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Just caught back up. Desperately tried to stay awake last night, last week I had awful insomnia and sleep finally caught up with me. Which is wonderful, but inconsiderate of Jack to wait till last night to kick off, I could have done with that entertainment on previous nights 😂

I just don't know what to say. She's an idiot and so are her followers. I can't believe the amount of tweets suggesting she's justified to say these things as it's her opinion, her claiming it's nothing he hasn't heard before and she hadn't tagged him so basically it's fine. And yet what we discuss here makes us evil trolls and worthy of being sued?! How can she not see the hypocrisy?!

Well I think we can rest easy that she clearly has no fucking idea when it comes to libel. Hope she gets comeback for all of this and don't get me started on her peppering her tweets with sexual assault claims.
She's a nob. Quite simply a nob.

Because Jack so readily accepts criticism... Ah I can't read her Twitter anymore, these people are making my brain ache! 😩
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She is honestly the Queen of Gaslighting. After the massive tirade she went on, insinuating nasty stuff. I am no fan of DW but what she did last night/this morning was unprofessional and disgusting. And then to position herself as simply an annoyed parent? It doesn't help when she has a reputation for screaming into the social justice void.
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This is what makes it all the sadder. He was probably quite excited to tell his mum about the book he’s read, and she’s co-opted it as an opportunity to grandstand. For two hours.
We are halfway through the bloody thread!

She's saying she thinks it's a parent's responsibility to monitor content. So if the child's Dad did get him the book, this is a double dig at him. I hope not, that makes me sad if he's bought the kid a book he obviously really wanted and Jack has turned it into her latest Twitter shit storm.
If she thought this then she should have read the first book that he ended up with and discussed it privately with his other parent.

This is another example of her disregard for responsibility.
If reading material is a stressor for some reason it's on her to manage what comes into the household.
Not suddenly pounce on it for some reason when these books have clearly been an enduring interest.
It's so cruel to do this, I have a parent who behaved this way. I'm finding this quite triggering tbh and i really hope the sadness I feel around how this may have been handled is unwarranted.
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Jelly Bean

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Oh dear..I hate to point out the obvious but she has not expressed an opinion.View attachment 173395
Exactly - she has hardly critiqued his 'work'. She has accused him of drug taking, not writing his books and being a racist.
I'm almost excited to see what tomorrow brings. My money is on a massive blaming session of her MH, trolls, people misinterpreting her inoffensive tweets. And also deafening silence from her last few blue tick stalwarts.
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chocolate choux

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I don’t find David Walliams / Little Britain funny, just not my thing, but I understand that we’re supposed to be laughing at the ridiculous characters and not with them - they are the objects of comedy with their ignorance and bigotry

Of course this can be hard for some people to understand, such as children (and those who share the characters’ beliefs). If I was concerned that my child was misunderstanding the books, I would talk to them about it - “that guy who laughs at poor people is silly, right?”

You know, have a discussion rather than tearing the author apart on Twitter. If SB has read all DW’s books he clearly enjoys them, and outright sending the message that his (SB’s) opinion is wrong isn’t the way to go
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I’m disgusted at that hoover gif. The hypocrisy, after shouting about bullying, libel, ‘being kind’ etc., is unreal. Not cool.
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Oh my CHRIST. Shut your damn face Jack for the love of God! I’m not fan of David Walliams AT ALL but I really, really, REALLY hope he gets wind of this and replies. She’s not tagged him because she’s chicken shit, he will have her on toast and she knows it. If you’re that arsed Jack, tag him, have a debate about it. This bish loves a pile on but yeah, be kind. Hypocritical twat. She chaps my ass beyond belief!
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Wow, uh, where to begin???

I'm speechless how she thought this was a good idea. The only thing I can surmise is that she now lives her life solely through twitter. It's COOL to be gobby on twitter - you could go viral! Going viral means likes and fame and all the other things she craves. She gets to be an 'activist' by typing out a few controversial tweets and gets a bunch of smoke blown up her arse for what, um, really isn't a controversial opinion...

Tbh I have no problem with what she's said in the initial tweets. I've never read any of these books, and I've never actually seen Little Britain (parents wouldn't let me and I always thought it looked awful anyway), but I do agree with her that some of the stuff she highlighted is offensive. I'm dubious that anything that gets kids reading is a good thing, but also happy to defer to people who actually have children (I don't) on that one, and I also read some pretty offensive stuff as a kid and I turned out as 'woke' as they come.

But the other stuff? I genuinely can't believe she insinuated DW takes drugs to write his books. I can't believe she's revelling in the 'chaos' she's causing. The utter HYPOCRISY of her banging on about being 'set on' by his 'publishing world' (lol) followers when she knows exactly what she's doing whenever she orchestrates a pile on. [TW: sexual assault] And fuck OFF with the vaguebooking and thinly veiled threats - I feel incredibly gross that she is gleefully wielding sexual assault like a weapon. The absolute fucking privilege of being able to revel in causing havoc, knowing that you'll be believed and protected by thousands of supporters. So many survivors do NOT have that. I will always believe women when they say they have experienced sexual assault, but it honestly feels like she's trivialising it.

We are also definitely in for Jack Monroe the childrens book author and/or Jack Monroe the erotica author - perhaps at the same time?? Wouldn't surprise me, her publisher seems to go for any fucking thing.
Yep - agree totally.
I don’t disagree with the problems she has highlighted about the books - lazy and racial stereotypes, etc. But it’s the WAY she’s gone about it - saying he doesn’t write the books and using that (now deleted) cokehead Henry gif. Cheap shots like that will undermine anything worthy she has to say.

Well done to the woman who worked with DW and her dignified response. Don’t bring her into it, you moron!

If Jack brings out her series of books about a girl called Jack and her bendy kitten I’ll laugh up a lung and quietly fume.
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Mm yes such a toss up for school children - Jack Monroe visiting or David Walliams. Mm that is a puzzler.
I’d love to know which school was even able to bung £25,000 to DW, if that ever happened of course , seeing as our state schools are on their knees financially.
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Chatty Member
Quick Google suggests DW is worth about 17 million. I somehow doubt he's sat at home monitoring Twitter and worrying about this.

It's all very reminiscent of when she went after JO and there were cries for a collaboration, when the last person he collaborated with was Oprah.

Why would he want to sit down for a coffee with her? To hear her amazing insights into race?
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Walliams is trending again. She's gotten exactly what she wanted :rolleyes: . Hope she enjoys this, because the wasteland that's coming won't be pretty...

Although some of the tweets aren't, erm, part of this it seems 😳:ROFLMAO:

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Oh my CHRIST. Shut your damn face Jack for the love of God! I’m not fan of David Walliams AT ALL but I really, really, REALLY hope he gets wind of this and replies. She’s not tagged him because she’s chicken shit, he will have her on toast and she knows it. If you’re that arsed Jack, tag him, have a debate about it. This bish loves a pile on but yeah, be kind. Hypocritical twat. She chaps my ass beyond belief!
Is this bullying? The comments are awful.
Not a fan either but it’s not nice to see her on the attack, imagine if it was her on the receiving end? Poor misunderstood Jack.
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The hypocrisy is outstanding from JM 😂

This will never end. Ever. It’s the cycle starting all over again now, and the fact she didn’t tag him because she’s shit scared of him and just fancied a pile on tonight. She is such a scary person, definite personality disorder vibes.
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Chatty Member
I’m not sure this is the “own” she thinks it is. It’s not a big reveal, of course this woman would know whether he wrote his own books. Also, it’s really creepy. And hilarious she’s gone after the Director of Comms for a major publisher! Hope word spreads about what she’s like

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