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Buying cheap boots is a false economy. You have to replace them often therefore spending more.
Rich people who can afford the initial 150 quid lay out for good boots don't spend so much on them in the long run.
Something like that.
ANNNND it was Robert Tressell not Pratchett who pointed this out in 'The Ragged Trousered Philanthropists'.

ETA.. How this applies to Smart Price rice, fuck knows.
I think it is something to do with the cheapest staples (9p tin of beans etc) in supermarkets and how much they have gone up by? As some doubled in price recently which is ridiculous. I'm not sure how much it has been put into practice yet, not seen much about it apart from initial announcements?
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Chatty Member
Agree. Ditto anyone and everyone at The Guardian and elsewhere who had a hand in creating this monster and then continuing to enable her.
View attachment 1437718Much as it’s grim to watch as a bystander, it’s also done Jack herself no favours whatsoever, other than enabling the grift.

It’s hardly an endearing character trait to be totally insufferable, or a compulsive liar, no matter how much money for nothing you get thrown at you on a monthly basis.
Oh gawd, BIB has planted an earworm I'm not going to get rid of today! 😆 Good job I like it! 😁
Jack Monroe, money for nothing 'cause the grift's for free.
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With regards to Jack moving out at 16, would she still show up on the electoral roll at her parents address in 2007, albeit under her deadname ?

or would we assume that covers the period she moved back in to avoid the stalker
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My GCSEs were pretty bad, although thankfully I scraped Cs in maths and English so didn’t need to resit. I went to a local sixth form college to do a course in backstage TV and theatre and made that my career for twenty five years. Then I reached a point in life where I was able to consider going back into education. I did an access course at the same sixth form college I’d gone to at sixteen and I’ve just completed my first year at university. I do find Jack’s whole chip on her shoulder about school ridiculous, she would had other options.

i agree about her moving out at sixteen being a bit odd, it’s not usual in middle class families for children to move out that young. It does suggest some kind of family break down. It’s funny that of all her identity cosplays she never goes for anything involving her relationship with her parents. She almost goes to the opposite extreme in insisting what wonderful people they are, but there was clearly some kind of conflict going in the time period between leaving school and big Dave getting her the call handler job.
By Jack's own omissions, she got expelled for wielding knives. I don't think that's true, but, it may have an element of truth in it (as most of Jack's stories do.).

Maybe she did something that made her unsafe for the foster children to be around? Her parents sided with the foster kids/social services, and Jack left. (Just spitballing.)

Is there any proof that she wasn't living at home at this point anyways?
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This is still confusing though. Say Parallel Universe Jack creates an 'index to document the inflation in the prices of basic necessities' (because the one in this universe will never),
1. Is this information not currently available?
2. Inflation in prices is subject to change, so the index will never be finished. Literally, it'll be NEVER COMPLETED IT, MATE.
3. How is this info meant to help in a practical sense? If you say, for example, ''Look, house prices in this area have risen by --% since 2008'' that's just sharing a statistic. It's not a proposed solution to the problem of rising house prices.

Am I being dense? I just don't understand the point.
She has to fill her 20 hour work day. That’s the one and only point. Except she doesn’t and it isn’t 🤣
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She's obsessed with pinging things. It doesn't mean what she thinks it does. Another word to add to the Jacktionary?

View attachment 1438083
SPOILER="Ping"] No sensible person has ping enabled anymore, you are then open to a DoS (denial of service) type attack. It's been a good while, maybe 10 years or more, since the industry standard is not to have ping enabled. Although being out of date is Jack's flex.[/SPOILER]

The arguing on Twitter is so bad it's hilarious. Why waste the precious work hours now it is school holidays? Of course, that's a rhetorical question. But the "recipes" are killing me, send oxygenos if anyone posts anymore!
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It's the dogs name that makes me think the dog belongs to Jack. It occurred to me that it may have something to do with word association. Laurie Lee, Lee Jackson, Laurence Fox. A cutsie reminder she could trot out if anything ever came of the landmark libel case, as she acquired the dog around the same time she was shouting about this. Speculation, etcetera. The Katie Hopkins sofa has had its time as a conversation piece, I feel.

It also really shows how much she's squandered opportunities. Earlier this year, when the 344% thread went viral, she briefly had the highest profile she's had in years - constantly on TV/radio, getting retweeted by genuinely famous people etc etc.

Anyone even slightly savvy would have seized that with both hands. Get the website updated regularly again, post weekly meal plans, start a newsletter on supermarket deals of the week...there are so many options. Instead she bought a pigskin hat and went on holiday to Venice. 🤷🏼‍♀️
And she could have back-tracked on the ill conceived VBI and adopted/admitted that Steve Dressermans idea was better. Or just accepted his help in the first place. I say could have, because there is no way she would have. Not too late, Jack! You are going to have to explain it away some day, some how.
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I used to make a baked bean 'curry' out of an onion, one tin of tomatoes and one tin of beans, with all the juices and sauce, plus curry powder/spices. I found the recipe on a parenting site (not mumsnet) and it works pretty well with rice or pittas when you're skint. Obviously not high in protein, but still quite filling and nice. There's tons of cheap recipes and ideas around like this, there's nothing special about any of Jack's recipes or anything that warrants a publishing contract.
That actually sounds tasty. unlike peach and chickpea curry 🤢
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Ninnies, I have just heard ‘Not my circus, not my monkeys’ IN REAL LIFE, IN POLISH!!!! It took all of my power not to say where I had heard it 🦉🍾 My only release is writing it here. Go well, pals.
A Frau in the wild, as sure as eggs is (inexplicable) eggs
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Omg what if the vile burned but uncooked cookies were for SB to give to his teachers on the last day of term?

Everyone else walks in with wine, chocolates, quirky mugs and here comes the poor lad with a Tupperware box and melamine cutlery looking embarrassed. It really worries me that this could be true.
She's not that thoughtful. Do they do that in secondary?
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VIP Member
Omg what if the vile burned but uncooked cookies were for SB to give to his teachers on the last day of term?

Everyone else walks in with wine, chocolates, quirky mugs and here comes the poor lad with a Tupperware box and melamine cutlery looking embarrassed. It really worries me that this could be true.
Nah his dad would have sorted that, sb and his mates will use them for conker practice

🤣😂 resentments in the bin, yeah right! 🙄 so bitter and twisted
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