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Chatty Member
Add Twitter for Earth Day; Samsung; Helmans; Octopus Energy. She took over the Daily Express Column; had the Lorraine Series; did DKL; countless first person pieces in nationals; that’s just off the top of my head
How many has she cocked up though? How many have renewed? Didn't know about Octopus as I'm with them and like them.... bit disgruntled now....
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Give me strength, wasn't it just one item of the 30 from the highly experimental data that showed a 50% increase? Heaven forbid they'd use the average increase across all 30 items to show an accurate picture rather than just cherry picking one to misrepresent. And jack did not work with them other than being a cunt and @'ing them on twatter.

The Traveller Movement annual conference will be held on Thursday 17th November 2022, 10-4pm at Lambeth Town Halll, Brixton. For the first time since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic we are delighted to be returning to an in-person conference.

The themes for this year’s conference are particularly relevant in light of the spiralling cost-of-living crisis. Jack Monroe’s work with the Office of National Statistics has shown that the inflation rate for some essential food staples is as high as 50%
Oh I do hope my FOI has been responded to by then!
ETA Matei or other would be welcome to it 😊
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For the truth

Well-known member
Perhaps when she complains that she doesn’t have the forever home she deserves, she does actually mean one she owns outright 😳 It’s clear that understanding how the world works isn’t one of her strengths.
Not sure that it’s going to be the most challenging interview she’s ever had. Although it will provide much scope for her to concoct even more absurd claims I guess.
verbatim he said to me: “I cleave by my journalistic principles”. So we can safely assume he couldn’t report himself lost. He’s nearly as bad as she is for enabling this absolute nonsense. I do hope that if, and a big if, she does go down she brings the whole fucking fake Rayner, Lawson, O’loughlin and any other pretend left food poverty sympathiser with her.
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Back to the celebrity skin stuff, alot of early-late 90s musis, very early 00s music is making a comeback to the tweens and teens alike. Its lole being at my youth club disco when i take my kids to tbe indoor trampoline place. Shes probably heard SB playing it and latched on.
Celebrity Skin is also used at the end of Captain Marvel - I'd imagine SB probably likes a Marvel film or two.
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Yes, I was on my school’s G and T register. Just meant I was given more work to do from what I remember!
Sorry, read that as Gin and Tonic register. I must be needing one and I don't even like gin.

#clapformonroe …? Well, after Sunday night it could well be…
I might clap if she admits all her lies, reveals her income and shuts down her Patreon.
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SM is hard. I teach people how to do it ;)
But its incredibly hard to get going

I appear not to have quoted the post that I was replying to...but yeh its such hard work to get seen and a platform (which is fine) but to see some one piss it all away having been given it so easily is very wearing
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Chatty Member
I'd say class in the UK is an intersection of social, cultural and economic factors.

The class system as we understand it is a post-Victorian construction that then evolved significantly with the two world wars. Historically, upper class were aristocrats and landed gentry; middle class were the professions (doctor, lawyer, dentist, academic etc.) or clergy; working class were those who were of a trade, or in manual labour etc.

This is now obviously different. For example, there are plenty of upper class (in the traditional sense) who are cash poor but asset rich; while there are plenty of traditionally working class (e.g. a plumber) who now might earn more than an early-career researcher at a university, which would traditionally be middle class.

So, it's not purely economic; nor is it purely political - working class people, for example, were fundamental to the movement for universal suffrage, the labour and union movements etc. in the same way that conservative politics have typically been the bastion of the middle and upper classes, but shifts occur.

I'd argue instead that class in the UK nowadays is about our relationship to power, and can be thought of more as a series of concentric circles than it is an up-and-down hierarchy.

Those at the centre hold the power. The circle is small, and the barriers around it are high. You need money to get there, certainly, but money isn't everything. You also need cultural capital: the right way of talking, the right way of dressing, the references to the right schools or cultural touchstones; the right connections. The central circle is small because it is beneficial to those in it for it to remain small.

The next circle out is one which is power-adjacent. It may be that a lack of money, or a lack of another type of cultural capital prevents this circle from holding power, but they benefit from a close proximity to power. These are your Hooray Henrys and I'm Alright Jacks. They are largely protected from things like the cost of living crisis because of their wealth and status, and so on.

And so it continues: it's not necessarily just three circles for upper-middle-working classes; but the further away from the centre you get, the less power and the less cultural capital you have.

Those in the periphery have the least access to power, despite being the largest group. And that's the paradox of class in the UK: the majority of people hold the minority of power.

The barriers between the levels become easier to navigate the further out from the centre you go; e.g. someone out on the periphery might move one ring further towards the centre when they have a steady income etc. but as soon as they lose their job, can't keep up with mortgage payments etc. then they're right back out at the periphery. They have no cultural capital to protect them from economic circumstances, no generational wealth to call upon etc.

I don't think Jack could ever call herself someone who's out there on the periphery. She has cultural capital in her upbringing, sure, but also in the life she's led as an adult: the connections made in being at the Groucho. The dinner parties supposedly cooking for Mary Portas. Being in a relationship with Leggy and LJC. Understanding the language of the media, being able to navigate the complexities of it. Even just being able to say "oh, this is what happens in a select committee" or "my MP pals say I should stand!"

Whatever you call it (working class/periphery/something else), I just don't think Jack can ever say that she's at the edges of power.
Thank(space)you for this, it's really interesting. Britain has changed so much in the last two centuries and the former class system model just doesn't fit modern society.
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It's driving me mad trying to remember who said it but I remember a quote from a filmed interview, possibly as part of a documentary, about Courtney Love, "she's a spoofer, Queen Blag". No idea why that's suddenly popped into my head.
Really makes you think.
I can't remember his name but it's someone associated with scene around Julian Cope who Courtney claims she lost her virginity to and he denies it, probably wisely as I think she was 15 at the time so...
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