your control. It is something you are experiencing and unfortunately it is a part of you. Acknowledging that is crucial for addressing it.

But that's Jack all through. Always with the external. Nothing is ever her fault and she will never take accountability for that. Instead she's going to throw a useless "funny" metaphor at this woman rather than offer any actual support.

The fact she's inserted herself into it to enable that shitty attitude shouldn't be surprising any more but it is profoundly shitty. Isn't taking responsibility the whole point of AA? I really hope she isn't offering advice to others because she is not suitable for this.
Absolutely this! Sorry if the formatting has gone weird, this is absolutely my aneurism and has prompted me to post at last.

I see a therapist every week who uses a bit of the transactional analysis school of thought to frame things. She has used the analogy of driving before, but in the context of TA it's the inner child who is driving at times. This inner child can be a bit of a dickhead, as children sometimes are, but no one should ever take the child and stick it in the boot as Jack has done in her Stan-like fantasy.

As you say, TCC, it's something that is part of you that needs to be managed. You have to softly, gently negotiate with this difficult part of yourself. Do a bit of coaxing, yet be firm! It's all about the adult part of yourself being able to step in to guide your actions and not allowing your impulsive, upset and damaged parts take over and do a chaos. Stuffing them in the boot will only kick chaos down the road and is frankly pretty cruel. You're meant to approach the dickhead part of yourself with empathy and understanding, not absue them further.

This reads to me like Jack has heard this analogy once and stopped listening halfway through. Instead of learning a new thing about treating herself with compassion to help heal her chaos, she probably started dreaming up a new analogy where she could come across as a badass who dominantes the dickhead in her brain. Oh dear.

Anyway thank you all for being really funny and insightful bunch, have been lurking for so long, it's nice to say hi finally.
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Sorry for not strictly on topic but how have I only just learnt that Jenny Numbers' avatar is the fucking Muppets? For over two years I thought it was some kind of historical picture of Victorian seamen 😭 send Vision Expressos.
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Jack says the point of Patreon is to provide a 'stable and sustainable income for creatives' but how does she qualify as a creative? It's not a snarky question. I genuinely don't think she fits into that category. She doesn't produce any content except for tweets about hoovers and slop. Yes, she'll write an article once in a blue moon, but that's not the sort of work Patreon normally rewards. Lots of YouTubers use Patreon so they can profit from/continue to make their videos. I've seen video essays that are far better than actual TV documentaries, so they absolutely deserve the money. Jack? Still waiting for her to do something worthwhile.

P.S. The word 'heckin' should be banned.
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Brian Butterfield

VIP Member
Hey Jack, here's a tip for you. If you want "personal anonymity" so much, stop broadcasting every thought, movement and fart on Twitter.

Hope that helps.
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