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VIP Member
These tweets this morning really alarmed me. I have followed the energy story closely and was waiting to hear what the new PM would say. On Tuesday she talked about the cap they would introduce. Even though I know this, I am aware that many people won’t as for obvious reasons it hasn’t been the focus in the Uk for the last few days.

So this morning Jack has declared that energy bills will triple, my mind went straight to what this would mean to me; it would increase my Dd from £200 to £600 a month! Even I gasped as I read the tweet, I felt the fear but then I realised it is pure and simple scare mongering with a selection of descriptive writing to insite a Dickensian fear in the hope it will create content that will go viral. But it isn’t true.

I loathe this strand of content that is desperate to grab attention but isnt true! I feel fortunate that I know her content and know what she is trying to do but others won’t know this and will be sat thinking about their bill tripling today.
It's one of the things she does that makes me angriest. It's irresponsible and she does it with everything, she is ghoul who will actively celebrate any death from hypothermia that can be linked to rising energy prices. She really does want every benefit cut or price increase to result in deaths that can be weaponised. As I've said about five million times she could use her platform to sign post people to real sources of help that would let people get arrears (often quite high amounts) written off completely, negotiate realistic future payments, various heating upgrade grants and even smallish payments towards current bills but she doesn't because she doesn't want people getting help.
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Jay-cloth Cow

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Does it say 'My mate Alan'? He looks like an Alan. Or a Steve.
I thought maybe a Barry or a Kevin! OT but a friend had a baby a few weeks ago and called him Kevin. I thought she was joking as we'd been laughing about people giving babies middle aged names like Keith or Neil a few weeks before. Turns out she wasn't joking and her son is called Kevin. Oops.
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Currently watching a heavily pregnant Shivi Ramoutar on Saturday kitchen live with Matt, she has a great jokey fun rapport with him, chatting away about her new book whilst she’s cooking (it’s not slop) Shivi is really fab at this TV stuff.

Shivi only appeared on the scene in last few years, this is a career path that was laid out for Jack, she had it literally on a plate, but she blew it, mainly because she hasn’t got the ability, and personality for it.

Shivi has taken her chance and ran with it, because she has the talent, charisma and a brill confident TV presence. Jack doesn’t have any of these qualities, she has no place on TV, and never will, all her TV appearances are embarrassing, she’s permanently caught in the headlights, and her recipes just don’t work. Watching Shivi really shows you how it’s done, sorry Jack this is not for you and never will be.

Shivi showing how it’s done 👍🏾😁

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Chatty Member
I have a stomach bug today and squig sending JM a smol soupbot has finished me off.
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Fucking hell I nearly just had my very own Zoe Eccentricity moment. I had that event page open on my phone and shoved it in my back pocket to continue cleaning. Just opened it then and I'd nearly shared it to my professional Twitter account. It had opened Twitter on my phone and was waiting for me to click share 😭 Never cleared text quicker in my life.
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Spoiler: the pie, in fact, says “bald”

Edit - they also look like they’re filled with dog food. Another culinary triumph for Jack.
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Hi! Lurker since April finally decided to join after a friend and I wondered how first we realised we both disliked jack. (Since June 2020, when my friend asked what I thought! see the receipt of our mutual origin story.)
I admired her to begin with, she came on my radar in 2013 when a friend made a vat of disgusting kale pesto that was one of her recipes. Strangely that didn’t put me off her, I thought my friend must have messed up the recipe. I was amazed by her meal costings and bought A Girl Named Jack, feeling like it could be an answer to helping me support my child as a single parent. Her story was inspiring, and gave me hope, especially as it seemed to have a happy ending with her as an author and public figure campaigning against poverty. But when I opened the book, I found most of the recipes unusable and realised her costings were based on bulk buying. To try a recipe would have involved spending much more than she suggested. So I put it aside but still held her in high regard, and continued to believe her spiel. Even offered her multiple well paid jobs when I had a chance to - no reply which I was slightly offended by, especially since she often complained about her finances.
Since then the irritation and dissonance has mounted. A turning point was when she suggesting curing fish with tinned pineapple, hence my username!
I found this forum when my fellow Jack sceptic shared a subtweet (by a bluetick) that seemed to be about Jack, referring to her as a grifter. I was mystified by what the grift could be… cue an all-nighter that led me to the Tattle wiki!
I was surprised to find that Tattle - this board at least since it’s the only one I read - wasn’t the horrible, petty place that I’d imagined it was from what I’d heard. This place feels like a sanctuary of sanity, a place to find an antidote to Jacks gaslighting. It’s soothing! Thank you all for the truth, the thoughtfulness and the laughs!
Hi, said mutual friend here also a new member! With laser (hyper)focus.
It's the stans that get me. With the recent Dublin trip, people offering spare rooms and her replying "I'll let you know!" Who does that? Stay in twitter friends' (strangers') rooms when worried about personal safety? She has definitely said SB stays at his dad's "a few" nights a week. So, 3-4? 50-50.

As someone intimate with the UC process, can't fathom why she doesn't claim UC as I claim it, rent, am a single parent, on an NHS band 6 salary. So either she's earning more than that (40k plus), has over 16k savings (not that I agree with that rule in any way but if she does she really shouldn't be begging for more whilst claiming she can't buy shampoo!!), or just cba?
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Well-known member
This is why people cook you on that gossip app innit.

Very early contender for next thread title I think.
Seconded for thread title nomination

Is there no big event that Jack won’t poke her nose into? If the Pope dies cue Jack creating merry stories.
Remember everyone, the sun only shines because Jack exists.
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What does she mean? The energy companies control the wholesale price? Or that PMs are secretly all given cash by the energy companies?

Never underestimate jack's ability to present complicated situation as if it's easy as pie to fix. Sure it may go viral on twatter, but who is this reductive stuff helping? It unnecessarily stokes up fear and resentment to no one's benifit other than jack with the more followers + cash donations.

View attachment 1567114

Even the worst most out of touch MP spends more time meeting people at the coal face than jack ever has.
These tweets this morning really alarmed me. I have followed the energy story closely and was waiting to hear what the new PM would say. On Tuesday she talked about the cap they would introduce. Even though I know this, I am aware that many people won’t as for obvious reasons it hasn’t been the focus in the Uk for the last few days.

So this morning Jack has declared that energy bills will triple, my mind went straight to what this would mean to me; it would increase my Dd from £200 to £600 a month! Even I gasped as I read the tweet, I felt the fear but then I realised it is pure and simple scare mongering with a selection of descriptive writing to insite a Dickensian fear in the hope it will create content that will go viral. But it isn’t true.

I loathe this strand of content that is desperate to grab attention but isnt true! I feel fortunate that I know her content and know what she is trying to do but others won’t know this and will be sat thinking about their bill tripling today.


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I had to explain to someone that they had profoundly misunderstood the price cap. They were asking if their bills "won't be more than £2,500" what was stopping them putting the heating on full blast and setting up a bitcoin mining rig. That's not how it works.

The price cap of £2,500 which is being quoted is the maximum price the average household on a dual fuel tariff paying via direct debit could expect to pay, based on the average usage and the maximum price which can be charged per unit. It's intended as an illustration.

If you use less gas and electricity than the average, you will pay less than £2,500. If you use more, then you will pay more. The maximum price per unit varies by region.

Do not put the heating on full blast and set up a bitcoin mining rig, you will get a hell of a shock when the bill arrives.

I think the way the price cap is spoken about is really misleading and people like Jack should be using their platform to explain and clarify what it actually means and how you can work out a rough expected bill, not shrieking about how "bills will triple" and all the MPs are in the hands of big energy.
She's too dense to understand it though. Remember that care cost letter she was frothing about not long ago? And her 344% food price rises. Don't get me started on the teenage SB who is 12 either!

Princess Anne personally requested she meet husband. She was head of his regiment back in the early 80s when he was in the army, and noticed he had a different haircut (and was trying to crawl out from under a tent away from her) To his eternal mortification, he then had to explain he'd just done 28 days in nick, and a shaven head was part of the punishment 😂
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Sideboard Bob

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now i know we're all feeling a bit discombobulated after the last few days, but lemme get this straight. she's gone from wanting to pitch a show about a coronation dish for charlie 3, on which she is a judge, to wanting to pitch a pie at him as a projectile? in a matter of hours?

looks like big dave will remain the only mbe in the family
And after 391 threads, this is the sort of thing we just casually accept, like, “Jack‘s having a normal one then”.
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I’m at the stage where, for me, it’s no longer about whether people can or can’t afford to buy a t shirt , a book or give to a legal fund. People donated to a particular cause and were assured that that is where their money would go.
We have no idea how much was raised for the various causes or where the money went.
Just think about that for a minute.
It doesn’t matter whether you gave a quid, a tenner or a crisp fifty you have the absolute right to know where your money went. Whats more we all have the right to be certain that money donated to a charity or a cause goes exactly where it’s supposed to.
Questions are not trolling, they are not abuse and they certainly are not threats. Unless, of course, you have something to hide.
Where‘s the damn money and why is it being left to a handful of Fraus and a few people on Twitter to ask?

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Exactly this. Away from the jokes GrannyOgg, this is the whole reason many of us have been here for several years. Many, many people - lots with little money to spare - have given money to Jack for various things, believing they are getting something back or they are helping a deserving cause.
Kickstarter, Patreon, legal funds, fundraisers, Trussell Trust, book donations - hundreds of thousands of pounds swirling around and around with zero paper trail, no real receipts, rare updates.
It’s OK to ask questions about this and expect proper answers back in return.
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Chatty Member
Caught a bit of Classic EastEnders earlier (don’t judge) and Beppe Dimarco is trying to pull a woman and says to her “you’ve not seen what I can do with a tin of spaghetti hoops.” Did Beppe Dimarco originate rinsed hoops?
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That's what annoys me most about Jack's Patreon.... All these people firing money into the ether for nothing, when they could be making a real difference by buying hay for donkeys, cakes for the pensioners' lunch club etc.

To think that they are funding Jack's Botox is sickening when donkeys need carrots 🥕🥕🥕
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She's having a smol dig at Leggy in the replies to the photo of her son in a Liverpool jacket. I'm no kickyball fan but I would think that if you'd supported a team since their inception in 1892 you wouldn't switch allegiances for a bonk. Also that's still not how you spell aberration.

liverpool tweet.png
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