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TD has definitely dialled up the more direct criticism of Jack, I think she'd actually quite like a response so she could get laid in properly 🙏 Have a go if you think you're hard enough, Jack!
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There's actually a bigger issue here, money being continually handed over on SM platforms with zero scrutiny and oversight. It’s ripe for abuse.
If tighter regulation of "unconventional fundraising" comes out of this, I will be a happy Frau. Even if it's just people knowing to only donate via official channels.

I support a number of charities via direct donation (not saying which ones because one is a very small local charity to me🔺), and I am vocal in my support of them. I would never encourage people to donate via my my personal PayPal, but I always link to the charity's direct giving page, or my JustGiving page if I'm doing a sponsored event. I would never think to fundraise for my own legal fees "with the excess going to charity," because it's just not transparent.

People need to remember that if something is excessively complicated with extra steps, it's a scam of some sort or there is a higher risk of something going wrong. The simple
  1. donate to charity via their direct giving page, charity gets the money plus gift aid directly
should always win out over the complicated
  1. Pay me to my personal paypal
  2. I'll deduct my legal fees, bread and jam money, [whatever I'm rinsing the paypigs for this time]
  3. I'll send the excess to the charity, this means the charity doesn't get Gift Aid and there's an extra time for them to wait, and it's just an excel spreadsheet that I could put any old numbers into to maximise my profit at the expense of the charity.
Even if you're not looking to deliberately defraud people, what happens if you're hit by a bus and the administrators of your estate have no idea that people are giving you money to give to charity?
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That was what they shared, i don't mind if Mick lynch had a nice house, or Martin Lewis they bloody work for it!
So true. I nearly said the same thing, jack does funk all that an actual real struggling person couldn't say or even a worker who works with real struggling people.
there's a lot of people locally taking up space of working classes because they know how to market themselves, and rather than their voice making a difference for everyone, it just makes a difference for that vocal family and people give them stuff and opportunities because they have 'put themselves out there'.
Fair play to them but it doesn't give a collective voice
Jack could quite easily use her reach, voice, clout, whatever, to recruit actual real voices, people who don't have to caveat everything with well it was ten years ago but I'm still as deserving.

I CBA to argue with it though, I will look like the bad person and a secret Tory or worse, bitter, tbh I am bitter.
Every day I'm battling something, pleading, defending, filling in forms, avoiding filling in forms, forms returned incomplete, not enough input from the other agencies named on the form because they don't believe you hence your completion of said forms in the first place.
humiliating meetings , horrible phone calls, home visits, zero privacy, being judged and challenged, disbelieved, shouted at by professionals, put downs, laughed at, knowing full well that if I were a different kind of person from a different kind of family, not fighting on my own, still looking smart and achieving because I have support , respect from others and self respect that I would be treated with respect and 'heard' instead of people telling me that others can manage being a working parent with much less, and worse disabilities, even though I know those others are getting more support, they have family around or partners and the famous ones have patreons and money thrown at them for doing eff all to improve my situation and that of people like me
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Can I just interrupt the gentle blowing of pumbleweed across the Thorpe Bay prairie* to say I absolutely ❤ the constant deployment of “makes you think” 🤣

* I know this makes no actual sense but I love the image of pumbleweed…
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Jack, sue me if you want, but that video makes it so obvious about a certain rumour of snow in Southend. Blatantly had had a bump when she came back after the cooking failure.
It would also explain why the voice has become progressively more nasally over the last few years. Playing outside in the snow will tend to do that to you over a period of time. Because it’s so cold and that, your honour.
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I hadn't considered the PayPal stuff until recently. There is no way she could know whether money going into her tip jar was for her or for the trussel trust. Lots of people seem to think everything that she "earns" goes to them so if they made a donation would assume it was to them, not her. I think that puts her on quite shaky ground for any PayPal money she has kept.
This, in my opinion, is the main issue. She has money coming in from all angles and grifts, with zero transparency. The Kickstarter debacle could have been a mistake, but when laid next to the Teemil money going missing and taking money for the court case, with no follow ups or explanation, and lots of money going into different accounts for different things, it all looks very murky. There’s a reason we’ve had a lot more people join this thread in the last month than for a long time.
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Tabitha D

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She had the weekend away with 'in laws' - where they bought her all those mouldy cookery books that she couldn't carry by herself. We all initially thought she meant SB's dad's family.
The Easter falling asleep on the sofa was after that.
Oh lord I can just imagine her referring to Harold's brother as 'brother in law', wildly laughing and saying 'joking!' {not joking} 😬
Yep, referring to them as in-laws would have been a bit alarming, especially as he had only been going out with her for a few weeks at that point.
Remember also when she’d bought some crockery that matched his (or vice versa), and then said something like “we might as well be married’. No wonder he scarpered. She’s nuts.
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The video game thing with SB really pisses me off 🙄
I don’t want to go on a me-rail, but during the worst times of my life video games have been a huge source of happiness, distraction and comfort, the absolute last thing I’d want (especially when I was a lot younger) is a parent coming to watch me, try to join in and trick me into listening to their rants about how terrible the world is. Kids need time to themselves too.
I did sometimes play multiplayer video games with my dad, but that was fun and he didn’t have some ulterior motive.

That Fifa story was definitely bullshit because the game doesn’t work like that, but it was probably based on truth, being the child of a narc must be rubbish and I really feel for him.
Egh I can’t stand that Homer Simpson mouthed twit.
I'm also confused at how they played all these games considering she only got a TV recently and that was meant to be in her bedroom... really makes you think..
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Remember when she used the phrase "My most recent father in law" just after Not-Harold LEFT? 😬
Remember when she was asking for school summer holiday long weekends away recommendations for her and her son? To spend the money she had saved not buying booze? And make memories?

Obviously that was THEN. A few days later in the NOW she's been sitting in the dark, boiling up soap and taking cold showers. For two years. Utterly shameless.

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I hadn't considered the PayPal stuff until recently. There is no way she could know whether money going into her tip jar was for her or for the trussel trust. Lots of people seem to think everything that she "earns" goes to them so if they made a donation would assume it was to them, not her. I think that puts her on quite shaky ground for any PayPal money she has kept.
Yes. Ralf Little said the other day that money paid to her goes to the Trussel Trust. How many people, like him, are assuming that their patreon money or PayPal donations to Jack end up helping genuinely poor people and how many are aware that it’s going on lip fillers and spoons?
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It’s unbelievable how many morons on Twitter are quote tweeting Jack‘s ‘get in the fucking bin’ cropped telegraph tweet. Are people seriously this stupid? Do they simply believe any old shit she tweets? Am genuinely starting to think I’ve missed something-how can intermittent fasting be anything to do with poverty? And even if she tries to wriggle out using the headline, it’s talking about people fasting, not those who can’t afford to eat ffs. Ask any Muslim whether they feel hungry during Ramadan-the whole point is you’re going to feel a bit hungry but you’re choosing to do it.
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