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For someone who could easily be exposed by a bit of ‘investigative journalism’ (or the simple work of some bored hausfraus), she’s unnecessarily drawing a lot of attention to herself
My god, I know! Journalists, come right this way... we have all the receipts you could need

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chocolate choux

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I fear the phenomenon which will follow fake news is #jacklogic

She didn’t @ him but her asterisking of his name left no doubt. Who read that Tweet and thought “Dovid Walliums? Divid Walliems? Who on earth is she referring to?”
No one, absolutely no one
It was even less subtle than That Man

I’m baffled to see people defending her
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Reading her tweets from last nights I noticed she mentioned again about being working class.

It's like shes obsessed with it being working class, someone needs to break it to her gently that working class people dont have smeg fridges and ginormous (shitty) bungalows...
You’re not WC if you were driven around by your SAHM mum in a Land Rover ferried between ballet classes & grammar school, funded by your landlord empire dad who held a senior civil service role paying £60k odd a year 😬 One year skint doesn’t change your origins story no matter how hard she tries.

It’s difficult cos financially we’re good but I’d always describe myself as WC because I still think it’s true - I don’t think my set of adult circumstances overrides everything else, but yeah class is a very difficult and abstract concept and everyone has a different opinion on it but I’d definitely say you get wealthy WC people, she’s just not one 😂
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Jelly Bean

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Investigating what? Books that have been in the public domain for millions of people? She really is an insufferable twat.
So other parents responsibly and happily reading David Walliams books with their children haven't been doing a good job?
She is so fucking bored (even with all the AMaZinG offers she had after the Hellman's shite) she is manufacturing a scandal that simply does not exist.
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Wow, uh, where to begin???

I'm speechless how she thought this was a good idea. The only thing I can surmise is that she now lives her life solely through twitter. It's COOL to be gobby on twitter - you could go viral! Going viral means likes and fame and all the other things she craves. She gets to be an 'activist' by typing out a few controversial tweets and gets a bunch of smoke blown up her arse for what, um, really isn't a controversial opinion...

Tbh I have no problem with what she's said in the initial tweets. I've never read any of these books, and I've never actually seen Little Britain (parents wouldn't let me and I always thought it looked awful anyway), but I do agree with her that some of the stuff she highlighted is offensive. I'm dubious that anything that gets kids reading is a good thing, but also happy to defer to people who actually have children (I don't) on that one, and I also read some pretty offensive stuff as a kid and I turned out as 'woke' as they come.

But the other stuff? I genuinely can't believe she insinuated DW takes drugs to write his books. I can't believe she's revelling in the 'chaos' she's causing. The utter HYPOCRISY of her banging on about being 'set on' by his 'publishing world' (lol) followers when she knows exactly what she's doing whenever she orchestrates a pile on. [TW: sexual assault] And fuck OFF with the vaguebooking and thinly veiled threats - I feel incredibly gross that she is gleefully wielding sexual assault like a weapon. The absolute fucking privilege of being able to revel in causing havoc, knowing that you'll be believed and protected by thousands of supporters. So many survivors do NOT have that. I will always believe women when they say they have experienced sexual assault, but it honestly feels like she's trivialising it.

We are also definitely in for Jack Monroe the childrens book author and/or Jack Monroe the erotica author - perhaps at the same time?? Wouldn't surprise me, her publisher seems to go for any fucking thing.
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I find her very classist. Like most things it goes both ways. She seems to be very against people with money, whether they have earned it or inherited it. Most people with money have actually studied and worked their way up the ladder, so to speak and have proved themselves good at their job and made a decent living from it. Yes some of these people could be more charitable to the poorer folk and less ignorant. I find her very ignorant towards the upper classes and the hypocrisy in her tweets astounds me. She is no stranger to middle class live, she's been to the bloody groucho, rubbed shoulders on a personal level with celebs, she is an author, ( bestselling) yet moans when others want to make money for visits. I really hope now she has said that she will remain free for her school visits.
Very much so. I'm lower mid class, but my Mum grew up as a working class, 2nd gen immigrant, whose council house was so damp that she still has respiratory problems to this day. It's very much a part of her heritage, and she is proud to have worked hard and got where she is in life. She has told me she struggles in certain situations and is constantly putting on a mask to be an 'acceptable' version of herself. But she does not shout about her background - she has told me that it's the people who shout the loudest are after often those with stuff to hide. And she does not have a huge chip on her shoulder about what is fancy and what is not and what middle class people are allowed to do and not do. This is personally what doesn't sit right with me about Jack. It's also what I experienced in uni. So many of peers were screaming about their WC heritage and roots. When I went to visit them in the summer I was shocked to see they had 4 bed semi detached houses and actually had parents giving them pocket money to live on! Nothing wrong with this, but please don't claim you're poorer than you are! It's disrespectful to the people who face so many financial and social adversities to succeed at uni. Even I had to work two jobs to keep myself afloat at university, and I've grown up relatively privileged! This is one of my favourite articles ever, and I think JM would fall into this bracket:

As someone who grew up in South Wales, I personally find "One of my friends from uni used to say they were a miner because his family owned a mine" absolutely hysterical!

Jack shouts about living in poverty ever so loudly. Someone in this thread earlier said that spending a couple of years living in poverty where there is a safety net available from family should you wish to choose it is very different to growing up in poverty. I totally agree. I don't want to talk over WC people in this group, I'm going off what my Mum has told me, and this is 40 years ago too! But her experience was that while her parents wanted her to do well at school, as immigrants, they couldn't help with homework, provide reading material. There was always a panic about food and hunger, which can shape your development psychologically and physically. That's going to give you a completely different start in life.
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Jesus! In reply to the editor who said his books aren't ghost written. Now a racist by association I assume.

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Silver Linings

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She is simultaneously manic from the attention and sick with fear. It’s horrible.

An opinion that he takes coke and doesn’t write his own books. Okey doke.
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She does this every full moon? Got another ‘condition’ you’d like to tell us about mate?
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It doesn't even make sense. So she's suggesting that Walliams doesn't write his books, but also snorts coke while writing his books. Well, which is it?

Or is there a third scenario where he snorts coke from Bobby Brown's ass while the ghostwriter is busy writing?
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Chatty Member
If Louisa is still lurking on here, or if she’s on Twitter this evening, I’m sure she’ll be thanking her lucky stars that she dodged that bullet. JM is an absolute fucking liability to herself!
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Chatty Member
I've been Grunka-ing here and the Hinch thread all night and have just caught up. EXHAUSTED isn't the word and I actually don't even have words for Jack's latest absolute shit show, I'm no real fan of DW but this out of the blue annihilation of him is just vile and so incredibly hypocritical not to mention libellous in the extreme.

Not even going to review the creepy pussy porn video for fear of vomiting all over myself.

I actually think JM is trying to be the new Katie Hopkins. She slayed the dragon only to become something even worse herself.

I need sleep. See you all on the other side later today xx
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