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I used to spend a shitload on makeup until I couldn't afford to anymore, as Mr D wasn't working.

What I missed about it wasn't really the makeup, it was the going to counters in airconditioned, clean and bright stores, looking through all the pretty packaging, attention from the sales staff, the way that some would rummage in the cupboards to give me as many free samples as possible even after I'd said I couldn't afford anything more than the one cheap thing I'd already chosen, then going home with my little bags of a few pretty things. Everything in those airconditioned departments was clean and shiny and smelled nice, so it was the complete antithesis of my childhood.

I did look at buying things online, but it just wasn't the same, just as it isn't post Covid when if you're lucky, there's a heap of battered boxes under CCTV and a security guard where there used to be all those immaculate, smiling sales staff - and was exactly how cosmetics companies get to charge so much. It was essentially, choosing your own present with somebody there making sure that you had the best present.

Having loads of things, getting every colour or item in a range just because you want it all isn't the same - the dopamine hit diminishes with every single item you get above about 3 different things.

Which is why we're not skint even though we've had way, way less than she's ever had.
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Opinion …. I’ve just watched the BBC spot, interesting, eyes darting off to read cue cards, which shows a little preparation. She looks out of her comfort zone and I’m surprised she didn’t add a ‘hun’ at the end of the Facebook post she’s dutifully hand written onto big revision cards.
The tweakments are obvious, the eyelash extensions, fillers, botox and teeth whitening. Each to their own, I think you reap what you sow with aesthetics and it can definitely become something of an addiction like tattoos.
The lack of self awareness though of going on to television to speak about poverty and privilege when your lip fillers are so fresh they mean you ‘Literally’ struggle to form words.
The lack of self awareness after posting a blog where it’s claimed you can’t afford shampoo and hot water while fresh aesthetics and Tiffany earrings are on full display.
Sell the Tiffany Earring, the haunted engagement rings, The Emin, Some of your plates, there’s enough to sharpie sign a plate each and post to the people who believe you are of some value.
I don’t see any value, even if you appear on tv for no fee it isn’t value if the information given is wrong. Know your limits. Your limits are fantasy writing.
The posts of her recently in her with a spray tan and the eyes of someone who’s hammock is no stranger to Blim burns compound the whole farce.
Not even TL’s mighty Dong can compete in her Twitter quest to be worlds biggest and nastiest penis.

Sorry about the grammar, it’s late, I’ve done 605 hours today and still have to open the pathetic wailing DMs from faux poor people who have to eat their tropical fish fried with black pudding and condensed milk.
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Mr Krabs

VIP Member
Did Jack drink bitters? A scientific report by Mr Krabs.

Hypothesis - no she fucking didn’t
Equipment - one bottle of bitters, my mouth
Method - went to cupboard and got the bottle out, tried to drink from it
It was pretty gross. Very concentrated flavour going on. It didn’t burn my mouth or anything but a small mouthful was enough for me to not try that again. Also, with the little dropper thing on top you mercifully avoid getting too much in your gob at once. I supposed you could claw that off somehow. Sort of reminded me of when I was a kid and tried to drink vanilla extract. Similar face pulled.
Conclusion - I’m 50/50 on whether a person theoretically could drink a bottle of bitters. Perhaps if you were already drunk and absolutely desperate. But the entire bottle is only 8 units so you wouldn’t get much of a buzz out of it.

Right, off to get a beer to wash out the taste. Also really hoping my neighbours didn’t see me. My kitchen is quite overlooked.
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TeeMill was another scammy act that Jack hides the numbers on.

I work in fashion 🔺 her claim of generating 11k of profit from one days trading is absolute bullshit, especially when you collate the amount of Squigs who proudly posted their new purchases. I would love to se her actual figures on this. That money she gave TT was out of her house fund, 100% imo.

Also, moaning that she was not paid for her time and effort on the Teemill scandal? Erm, Jack, you typed up a few words on an auto-generator, which another company then produce and delivered for you. What work exactly does Jack think is worth merit enough to be paid? The canal came up with better examples, with proper punctuation and better placements.

Jack, charity is about giving, you use the time you have and don't expect to get paid. #JustSaying.
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I think coming back from dayhab could have been a great fresh start for her. She could have wiped a lot of the slate clean, blamed her past misbehaviour on drinking and moved forward creating new recipes and maybe getting a part-time job to top up her income. I think a LOT of things would have been forgotten if she’d stayed off social media and just got on with her life without spunking her thoughts every three seconds. There would probably still have been tattle threads but much quieter.

Instead, she wasted her very expensive dayhab because she just couldn’t help herself. Even during her Twitter break she logged in to turn on the tip jar on the day the feature was released. She spent her time lapping up the attention over that stupid mini fridge post and posting pictures of herself from the pricey aparthotel. She is completely ungrateful for the help she got, which she was incredibly privileged to get, given the state of mental health care in this country.
There is something really special in seeing someone getting into recovery. You almost see them being released by their demons and it is a privilege to watch.

I think Jack has always been lazy and entitled and even when it comes to recovery, she wants the kudos of being a Trusted Servant with less than a year while at the same time telling half a million people she’s struggling with day to day life.

You’ve hit the nail on the head Mr K, she is frustratingly ungrateful and ironically, that could be the big thing that’s holding her back. Instead of being grateful for what she has, she’s always looking for something bigger or shinier or more expensive. Nothing or nobody is good enough and she is (imvho) resentful of so many people and the only one suffering is her (“resentment is the poison we take ourselves in the hope someone else will die”).

I love that we have so many newcomers here, and a few more friends of Bill W! I speak openly about recovery here but I would like to stress that I don’t judge everyone’s AA journeys, just Jack’s. That’s because like with the fuel crisis, she opens her mouth and lets her belly rumble and doesn’t care the misinformation she’s spouting could be the difference between someone doing something very important and not doing it ❤
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Mrs Peel

VIP Member
In addition to Molly, someone has responded to Patreon Squig's back and forth with Jack. Patreon Squig posted the Patreon receipt showing she had signed up for £10, but hadn't received anything.

Can't screenshot, but new Squig's response is:

"But that appears to be for more than one pound, how could that have happened? Xxx" :D

Edit: This one has me rolling! Well played new Squig. Well played!
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Just Lou

Chatty Member
Ah, there is her get-out clause. "I'm going to try". No commitment, no real intention, one of the first things we were taught in leadership courses back in the day: there is no such thing as try. You either intend to do something, or you don't.

She had plenty of time to regurgitate a recipe (pardon the pun) and put it out there - in the time it took to respond to some strangers with different opinions to hers, she could have treated her fans to some slop instructions, but no, she'd rather face-off with strangers.

Ever heard the saying, "what other people think of you is none of your business", Jack? Think about that for a moment. Right now, you care too much. Way too much!
You don't need to read Tattle - you know it's going to wind you up (you may pretend otherwise but we see the steam from here). You don't need to search your name on Twatter or Google to see who's talking about you, just so you can answer back. If you have nothing to hide, you're truthful 🙃 and honest, and truly believe in what you're saying and doing, then just get on with it and ignore other people. They'll still disagree with you, but you'll be blissfully unaware of what they're saying and can live in a happy little bubble. Seriously, think about it!
On this "What other people think of you is none of your business" is a huge thing in AA, one of the first things my sponsor (with 25 years sobriety) told me, and continues to have to tell me. Whilst it's obviously not for me to judge I really struggle to believe that she's actually working thes steps and practicing the principles in all of her affairs.

Hello everyone... First time poster here... I don't actually know when I created my account, I think there was some other blogger scandal going on and I was likely several bottles of wine to the wind at the time. I've been following along with this chaos of the last ten days or so as best as I can (but haven't gone way back so much of what is mentioned goes over my head) and I feel the need to confess to having formerly admired Jack. Despite our own dire financial state, and having been gifted a couple of her books by people with good inentions we've never tried any of her recipes, mainly because my husband has always been absolutely adamant they'd taste terrible but also because a lot of them are so 'out there' we run the risk of finding out they are genuinely terrible and we've wasted food.

I'd like to thank you all for helping me to see the light and also for losing an inordinate amount of time that I really should have been using to build my own small business (but frankly it's too hot to do anything productive anyway).
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Salmon paste pasta making an unwelcome return.
On, I've been holding this in for years ( insert your own joke here) but I actually like the salmon paste pasta. I like fishy things. (Please don't link this to my last post.) When I really can't be arsed, the paste makes the pasta moist without any bother to make a proper sauce. MOIST. I'm aware that there are enough outrages in this post to get me banned.
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I think Jack’s latest larp, that of “radical far left activist”, is possibly the most imbecilic and offensive one yet, and I say that as someone who is very much not of the “far left” (whatever that means these days but that’s another discussion for another thread).

Jack literally (in my opinion yer honour) lives off the Patreon income from others’ labour without providing anything of any value in return. That’s rentier capitalism, derided by Marx and Engels as the most degenerate and immoral form of capitalism.

And don’t get me started on the hyper capitalism, rank exploitation and slave Labour involved in the international ❄ trade. Not that that’s relevant to Jack, of course, as she is not only sober but perfectly equipped to comment on the sobriety of others.
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I read that as ‘wangs it’ because I’ve been on the Jack Monroe threads too long.

But being underprepared and ill informed when you’re apparently working 100 hours at this is nothing to be proud of.
It pisses me off so much. I was just thinking yesterday that years ago, the organisation I was volunteering at managed to get a wee piece on the evening news. We knew the cameras were coming, we decided which people would say a bit, and we prepared by going over what points each of us needed to make. It was a really big deal because it meant more people would be made aware of our organisation and be able to access our services. Meanwhile, Jack gets on the news left right and centre, doesn't understand the privilege and weight of this and how much help she could be by just either having a point or signposting people to organisations who could be of help. The sheer unacknowledged privilege of her position and the way she pisses it away every single time by 'winging it' is just jaw dropping.
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Seems that this is the truth about Single Teabag-gate.

Jack never misses a chance to twist things though.


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Just hopping on to say that I'm on Jury Service and was watching Jack on BBC in the waiting room on Monday morning as I sat bored out of my mind.I genuinely can't bear her nasally voice, and would usually turn over.

One of the other juries filed past slowly to the main desk, and as they stood waiting in line a woman said "Well she's guilty ain't she- look at her- dunno what it's about but she just looks guilty." I mean she was obvs just joking with the person next to her, but I felt so SEEN 🤔👀
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Surprised Jack hasn't acknowledged the wang.

Made me laugh there is a, ahem, bell curve amongst fraus ranging from 'that's a big wang' to 'I've had bigger', surely Jack would just be 'completed it mate'.

For any that missed it, here it is:

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