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Hello I’m not up to date on the thread so I’m sorry if this is in the middle of a new chaos, I’m BUSY 🤭 but wanted to reply before a new thread. I don’t know him personally but there are crossovers in our academic and social circles. My main problem with him is his vibe and the fact that he hides behind a veneer of social justice concern and right-on clever rhetoric when his study areas are distinctly and objectively creepy and designed to put him around a very specific type of woman. And then he uses his status as an academic and the fact that this particular brand of woman agrees with him and considers him an ally to paint any woman - and in particular female academics with any disagreement with him (e.g. women who don’t uncritically consider “sex work is work” as valid) - as pearl clutching Mary Whitehouse figures who should be discredited. His wife is quite a lot younger and I don’t mean to infantilise her at all but she just seems a bit in his thrall. AFAIK there isn’t a place where any misdemeanours are listed but I feel like he’s the type of man who really weaponises the divide between liberal and radical feminists… “don’t listen to her she’s a SWERF” etc etc, so I’m not sure anything will grain traction if it does emerge.

TL;DR sorry no concrete goss he just gives me the big ick and I think he’s a woman hater who pretends not to be.
Thank you very much for responding, really interesting to hear your perspective ❤ Strange seeing his name pop up here, I didn't realise he was someone with an online presence/name recognition within certain circles. I'll leave it there as it's off topic. Thanks again.
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Chatty Member
The abuse (like everything else in Jack's life) was public - why should all of the negotiation around the apology be in private?
I have in the past when been subject to public insults either (a) insisted the apology was also public or (b) if they refused accepted a private one and then made it public with "and they didn't want to do this publicly so I thought I'd let you all see it"..... NEVER had any come back....

It's so vile of her to say stuff like 'can't pay the rent with exposure'…...hun you can't be serious? That's literally what you've paid for your whole life with. You work comfortably from home, have a massive house full of lovely things, all from that lovely, lovely exposure that you love so much. You are not the same as someone starting out with a small business.
No but she can get a burger for sex....
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Jelly Bean

VIP Member
I'm sorry, does she realise that she's responding to a thread where she claims that most of the work she does is for free

View attachment 1539654

And a minute later she's responding to a thread in which she says she doesn't do 'unpaid labour'?

View attachment 1539652

Like what the hell is going on? She's arguing against herself each time. Can't she remember what she said moments ago?
Another busy day for Jack single handed saving the poors then 🙄
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Active member
Might not even be that, could well be just on her own school's Gifted and Talented register, which was often top 10% but not in all subjects e.g. you could be on the G and T register for Music but in bottom set for Maths.
Yes, I was on my school’s G and T register. Just meant I was given more work to do from what I remember!
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It's really not her accent. She's just shit at everything and pretty close to unemployable by now I should think.
Well, there is that too. :ROFLMAO: (that snarky attitude does her no favours either.)

I'm trying to be constructive, lol, if she's gonna be a lying grifter, lets at least make it more fathomable :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
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She was waiting for 'whoever' to draft her apology
Yes, probably her agent. Though I suspect she struck the “rare” in herself. Absolutely no way she wrote that herself, that was drafted with professional help with damage limitation in mind
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Well-known member
Oh I know, I just feel Jack will have rinsed LJC for everything she could before LJC put her foot down and said 'no more'. Jack was probably attempting to make her feel guilty about the horrifying prospect of having to live within her means.
Yeah, guilt tripped, rinsed, LJ C just desperate to separate herself etc etc, I can imagine.
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Chatty Member
He had a lot of support from people who have your number and who you’ve basically admitted it’s alright to tell to ‘go fuck’ themselves because they don’t have a learning disability. Also, that creepy ski squig must feel like a right dickhead now after echoing the ‘go fuck yourself’ and swarming up to Jack. I bet the sycophantic little creep has hastily deleted his tweet.
God, imagine sucking up to Jack. He must have zero self esteem.
He is always being the white knight for Jack on Twitter. Tweet is still up with his school ski trip photo.
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I think it’s both.

I don’t buy that you can’t change class, so even if Jack’s upbringing was working class, her being a well paid minor celebrity for the past decade would negate that, as would her current lifestyle and interests. I think it has to be a long term change or circumstances though.

Whaf I find interesting is that most people have a mixture of social class traits and characteristics, and are not purely stereotypical. Yet Jack is so obviously middle class in every possible way. I can’t even think of a single trait of hers that is in any way associated with the working class. Background, family, beliefs, politics, clothing style, accent, attitudes, snobbery, interests, housing etc all scream middle class.

The true marker is did she benefit from her class? Yes, and there is tangible evidence.

There’s an insta post on this thread that shows Jack got her big break after a friend put her in touch with a journalist who was looking for a skint mum at Xmas feature:

The media is a middle class industry, so connections only come from being middle class.

She also has the accepted celebrity “woke” beliefs that are common among middle class leftists, and compulsory among famous people unless setting out to be a token right winger.

She is given much more empathy and leeway for her terrible parenting and alleged alcoholism than a working class woman would have been. Imagine if Kerry Katona had ended up skint after the Jungle, then left her children starving because she was too ashamed to ask for help? Or if she claimed her kids had to check if she was still alive after witnessing her alcoholic stupors? Or was laughing about her 10 year old child’s stained underwear? Or any of the other nasty or neglectful things that Jack claims to have inflicted on her child. A working class woman would have been shamed into oblivion for Jack’s mothering skills.

She is also given the benefit of the doubt for her intentions. A working class woman would immediately be suspected of grifting, whereas Jack has carried on under the radar for a decade. Imagine if Kerry Katona - after coming out as skint and having starving kids - was still claiming to be on the brink of starving years later, and constantly rattling her tip jar. She would be treated as a feckless alcoholic drinking her money away.

KK would not be defended like Jack is from setting up bogus crowdfunders to buy her own book for “charity”, or raking it in from Kickstarter and Patreon and giving nothing. KK would also be treated like a laughing stock if she lied as much as Jack and if she publicly displayed Jack’s level of ineptitude.
This post is perfection. So, so true and illustrates exactly what the FM & squigs miss.
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Nothing from Karl yet about any contact from her, nothing about an apology. You’d think if she’d rung him he’d at least mention it?
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