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Forgive me for barging my way to the front of the thread to request Never Mind the Botox as next thread title. Make an aging punk happy!
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Marmalade Atkins

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🚨 old screenshots 🚨



(Not 100% sure but I think these shots are from April and August 2020. Search Tattle for Vie Aesthetics. I can't be arsed x)
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Mrs Peel

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Can't screenshot but here's another from the person who is currently having a tiff with Jack on twitter:

"I'd also like to know which of the AA #12steps is the one saying 'Call out other people's sobriety on Twitter' Or is it OK if they're not in the rooms? Or does it not count for Jack Monroe as long as they use the right hashtags when lauding their sobriety? #odaat"

Followed by:

"Ps give me a patreon refund or send my goods."
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Well, my friends, I did it!

I genuinely followed Jack's recipe as closely as possible. I didnt arse about to try and make it work, or not work, i followed her to the letter.

The only differences in ingredients were:
I used smoked back bacon rather than cooking bacon.
Omitted mustard.
Had to use a mix of penne and fusilli (using up scraps.

The pasta was cooked thoroughly.

Way too much liquid, as we all thought. See photos.
Over riding taste of salt. As I used smoked bacon, I didn't add any extra, even though Jack's recipe said to do so. There is a stock cube, bacon, black pudding, you don't need extra salt.

The textures of soggy black pudding and kale in one mouthful is not one I enjoyed. Add to it the stringy melted cheese and I had to put the bowl down.

Would not recommend this recipe.

PS. The leftover liquid turned grey because of the black pudding.View attachment 1493033View attachment 1493034View attachment 1493035View attachment 1493036
Yours manages to look nicer than Jack's even with the puddle of slime.
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Lucy Aeroplane

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Phew. Finally caught up. Been a hell of a couple of days both IRL and of course on here! Some thoughts:

1. I was really disturbed by the account of lovely-sounding not-Harold. It came quick on the heels of the stuff my mum had told me, including an alarmingly similar experience of someone in Mum’s wider circle: another truly lovely bloke, left pretty shellshocked by his experience with JM. Can’t say more as don’t want her 🔺 the poor fella and harassing him for daring to tell someone about what she did to him. This was quite a few years ago, so her MO hasn’t changed. I feel awful for not-Harold, and hope he’s taken some time for himself and hopefully he’s even met a lovely, well-adjusted, kind and thoughtful woman who will be nice to him instead of bringing chaos and misery. I hope someone is passing him all our well-wishes. Poor chap, he sounds very nice and deserves a lot better than a malignant narcissist like JM.

And poor SB too. I’ve got no intention of dating for the foreseeable, but if I ever do, I wouldn’t be introducing my offspring to anyone until the 12-month relationship point, unless it was unavoidable to do so earlier. Yep, that’ll make dating very hard, but my priority is the kids’ wellbeing. I won’t be messing them around, especially during the years when they’re learning how to form attachments with others. I am pretty judgmental* of people who rush in with introducing kids to new partner, and if I don’t date anyone for another 15-20 years, that’ll be ok with me. The kids’ emotional development and welfare comes first for me. It’s a good job SB has got his nice stable dad.

Frauen who have speculated - I totally agree that female partners are more likely to be socialised to put their own needs aside in a relationship, compared to male partners. That makes them easier targets for narcs generally, I think. It’s quite upsetting to think about all the dreadfulness LJC must have gone through before she LEFT escaped. I think she seems lovely, and I can easily imagine her putting her own needs last to cater to Jack’s whims. I recall there’s a Frau who knows a FOF of hers, and all I can say is I really hope LJC is as fulfilled and happy as she deserves to be. Narcs leave scars.

Jack and the Rear Foo Foo onanist should just run off together into the sunset and be done with it IMO, keep them away from all the nice normal people.

2. That BBC piece was an embarrassing car crash, and the media training she had was a waste of time and money because she’s awful on TV. Does she never watch herself back and think how to improve for next time? It’s just always a cringey mess. I’m proud of you Frauen who have complained to the Beeb. I have to spend most of tomorrow focusing on some work stuff -if I get it wrapped up at a reasonable time, I too will write a complaint. It’s so irresponsible of Aunty to platform someone who even admits she doesn’t really know much; never mind an insult to all the professionals who could have given good-quality advice.

3. JACK, YOU SERIOUSLY NEED TO LAY OFF THE LIP FILLER, GO AND GET HYALURONIDASE INJECTIONS TO DISSOLVE IT PLEASE. IT HAS LOOKED BAD FOR A WHILE, BUT NOW IT IS PLAIN UGLY. Also, as you don’t seem to be aware, foreheads and muscles around the eyes are supposed to be able to move, so you can form normal facial expressions. You’ve overdone it to the point you’re now actively an advertisement against going to Vie Aesthetics.

4. All this recent chaosing has drawn many people’s attention away from the fact she‘s still hiding her Patreon income, as well as all the other lolly she’s got coming in via PayPal, etc. Well played, chaos Jack. But we haven’t forgotten. We never forget. Has anyone got an up-to-date estimate of the Patreon income range? I seem to remember a clever Frau had done some calculations based on a few different scenarios.

5. I can’t even be bothered to comment on her shite cookery other than to note it’s still shite.

*edited to add: I accept there is the occasional Disney fairytale where everything works out, but there are far more Brothers Grimm fairytales where terrible things happen instead.
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All seemingly purchased in 6 months?!

Any make up fraus want to 🔺 some lippy?

There's got to be £500+ right there
Those beauty and make up blogs are fatal for someone with a spending problem. I got into a bit of minor bother myself a couple of years ago. To the outside world I appeared sane and normal but on the inside I was having of thoughts like "I need this £120 moisturiser" and worse sometimes acting on them. I'm much better now
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She’s getting pasted by people who’ve actually read Marx. Bet you regret not even breaking the spines on that book pile, eh, Jackie?


ILY, squig
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Just watched the BBC thing. Never mind the botox, what on earth is going on with her mouth? It almost has a life of its own.


Something is definitely not right here. I thought Shampoogate was bad but this is another level. I don’t know if it’s drink or drugs (prescribed or otherwise) but she can hardly keep her eyes open, she can’t look straight into the camera, she’s slurring and her whole affect is off.

Aside from all that, there’s no passion about her. I find Martin Lewis a bit of a twat but he obviously cares about finding ways to help people. Jack always looks like she’s in a hostage video. Nothing at all like the rude, nasty Twitter persona she holds so dear.

There’s a school of thought in AA of old that when it says stay clear of all mind-altering substances, that includes anti-depressants. The first time I heard an old timer say that was at a meeting in a psychiatric hospital! But my view is that there’s a lot more to recovery than the last time alcohol past your lips. It’s preposterous (again my view) to avoid medications if you need them and they are legitimately prescribed by a doctor. But there’s something very wrong here. She has to find it in herself to take a harsh look at herself and exactly what is going on and keep looking and changing until she can work the 12 Steps honestly. Until then, she’ll keep repeating the same behaviours, looking for a different outcome.

And shame on the BBC for enabling her.
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Those lips and that forehead are 100% fillers and Botox. Being professionally semi adjacent to the aesthetics business 🔺 , as many of us are, we KNOW. Stop lying you muffin.
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She's the same when she talks about benefits too.

She tells horror stories and even says she has some sort of PTSD from doing it during her poverty moment. Uses it as an excuse to why she's not on them now. Would put people right off. She tried to bullshit her way through the HoP Committee, Siobhan Bailee saw right through it, and Jack has still not got back to her with the data.

I really wouldn't put it past her to be fiddling the DWP too and claiming every penny of tax payer's money she can get her grubby mitts on.
She lies about her time on benefits. She claims she was subject to a sanction for leaving her job voluntarily. This is a lie, she would have been entitled to Income Support, Child Tax Credit, Child Benefit and Housing and Council Tax benefit due to having a small child. She was under no obligation to seek work in exchange for benefits. There might well have been delays with her claim through admin error etc but it was nothing to do with her circumstances and any competent money advice organisation would have been able to help her. She also keeps pushing the idea that children are taken into care as a result of benefit delays and claims this is why she couldn't tell anyone her and SB were living rough and starving. Until she went to a foodbank who mysteriously didn't hand her over to a Social Work snatch squad for asking for food. It's very dangerous to be pushing these lies and she really needs to stop.
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I agree. I think it must have been an "oh fuck" moment of epic proportions, pay out of savings to save face because Jack can never back down on anything, overpay at the same time by accident because she's in a panic, and it's also why the second tranche of sales was never followed up on - 1) she was probably thinking why should she, because she overpaid on the first pass, and 2) too embarrassing, brain can't engage with it any more, so forget it ever happened and move on.
I honestly think it might be worse than that. She knew from reading here that people were contacting TT with concerns about the Teemill shop. I think the £10,000 was a big fuck you to us. We were all meant to feel guilty about depriving TT of £10,000. She knew quoting a figure like £250 wouldn't have the same impact. Unfortunately I and a few other frauen mentioned she'd raised £10,000 already in our correspondence with TT so now they were expecting £10,000. She wouldn't want to look dodgy to them by going "Oh funny story but it was actually only £200". It might be the greatest own goal Jack has scored since landing the DKL gig.
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Mr Krabs

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Just to jump in about Patreon Squig...
She's an ex poster from here. It was she who summoned Jack to Tattle on thread 31 by saying Jack bought followers on IG.
Her feud with Jack goes back years. Patreon Squig and her daughter were targeted by a nasty individual who stalked/abused them for years. He eventually went to prison. He also sent some nasty tweets to Jack, however nothing came of it because it's Twitter and that's what happens.
Jack then started saying that the bloke was in prison for stalking/abusing her, which just isn't true.
Patreon Squig reached out to Jack because she was targeted by same bloke and Jack was her usual unpleasant self. Patreon Squig started correcting Jack's lies and she sent the flying monkeys after her. It was a particularly unpleasant onslaught.
Patreon Squig is a tough cookie and well respected for her work. She won't back down and she knows her stuff.
So, here’s a weird thing. I don’t think this will 🔺 me but I have met Patreon squig in a professional capacity. Complete coincidence as we don’t follow each other on social media (I don’t do Twitter other than to read threads), and it was years ago, so super weird to come across! I actually didn’t know the stuff about the deranged individual but know who you mean. Anyway, Patreon squig is a very nice lady in real life and I hope she gets her money back.
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