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VIP Member
Not quite off topic but feels like a Jack adjacent public service announcement that these new mccoys are not like a ‘fire pit’ and didn’t give me an ouchy mouth or lip fillers. Just in case Jack gets any ideas!
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Chatty Member
Oh I also found this (Jack adjacent). Turns out there is some landmark libel action going on in Israel St... Article states quite a lot of it centred around suing figures on the labour left.

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VIP Member
Her gums actually look quite red and sore, I wonder if she has periodontis. ( gum disease) perhaps that's all the ouchy mouth and dentist appointments are about her teef are falling out and also the reason for softy soft food.
They've always got that black line of calculus on them too. She's definitely not a fan of the tooth brush for sure.
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Chatty Member
I would really like to hear Jack explain it. But of course she won’t. She’s hoping it will just quietly sink and be forgotten about.

But it was the company that claimed (and was paid) furlough payments. That’s the bit I don’t understand. If there was no income going through the company, why would it be claiming furlough?
Someone shared a post on here a couple of weeks ago where Jack said she'd paid furlough out of her own pocket. If that's the case, she certainly had a decent amount of money coming in from somewhere. :unsure: Quite how that's been recorded via company accounts is beyond my minimal understanding of the internal workings of the furlough scheme.

I've said this all along as a reason not to put too much hope in HMRC bringing her down via On A Bootstrap Ltd - it's entirely possible she was raking in all the money from TV etc as a sole trader.
That's true - but if she was honest* :LOL: when she submitted her self assessment return**, and included all of her income, she would still have had a substantial tax payment due after the year end. We've seen her possible Patreon earnings, those alone would put her over the PAYE threshold, then all of the TV work (although she says most of it is unpaid...whatever) on top, plus book advances if she's had any (are they taxable, when they have to eventually be repaid? Probably not, so we'll give her the benefit of the doubt there) and any other paid jobs: Guardian, the unpaid-now-paid Times article etc etc. I guess we'll never know, because obviously this is all private stuff - even though she likes to divulge so much of her private life on Twatter!

*I highly doubt this happened, but this is purely speculative
**I bet she's one of those people who waits until late January to file her SA at the very last minute!
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Glaswegian fraus, can we blame Jack's visit and influence for the Chip going full metal chain, in restaurant parlance?
For the non-locals, a well-established fancy West End restaurant in Glasgow which is one of three differently-named/themed hostelries owned by a local family (microchain?) has been bought by a national pub macrochain.
ruined for me by a) Sarah Vine mis-naming it The Ubiquitous Fish one time and forever making me laugh and b) not being that good really.
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Chatty Member
Wasn’t this a few months ago? IIRC, Laura Murray then went on to sue someone for saying words on Twitter so frankly, they are all idiots who are clogging up the courts.
You're right on both counts MrK, today Murray was given the go-ahead to appeal.
ETA the legal fees involved are eye watering compared to the damages awarded in these cases.
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Chatty Member
It doesn't add up at all. Can't answer the door, can't open her post as The Poverty has left her with PTSD, gets some money and just fritters it away 🤷.
Not only that, she takes her (first or second? Help, timeline Fraus) advance and spite purchases TWO fugly coats from Burberry. It makes so little sense.
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For those who think the dog isn't hers due to timing of photos - she has had the dog a month, and posted photos/videos on the following days:

21/6 (Tue)
22/6 (Wed)
23/6 (Thu)
30/6 (Thu)
3/7 (Sun)
5/7 (Tue)
14/7 (Thu)
17/7 (Sun)
21/7 (Thu)

There has been a grand total of ONE video involving both SB and the dog, the ball-throwing on the very first day. There have been no photos of the two together.

In the "Jack bought a dog" column, we have:

* Jack's longterm habit of irresponsibility in acquiring pets at inappropriate times (eg two kittens mid-Poverty, the disabled kitten while in the throes of a post-LJC breakdown)
* Jack's longterm habit of ignoring pets once they are part of her household
* Jack's track record of acquiring pets that are purely Jack's, and have little/nothing to do with SB (most notably the disabled kitten)
* photo of a very young puppy on public transport, indicative of a) incredible irresponsibility and b) lack of car - Jack fits both criteria
* dog's stupid name, unlikely to have been chosen by a child or indeed anyone normal
* Spaniel Friend, who knows Jack IRL, leaving comments that indicate Jack is the dog's owner
* Jack constantly sharing dog tag phone number on Twitter. If the phone number belonged to another person, they would be furious
* SB's father is known to breed cats, suggesting that it's less likely he would buy a large puppy

To add, for anyone who believes Jack bought the dog for SB, remember Jack's renowned selfishness - does anyone honestly think a woman who gives her son a pre-nibbled biscuit as a treat would buy him a puppy?

As far as I can see, any belief that the dog doesn't belong to Jack is purely wishful thinking with nothing to back it up. This is a woman who left her rabbit in a shed and locked an extremely sick kitten in the bathroom at night, do people honestly think she'd hesitate before shutting the dog in a confined space and heading out to get her hair braided?
Really informative post, thank you for putting it together. It makes sense once you see the dates altogether. I honestly thought she would be deploying Laurie mate several times a day but it appears the novelty has worn off. Cooper has been missing for a while in pics unless that is him under the dog.
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Chatty Member
I see the confirmation statement and 2019 accounts have been filed and posted to Companies House. Have I missed a dissection by some accountant Fraus?
2020 and 2021 are still missing 🤔
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VIP Member
Her gums actually look quite red and sore, I wonder if she has periodontis. ( gum disease) perhaps that's all the ouchy mouth and dentist appointments are about her teef are falling out and also the reason for softy soft food.
Apparently vapes can be as bad/worse than smoking for this
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