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I keep thinking about those tweets from Mom Nigella - dunno if I’ll articulate this well.

I’m not even sure she wrote them. They look/sound a bit off kilter in contrast to her other tweets. Phrasing is a bit odd. Can’t it finger on why.

The other thing is - to me, there is a tone of “all the opportunities you’ve had and you’re still claiming to be in a mess? How is that possible?” To it.

Meh. I don’t know just feels weird. Maybe it’s the raging PMS I’ve got.
I thought the same tbh…

“I find it unfathomable that someone with the work you’ve done, the books published to acclaim etc, should find herself in such straits”

Well yes quite Nigella, I think we all find it unfathomable.
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Where the heck is she getting insurance for only £12 a month??
£2k for the dog, £60 for a bag of food, flea and worming treatment every month, vaccinations, treats, toys, regular check up bills, emergency bills etc. Doesn't add up to only £12 a month for a dog.
Going by my own doggy bills...
Insurance is £68 a month. My dog is an old lady so you naturally pay more, however Content is an expensive designer breed so she will be on a higher amount. She's also a big and bouncy breed and they tend to have more accidents because they're more energetic. Therefore she will be charged more and will possibly have a higher excess. She will be paying £60-£80 per month. (Just FYI my excess is £80 which is about normal)
Food can vary greatly. Mine is on just over a kilo of raw meat a day. Normally is more but she's put on a few kilos and isn't moving much because of the heat. Depending on what we give her and where we get it from we pay about £80 a month (which includes treats and the odd bit of scrambled egg from the cafe!)
I think we can all agree Jack will be buying the cheapest, low value kibble available as this is basically the same as she feeds her son. If she's proud of feeding him Bollock sausages, cheap white bread and smart price maize snacks then you get an idea of how unimportant quality is when feeding loved ones. If the pup is on cheap kibble (which is basically grains with a tiny bit of bollocks sausages in it, same as SB'S diet) then no wonder it has continuous diarrhoea.
Then there's the maintenance. Flea treatments , annual jabs and those very expensive grooming appointments Content will need. Easily rounded up to about £50 a month if you add it all up.
Then other things that people just don't think about. Toys, repair/replacement to chewed up and pissed on things, it all adds up.
Then of course there is doggy day care. Obviously Jack can't possibly give the dog the enrichment and exercise it needs, be it through laziness, real/imaginary illnesses and work commitments (stop laughing).
All in all she's looking at a couple of hundred pounds a month, each and every month for the next 15 years.
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So she's answerable to her Patreon subscribers who are funding her then? Great. At least she's cleared that up.
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Mass delete incoming. She's talked too much shit since the last one in 2020..ish? If she's gonna start claiming the dog was gifted like everything else, having access to such extravagant gifts and generosity makes her richer than most of us put together. These people can gift her Emins, city breaks, pricey curtains, fancy pastas and spices but when they leave poor Jack is scrubbing herself with the dried up ends of a bar of Smartprice soap 😢
Even IF the dog was gifted (we all know it's not, but for the sake of argument). Why on EARTH would you countenance the gift of a large breed puppy when you can't afford SHOWER GEL? And we know it was pre-planned, too, because of the photo earlier this year. The lies fall apart so easily
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Sideboard Bob

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This squig makes some interesting points about the people who are still determined to support Jack, especially the last two tweets in the thread.


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View attachment 1467064
Shaking in my shoes here
The I-typed-my-book-on-a-Nokia-3310 fib is one of the most ridiculous. She landed a book contract with Penguin, no less. If she didn't have access to a computer, she could've a) bought one with the advance or b) asked Penguin and they would've bought or lent her one.

When I was still at uni, I did a six-month internship for a small non-fiction / academic publishing house, and they had at least four spare laptops for authors to borrow if their computer broke down, for instance, and wanted to carry on writing. And this was in 2005, even the most simple laptops were still quite expensive then.
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Chatty Member
View attachment 1465601

I mean god forbid people with different viewpoints can find common ground on a completely unrelated topic! Not once does AM mention Jack's gender status.

No wonder the left is fucked with this ridiculous groupthink.
This fucks me off massively to the extent that I've been on there and outed myself pretty much as a non-TERF, non-Tory, previously living in (minor) poverty as a single parent. I'm protected on Twitter but fuck me if I'm going to have squigs suggesting that this thread is anything to do with gender - I don't think it was even mentioned in Molly's take down. The really fucking annoying thing is on an ideological standpoint I absolutely agree and support JM's views.
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Chatty Member
Nah mate, I’m an Ardent Remainer, and was involved in the roll-out process of the vaccine in my local area. I’m also pretty much a leftie and deffo not transphobic. What I do like to do though is call out injustice and such things as grifting when I see it. Wasn’t hard, just some basic research, not following blindly without question. You should try it, not just go along with the idea that anyone who queries Jack is a far-right loon 🤦🏽‍♀️

View attachment 1466981
Same @SmillieKylie same
Lefty ✔
Remainer ✔
Pro vaxxer ✔
🏳️‍🌈 🏳‍⚧️ Ally ✔
She’s just flinging as much of her own shit as poss in the hope some will stick
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Knew she'd imply self-harm.
Reckon she's had tabloid bods on the phone.
How can she claim her own words are malicious lies?
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Ya know it was Nigella who indirectly kicked this all off by boosting the JackBeg.

so maybe SHE’S the agent of the deep state.
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Soapy Dolphin

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Just general people chatting but a couple of corkers for thread title.
"She is a middle class grifter funded by bleeding hearts."


"She's been rumbled. Her grift is over." Probably not true but cute.
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Chatty Member
Next up in the Old Bailey, court number one.

Mx Jack Monroe vs Mx Jack Monroe.

"How does the defendant wish to plead, Mx Jack Monroe?"

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Agree with this. TBH her professional reputation's been on the skids since the That Man pile on. Incidents like yesterday's only accelerate the downward spiral. What has changed since yesterday is that ordinary people now feel a bit more empowered to speak out. I've seen several tweets from squigs saying they thought something was not right with JM but were too scared to say so, or witnessed the groupthink regarding JM's 'brilliance' and so decided that there must be something wrong with them. In that context, Awfully Molly was the equivalent of the kid who pointed out that the emperor was naked. Once someone's said the quiet part out loud, more and more people will say it, in increasing numbers, every time she tries another beg, until she really has no choice but to back down.
She really needed to shine on DKL to justify that tantrum and as we know she was like a competition winner who wished they'd just taken the cash prize instead. Every opportunity she's had since has been similarly half arsed, it comes to a point where word gets round enough and the work starts to dry up. Even if the current chaos hadn't happened, at some point saying the VBI is nearly ready just doesn't cut it any more.
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