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Mr Krabs

VIP Member

Has Little Owen Jones, who almost definitely isn't a murderer, decided on who he wants to be his baby momma?
Got ur number off the dog collar. Need uterus. U up for it hun? Got turkey baster and everything. £50 cover it? Txt me bk hunni xx
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Jelly Bean

VIP Member
The frau who said Jack makes every anecdote involving SB all about herself was sadly right.
We know she never does anything much with him apart from go to the park (why never the beach?) but imagine the 'hilarity' if they did something like go to the cinema. She would no doubt fall off her seat or drop her ice-cream in her lap or laugh embarrassingly loudly at the wrong thing as her sense of humour is so quirky. Then random strangers would have to sidle over to tell her how much they admire her work.
No wonder SB would rather just stay in the house.
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Brian Butterfield

VIP Member
I thought the same. I didn't find the teaser particularly shocking (sorry Molly 😐). There is so much that could be highlighted about JM but, like has been said before, there is no stand alone *clanger*. It's a culmination of fibs and grifts. I still think the Hunger Hurts 1/2 blogs need to be unpicked. My biggest gripe is the performative poverty cosplay. I was so disgusted by the most recent begging letter I was sure it was going to bring her down. The lies in that alone are obvious and potentially easy to disprove. I've barely seen it mentioned. It seems to have been conveniently brushed under the carpet and forgotten. I'm really hoping Molly pulls something out of the bag. I get the impression that people are watching and waiting to see where it goes. There are some influential eyes on the AW account and even the FMs are being cautious. The silence is telling. Feels like the calm before the storm. I hope. 🙏
She also needs to use Jack Monroe's full name in any and all future posts. I think that's one of the reasons last night's teaser didn't get as much traction as it should have.

If I were Molly, I would put Jack Monroe in every single Tweet I did in relation to Jack. Even replies and whatnot.
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I just find it astonishing that she broadcasts to half a million followers the type of bed her son sleeps in. I’m not sure what’s worse - that she deems it interesting enough to share, or that she disregards his right to privacy so egregiously.
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I’ve not really thought about the bottom tweet much before, so is she implying that they’d been arguing about her house being such a cesspit of rusty old shite? Maybe she was trying to pressure him to move in and he was reluctant because if made him uncomfortable? 🕵🏻
If so ‘just because’ is gaslightly af, if he’s not comfortable in that environment she should give a shit about it, all speculation m’lud!

P.S I’ve always imagined her house smelling of wet feathers
Way too invested in this now (blame Enid Blyton Jack, I always wanted a shed and mysteries to solve like the secret 7) but is this decluttering more about trying to win Harold back? Or to prevent another cash cow Harold in the future running away because Jack’s house is a cesspit?
Really makes you think.

And also the hoovering? God, absolutely shameless. I’d be buying 3 hoovers and hoovering 3 times an hour if some old bloke came round for lunch and suggested hoovering (Jack, he did not just fancy trying out a Henry-trust me). 😬
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Lucy Aeroplane

VIP Member
One of our Southend fraus said it was because they're all onto her bullshit.
Think that was me. There are almost certainly one or two community food groups in Southend who would still be prepared to indulge her in exchange for some publicity for the work they do, but I understand that most would give her a wide berth, including church-based organisations, as she’s allegedly well-known to be toxic AF, a drama llama, and really unreliable/can’t be arsed … none of which will come as a surprise to the canal.

Separately, I concur with the speculation that she knows exactly where she’ll be moving in to - and agree it’s probably likely to be currently owned by a family member. Perhaps Papa H hopes giving her what she wants will shut her up a bit? I’m inclined to think it’ll encourage her to be even worse.

Lastly, very sorry, I’ve forgotten the username of new Frau who posted the jellied spaghetti hoops picture, but bleurgh you monster 🤮
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I wonder what happened to Jack's multiple job applications done on a nokia?

I pray to LJC that one day she just posts a picture of herself dressed as a train driver.
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Chatty Member
completely agree. I don’t mean to be mean about this place, but despite the wealth of evidence here, I wouldn’t even point my wife or a close friend to this forum to convince them, because I know that while I’ve got patience and an enjoyment of an occasional rabbit hole dive, and am forum savvy enough to be able to seperate in-jokes and rants etc from the substance, many people would look at the sheer amount of posts here and instantly make a snap judgment “it’s a group of obsessives focusing on one person, not for me, thanks”. But a good blog post without any baggage- that’s something that really cuts through.
It’s why the wiki is so useful. I totally get why people think badly of this site - some of the threads on here oooooft. This thread has a plethora of witty and knowledgable people and I’ve actually learnt quite a lot from other Fraus. It does feel a bit safer in here.
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Think that was me. There are almost certainly one or two community food groups in Southend who would still be prepared to indulge her in exchange for some publicity for the work they do, but I understand that most would give her a wide berth, including church-based organisations, as she’s allegedly well-known to be toxic AF, a drama llama, and really unreliable/can’t be arsed … none of which will come as a surprise to the canal.

Separately, I concur with the speculation that she knows exactly where she’ll be moving in to - and agree it’s probably likely to be currently owned by a family member. Perhaps Papa H hopes giving her what she wants will shut her up a bit? I’m inclined to think it’ll encourage her to be even worse.

Lastly, very sorry, I’ve forgotten the username of new Frau who posted the jellied spaghetti hoops picture, but bleurgh you monster 🤮
It is absolutely my belief that she’s moving into a place either owned or funded by her family. I base this on the fact that about a month ago she spent a few hours mithering on Twitter about how amazing and wonderful her parents are. Which is not something she’s normally in the habit of doing.
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Chatty Member
The NotHarold bunny boiler saga reminds me that when my ex met his now girlfriend, she referred to him online as her partner after 2-3 weeks of dating and introduced her young kids after 2 weeks. They were living together after 3 months.

I got some hot tea from someone she’d previously tried dating from the apps that when this dude (not my ex) gently said he didn’t feel he was right for her (because she was OTT but he didn’t say that) she went apocalyptic at him and accused him of exploiting her vulnerability and that she’d have made the perfect wife 😬

My ex was a lovebomber (evident to me and someone else he dated) but I think he was out-lovebombed by someone worse than him 😂
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Which t-shirt did you buy? The nasty one with missing apostrophe, the one with the slogan she got off the internet then attributed to herself, or that one with bizarre paragraph about the t-shirt feeding three people?

Did you wear it in public?
It was the stolen slogan one. Even when I didn’t think she was up to anything I couldn’t get behind those other abominations.
I did wear it in public once, though this will not be happening again. The shame, the shame!
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To be fair to the AM threads, I've spoken to friends about JM's suspect behaviour in the past and they've pooh-poohed it as gossip and nonsense. They also wouldn't come and look here as Tattle is painted as (rightly or wrongly depending on who you speak to and which threads you submerge yourself in) a nasty troll site. The AM thread is another avenue, and quite possibly, regarded as a more reputable platform. I really don't want to talk Tattle down but I know from experience that some people will flat-out refuse to even look over here. I think the AM profile needs to keep up the calm, factual drip-feeding aswell as the potential in-depth written piece. I'd imagine it's very difficult to find a balance between looking like a *hater* and sharing discrepancies because of genuine concerns.

The only real problem I see with the recent Twitter activity is the number of new accounts that have been created purely to comment on or about JM. THEY pose more of a distraction and are easily labelled as trolls, in my opinion.

Thank you for coming to my Ted talk.
The really wonderful thing about AM was that as a follower of a lot of accounts on twitter I started to see a few people who I kind of look up to retweeting or commenting on someone else’s retweet. Questions being asked by people who had previously blindly followed Jack. I don’t tweet much but I like to people watch and that was an exceptional few days where AM really did break down some barriers. And I think for that AM has done amazing work.

ETA and I firmly believe James Martin’s Karma is a Bitch insta post was Jack adjacent.
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