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So what’s happening with:

1. The #VimesBootsIndex
2. The landmark libel trial against MP Lee Anderson
3. The taxes for Jack Monroe LTD company On a bootstrap Ltd
4. The other charity donation from the teemill money
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I’ve just seen this on Facebook. I don’t understand as I thought rice was about £8 now.
This is more complex and useful than anything Jack has ever done.
Wow, it looks like some kind of index? I thought it was impossible to make those! Must have had a team of volunteers behind her o_O
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Remember when she posted for advice about how to cut Black hair at the height of BLM (and also at the height of social distancing 😂)? It's for clout, to insert and centre herself into these conversations as though she has any right to be talking about it, rather than just listening to the experiences of Black people.
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There’s no secret handbook, it’s just difference in opinion / what people choose to react to and that’s all. Not everyone’s going to agree all the time, but as long as we’re all respectful then there’s no damage.

Re: Louisa - I guess with her she’s not currently relevant to Jack in that she’s not actively communicating to or about Jack like the squigs / Nigella et al. are (and I agree that some of them play to Tattle, and some of them are not the hard hitting journalists who are hoped for) but she’s a small account and one that isn’t courting Jack in any way at all.
We don’t post screenshots of other small accounts, so the same should apply?

At the end of the day like I’m sure we’ll agree - not everyone has to agree with everything that’s posted on a public forum. I’m not in any doubt I piss off people with mod stuff (😂) but reports have to be acknowledged and there ya go.
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Personally - and I know this might be an unpopular opinion - I just don't care what Louisa is doing now. There's no indication that she has anything to do with Jack anymore, or that her posts are aimed at Jack in any way.

She's moved on with her life - good for her, but whatever she's doing, it's no longer connected to Jack. If people want to follow her etc, fine, but screenshotting her stories and sharing them here feels unnecessary, and like we're trying to keep her publicly tied to a woman that she LEFT more than two years ago.
Yeah I must admit I’m not too bothered about the LJC love too. She’s not a hero she’s just another super connected media type who is over sharing her glow up and career advancement to all her other media friends. I’m sorry that she probably had a bad time with Jack, and I’m amazed by the fact that since 2020 she seems to have lost approximately 20 years. But she’s not relevant to Jack now. That was THEN, this is NOW as our fave smol pix might say.

Sounds more like frozen shoulder/rotator cuff injury/muscle weakness in the back resulting in dysfunctional shoulder movement and humeral movement following overtraining/poor form injuries sustained when benchpressing monarchs and rinsing the water rower for about a week. The timeline would match up as well - the decade gap fits in perfectly with the overexercising, too. As does the purchasing of expensive home equipment rather than going to a gym and doing these things properly, gradually and safely. You know what would be good for unfreezing and rehabilitating grumpy shoulders, though? Taking swimming lessons. Strengthening back muscles; delts, rhomboids, unwinging those bastard scapulae. Staying the fuck away from benchpresses, pressups and frantic rowing on maximum resistance for a week before stopping again due to yet another injury.

But since Davina McShouty of the hairdye ads and Mumsnet have fixed upon the idea that anything women can have going wrong with them is clearly because they are but simple beasts hostage to their withering ovaries the instant they're past the age of a Sherbert DibDab Eater, everything from genuine illness and injury to being pissed off with your boss/OH if you have one/noisy neighbour's new Content and dogshit on the lawn/the person in ASDA's who lets everything go through the till before remembering that they need milk and bread and going back to get it is all nothing to do with other people being dicks and down to the inherent mental and physical weakness of females.

110 years+ of trying to change attitudes towards women being inferior, dysfunctional animals due to their wombs and ovaries, all cast aside.
Your peri menopause spoiler is EXACTLY IT. Whilst I’m glad that the topic is now a subject of mainstream conversation, I feel like we’re scaring younger women unnecessarily for something that isn’t really … all that bad, for most people? It’s like there are some women who are crippled every month by their periods but most aren’t. Just because Davina had a bad meno doesn’t mean everyone will. I agree that it’s just a return to the days of women being regarded as unstable and a slave to their hormones.

It’s true that women in their 40s and above tend to take no shit and that’s because they’ve got life experience and feel less social (and sometimes internal) pressure to be compliant and nice, especially to men. Some men can’t handle the ego death that this creates so they decide it must all be down to our hormones.

TBH the most erratic and emotionally unstable people I’ve had to deal with have been men in their 50s but no one’s out there attributing that to their waning testosterone.
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Tough old time = mid month, waiting for patreon payday

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How’s that deflation of ego working out for you Jack?

I suspect every share is a “main share” when Jack’s at a meeting 🙄. We’re often not as hot an AA area where I am but we don’t use the term “main share” because we’re trying to be less Billy big baws (as in nobody is more important, even if they do open the meeting.) It’s a tiny point on the grand scheme of things but calling it that coupled with the announcing on Twitter to half a million people that she was asked to do it makes me a bit 😬

(Last point on AA - I enjoy opening shares because there’s always something I can take out of them. But I find that birthday shares are slightly less enjoyable because you know you’re going to be asked to share so you can mentally prepare. Turning up at a meeting 20 minutes before the start and the Chair asking you gives a more organic share imo. You just go with what comes out and even if it’s stuff you hadn’t planned to share then that’s ok)
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I’ve been lurking a while and came to say you lot are genius level smart and downright hilarious, thank you.
Also, Cack Cornrow.
I’ll see myself out.
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Amazing. She's cured because that sunbathing pose and clambering into hammocks would be impossible for someone unable to brush their own fucking hair
From personal experience it isn't the climbing IN to the hammock that is problematic...
My one and only experience with hammocks was a few years back in a John Lewis. They had a hammock on display and I was considering a purchase.
I got in all well and good and it was lovely. Then I tried to get out. It was the most undignified experience of my life and drew a small crowd, including my husband who couldn't help me for laughing.
I have huge doubts that she is getting in and out of a hammock with arthritis, which is my polite way of saying she's lying about the arthritis.
See also the egg chairs. Those things are also tricky to navigate if you have mobility issues.
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I just know I'll be singing the wrong words for the rest of my life...
A stupid boy in my primary school used to sing "stand on your liver, your money or your mice". I still hear that to this day. I hope that little shit grew up to be a top tier Jack Patreon subscriber.
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Surely this nose is a serious Facetune error?

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Yes, she’s elongated it too much. Plus, if you look at her face but sort of focus your eyes just above her left eyebrow, she really does morph into a cut price Jesy Nelson. It’s trippy, like one of those magic eye posters from the 90s.

I hear what you’re saying Coloured, I’m happy to stop referring to LJC, but this place is a mine field. We just had an entire thread about a walrus. Where do we draw the line with regards to what is “acceptable”? Do we say no more chatter or exposure of Allegra, Trifle Defender, Go Henry squig, all squigs, Big Dave, SBs dad, Iqbal, Harold, Nigella…ya know all the people we talk about that have some connection no matter how limited to Jack? 🤷‍♀️

I’m not throwing my toys out of the pram I genuinely don’t know how to navigate what is and isn’t acceptable on here some times. It’s like there’s some kind of secret handbook that we get extracts from via reactions - 🤯
I think we should all just say what we like, we have differing opinions on all sorts of things but there’s never any pile on or bullying, I’ve never been offended by anything anyones said even when I disagree with them and it’s honestly one of the nicest corners of the internet. :)
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I am currently battling shoulder trouble. Rather than fork out to get someone to do braids, I just clip my hair back with an inexpensive claw clip. Hope that helps, Jack.
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Nice one Lads, the next meeting is gonna begin with people who previously had to endure poo biscuits being treated to Jack’s riff on rarebit where she blends flour, lard, a cheese single and cold lapsong (infused with orange peel, natch) spread on raw bread then lightly toasted until the edges are black but the middle is cold.
That’s on you lot. Think on.
"Sling it in a blender if you're in a rush. Can even freeze it and make rarebit candles, they smell like cheese! I've been making rarebit since I was a child under the kindly but firm eye of a Welsh neighbour" etc
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Moving away from the shit hair debacle, all I’ll say is:
I’ve had a frozen shoulder (appreciate not the same as whatever made up condition Jack experiences). I could barely wipe my own arse without being in agony. I didn’t pleat my hair. I have frizzy hair. It goes humid in the heat, if I leave it to dry without using a hairdryer or straighteners it looks like the Queen’s hair.
during the time of my frozen shoulder i struggled to dress myself. Every step I took sent a pain right up through my body and into my shoulder. I was nervous walking, nervous going to bed in case I rolled over onto it.
i struggled with eating, washing myself etc etc. bra’s were a very difficult challenge.
with the use of loads of meds and a TENS machine it eventually went away, but the point I’m making is:
She could simply have stood in the shower, washed her hair with one hand, rinsed it, brushed it and left it to dry naturally. Nobody would have commented, she wouldn’t have the recourse to come back with all the ‘I can’t even have my hair fixed without people attacking me’ etc.
How she’s been able to lie on her front with her arms out like that whilst IN A FUCKING HAMMOCK with a supposed fucked shoulder, I’ll never, ever understand. If it tips she can’t put her arm out to break her fall etc.
she’s a liar, and I don’t think there’s anything wrong with her shoulder. She’s demonstrated an ability to tweet, write, use a phone, hold a pen, balance in a hammock, apply SPF and she couldn’t put a comb through her hair?
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