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It just all looks so soggy. And as for the combo - creamed spinach .. and chilli sauce? Dear god. 🤢
Why couldn’t she just do them a nice normal sandwich or something.
Also, remember this abomination that she gave poor Caroline for lunch one time? Has she never heard the saying “you eat with your eyes”? No wonder Caroline left.
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How on Earth do you manage to get a poached egg looking like THAT?!
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I take one antihistamine every day pretty much all year to try to keep my rampant eczema under control. They don’t make me sleepy in the least, for whatever weird reason.
I have allergies all year round currently- meant to go for allergy blood test but due to Summer hols keep forgetting to book it- Paperwork has probably expired, knowing my luck. Was on one Zirtek a day for most of my teens and 20s though. Got better for a decade or so, and now it's all back with a vengeance. My lil' brother got the worse end of the stick though with rampant eczema and asthma. I do sympathise. Both Loratadine and Cetirizine make me drowsy as hell though. Fexofenadine is good, but I think I've become somewhat immune to its charms lately. :cautious:
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Chatty Member
There's a parasite (?) that's passed to unborn babies, isn't there? Pregnant women are advised not to deal with cat litter trays if they can avoid it or wear rubber gloves if they can't?
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Lagging behind a bit but surely the label on the meds bag rather redundantly says "antihistamines" in scrappy writing.
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My company closed its offices after lockdown, we have no choice but to work from home. I really hate it TBH. But it’s a job, and I know I could look for another one it gets too much.
Jack could get an actual job, then she might not have to ‘work’ from home.
Working from home made me unwell and I only did it for a short while. It’s not a luxury for everyone. I’m with you, I hate it.

But it wasn’t my choice to WFH and I would never choose a job like that. The nature of Jack’s “job” would involve a lot of it, she could get a different job if it is causing her problems.
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That was earlier this year. Jack went into her local Asda and was horrified that a few items like Basics rice were missing. She did a massive viral thread about how Basics rice had gone up 344 per cent and how this effected the poor more. Asda used this as PR to say they would make sure the Basics range were in every store, even though a Frau went into Jack’s Asda and found the missing Basics rice. They just hadn’t refilled the shelf or something. News outlets all over interviewed Jack about rice going up 344 per cent even though it hadn’t and she was given a second lease of media life. She then said she was going to put together the VBI in a weekend to show how things effected the poor disproportionately and got even more media interviews off the back of it. The VBI has still not been finished 7 months later.
I thought it was because she couldn’t find them on the website? Typing smartprice or smart price in correctly but not actually yomping to the local branch 🤔
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Just to say I would feel very uneasy with request for ☕ from the rehab facility.
people go to these places when they’re at their weakest; for treatment of conditions and diseases they are unable to control.
I am the least likely person on here to attempt to moderate, but to ask for ☕ is, IMO, very unfair.
Id like to think we wouldn’t ask for ☕ if someone said they went to the same AA meetings as her and I think this should be treated with the same discretion.
I suspect the OP saw her at the aparthotel?
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Chatty Member
It’s a good article though brought about, no doubt, by the raised profile of Mick Lynch and others who believe we are in a class war.
Middle class colonist just sums Monroe up. Along with many others.
I liked it and am now all flashy eyed and gnashy toothed. Vive la Revolution, PAL.
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