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Giving up a bed for foster kids seems like another dig at the parents - they’re either shit parents for turfing out Jack and her brother from their personal space, or shit foster carers for not having adequate provision. Guessing it’s another lie.

And Nigella’s first husband was John Diamond. Jim Diamond was a Scottish singer of “should have known better” and “hi ho silver (theme from Boon)” 😂
Of course, if that was me that got it wrong, eek
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Don't worry at about it. There are loads of folk that don't fit the labels, I know people who'll tell a waiter they're vegetarian or vegan because for the purposes of ordering that meal they are, there's really no need to give the waiter a full run down on the times they eat meat, dairy or fish but stick mostly to a veggie or veagn diet. I think where stuff like that becomes problematic is when you get people like Jack jumping on the bandwagon to flog a book and then not only eating meat again but eating the worst low welfare crap out there. Then getting a gig promoting a vegan/veggie food brand that could have gone to about a million far better influencers out there. I've recently abandoned 34 years of vegetarianism to start eating fishos again (sorry lads it's part inexplicable craving, part health thing and part mentioning it to a dietitian are her thinking it was a good idea but emphasising
it's not essential as there other options). Land animals remain safe from Numbers and no bollock sausage shall be passing my lips. I will probably still mark myself down as vegetarian for hospital stays or when dining out because most of the time it's how I eat and it saves getting landed with meat I won't eat in hospital. What I won't be doing is lying about it for money, Jack style.
That poor woman who used to order vegan because it was the simplest way when eating out to avoid dairy, to which she was fatally allergic. Pret gave her bread with yogurt in.
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LJC - people are so confused they are picking things up and putting things back again in Asda. Squig, like the Smartprice rice that was never taken away, it just might not be there right now. Maybe there just weren’t enough items to put in the section. I don’t think even this is one for Super Mon, can’t you just let her breathe?
Poor Asda. They got ABUSE for the distinctive packaging, scarlet-lettering the poors (unfair considering they only had 10 days to choose, source and design the whole new range after Jack told them off) . Then they got ABUSE for putting it all in one easy-to-find section so the poors didn't have to be TRAUMATISED by seeing nice food on their way round. And now there's a PILE-ON because it's possibly been moved back to the usual aisles. Or possibly being restocked after everyone in the country simultaneously spent 18.01 on avodarvos and crisps.
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I don’t know what’s more annoying in that tortoise interview - her nasal voice which goes wobbly when she talks about austerity or the focal length of the camera so that she’s blurry and the books behind her are in sharp relief.

And I’m amazed she’s made it to Dublin when she was so worried about her two friends in ICU she hasn’t slept for 3 nights and last night she was sleeping on a sofa with no pillows or blanket but a massive dog.

Makes you think.
But she WAS fully equipped with toenail varnish, so that's ok then.
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here we go again

Chatty Member
Having a little look at her Instagram and no doubt this has already been seen but Fraus, I give you a contender to the Pumble - the BUDINO 🤮
Given that it’s usually sweet, she has no business calling it a budino. Odds that she made it herself and for once daren’t take credit?
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In no universe ever, apart from hers, would it make sense to start moving bedrooms when there's absolutely no reason whatsoever to do so. Especially when it involves a child - that's if it does, of course, who knows.

Didn't she show a huge shed a while back that would more than amply accommodate all this staging or whatever the feck she calls it. 🙄

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Because in that scenario, when he isnt there she wont have a room. This way, once hes out the door she will have her room back to herself. Its a tragic tale.
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@GrannyOgg Only record I can find so far is 2007. This would put her there at age 18/19 (unless you are a 1978 truther).

She disappears then re-emerges under Jack Monroe in 2012 and has intermittent records in Southend up to now.
Hate to break it to the 1978 truthers but Ancestry definitely says 1988 😂 When I was looking for the GCSE syllabus nonsense last night I ended up on an old thread and there was some confusion over the older brother's name changing so I went and had a look (he just goes by his middle name, nothing interesting).
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They have yellow sticker stuff all day at my local Asda but it’s usually weird bits and pieces that you’re unlikely to have on a normal shopping list. It’s not a great strategy to rely on yellow sticker stuff as it’s unpredictable. Also, the discounts aren’t that good nowadays, so buying value stuff likely still works out cheaper.

Instead of wandering around like they’re extras in a Romero film, did it occur to any of these shoppers go and ask a member off staff where the stuff was moved?
Local Asda has NOTHING marked down to anything like tempting levels, and also nothing I'd ever actually buy, marked down at all. :cry:
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My local Lidl have been limiting purchases of vegetable oil for months, and I’ve seen other stuff limited recently.

Can I get Mr Kinnock to look into the lack of cheap own brand non applicator tampons in supermarkets? Lidl and Aldi don’t sell them at all, Asda only sell spenny Lilets. I have to make a special trip to Sainsbos or Superdrug for them.
Is the oil thing to do with the price of diesel? Last time there was a run on fuel, the price of cooking oil shot up and the amount you could buy at a time was restricted, if I remember rightly. To prevent everyone with older Diesels just bunging the oil in instead. (Cough 🔺been there, done that)
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Albert Hall

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